Wednesday, March 23, 2011


I have to say something.  At least one person who reads this probably isn't going to agree, but I need to get it out.

So you've all heard that song called Friday by Rebecca Black, right?  If you haven't, you can hear the song and see the music video here.  (If you haven't heard it, I strongly suggest you do so before you continue reading this post--it will make so much more sense if you actually know what I'm talking about.)

Ever since this song came out last week, people have really been giving this girl a hard time, saying that it's a stupid song and she's so dumb and blah blah blah.  First of all, she's only thirteen years old, give the girl a break.  Or we could talk about all the stupid stuff you were doing when you were thirteen...thought so.

Second of all, she didn't write the song.  Now, I will admit that it's kind of a stupid song.  Catchy, but stupid.  Although, if she had written it, I would have to give her props, because goodness knows it's better than anything I could have written when I was thirteen!  But either way, it's not her song.  It's a song that someone else wrote, that some music label wanted her to sing.  And don't you dare try and pretend that, if you were in her shoes, you would have said no.  Someone big record label wants to sign you, produce your albums, shoot your music videos and basically make you a big star...but it just so happens that the first single is a pretty dumb song.  Don't pretend for even a second that you would have said no.  I know I wouldn't!  I would gladly sing that song if it meant all kinds of fame and fortune (I mean, if I could sing...).

So, you know what?  Yea, it's a really stupid song.  But shut up about it.  Don't take it out on a poor thirteen year old girl who just wants to go somewhere with the talent she has.  Goodness knows that some of the greatest musicians have sang some pretty terrible songs, but that doesn't stop us from loving them.  So just leave the poor girl alone!
And frankly, as bad as it is, Friday is a really catchy song!

love <3

P.S. What do you want to do before you die?  Let me know here!
P.P.S. April is only nine days away, and guess what...I'm doing BEDA again this year!  Get ready for a whole month of Seana!

Saturday, March 5, 2011

What's Your Dream?

I've never known what I wanted to do with the rest of my life.
Wait...that's a huge lie.
Throughout my childhood, I wanted to be everything under the sun, from a teacher to a model to a doctor, dentist, and vet all at the same time (I was going to live at my cottage and take care of my parents and dogs*).  I had a huge imagination and there was no end to the possible jobs.

The problem is, since I stopped being a child and started getting serious about my future (basically when I started high school) I really haven't known what I wanted to be.  I jumped from physiotherapist to dietitian to chiropractor to pharmacist.  Now I'm doing a degree in nutrition, but I still don't really know where I see myself, career-wise, even in five years.

A couple months ago, I took a career aptitude test, just to see what a generic test thought I should do. (I also tried to Google "what should I be when I grow up" but that didn't end quite as well)  My top answer: actor.  Within my top five, there was also director, director of photography, and comedian (the Internet knows I'm funny!)  I wasn't so appreciative of my answers at first, because so many of them were show-biz related, and it's not like that's an easy field to get into.

I couldn't ignore my top answer, though.  Actor.  I've wanted to be an actor for as long as I can remember.  Mixed in with all my unrealistic and unsuccessful ideas, I have always wanted to act.  Drama is actually one of my biggest passions and basically the only thing I could ever really see myself doing (or working with kids--my other passion).

Which leads to the question, why is that not what I'm doing?!  If acting is my passion, why am I majoring in biochemistry, which I don't even really like that much, instead of pursuing acting?!  The answer: I really don't know.  My school doesn't have a drama department, but I don't think that should stop me from pursuing my dream.

So for now, I don't know.  I'll stick with biochem until I get my degree and then after that...we'll see.  Maybe in five years, when you go to the movie theater, you'll see my name on the big screen!

So tell me: what's your passion?  What's that one dream you've always had, for as long as you can remember?  Are you doing anything to reach it?

love <3

*Since then, my parents have split up, sold the cottage, and two of my dogs have died...good thing I got over that dream!