Monday, April 15, 2013


So I am an emotional mess right now.  My second final exam is tomorrow, in human physiology, and I do not feel at all prepared for it, not as prepared as I probably should be at least.  So, because of that, I already don't want to write anything today, except that I am OCD and have an innate need to please everyone, so there's no way I can miss a day.

And then I came home from work and heard about the bombings that happened in Boston, on the route of Boston Marathon, and now I feel like anything I write needs to be about that.  But I am way too tired and stressed and overwhelmed right now to even be able to form coherent thoughts, let alone write anything good.  So I am going to just end it here today, because, for another day in a row... I just can't even.

Days until summer: 2
Exams until summer: 2
Days until camp: 42



1 comment:

  1. Sending you good luck vibes for your exam tomorrow.
