Wednesday, April 30, 2014

Is Butter a Carb?

Well look at that, it's the last day of BEDA.  As much as blogging every day this month has been kind of a headache, I will admit that it has gone by very quickly.  I know I say this at the end of BEDA every year, and I really say it at the end of every month, but I can't believe how fast everything is going, how fast life is going.

Speaking of life going by quickly, today is the tenth anniversary of Mean Girls.  I remember going to see it in theaters when it first came out, and it really is hard to believe that it's already been ten years.  This movie had such a huge impact on our society and culture as a whole, and it feels like it's only been around for a couple years, definitely not ten.

I have watched Mean Girls probably over 50 times.  Realistically, it's probably been more than that, but I don't really want to admit how truly obsessed I am.  Because I think Mean Girls is the kind of movie that everyone needs to see at least once, tonight I watched it with my mom for the first time.  She said she had never seen it before, but somehow I don't quite believe that.  I mean, she's been related to me for the entire time that Mean Girls has been a thing; how have I never made her watch it before??

Either way, she claimed to have never seen it yet, so we watched it together tonight.  It is such a funny movie, one of my favourites, and is so quotable.  Let me know your favourite quote in the comments!

Days until cruise: 8


PS. Now that BEDA is over, I honestly don't know how often I'll be blogging.  Last year, I didn't post anything from the end of BEDA 2013 to the beginning of BEDA 2014.  I'd like to say that I'll post something between now and next April, but really... who knows?  If you have any requests or suggestions for future posts, definitely let me know!  I really will try my best to post at least once or twice a month, but as always, I'm not making any promises.

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

It Takes Two

Today has been the definition of an exhausting day.  I woke up unfortunately early (3:30am!) to catch a flight back to Toronto!  It is actually so hard to believe that it's been nearly four months since I was last here; 2014 is going by way too fast!

I slept the entire three hours on the plane, and I had a two and a half hour nap this afternoon.  I really shouldn't be tired.  Maybe it's the wine and champagne I had this evening with my mom; who knows?  Either way, I know I am going to sleep well tonight!

I am actually spending this evening watching It Takes Two with my mom.  Do you guys remember that movie?  It's from 1995, with Mary-Kate and Ashley Olsen, Kirstie Alley and Steve Guttenberg.  I have loved this movie for the nearly twenty years it has been in existance, and it is one of mine and my mom's favourite movies to quote.

Do you have any movies that are a tradition to watch?  Let me know in the comments!

Days until Toronto: 0!!!!
Days until cruise: 9


Monday, April 28, 2014

Trip of a Lifetime

Today's post is probably going to be pretty short because I'm posting from my phone again. My computer's being a buttface again and I've been trying for over an hour and a half to get it working properly again. Rather than risk anything I figured I would just use my phone again.

So today was my last shift at work for three weeks. I'm obviously really excited for not only some time off, but also how I'll be spending that time.  I don't think it'll necessarily be a relaxing three weeks off but it'll be definitely be memorable. And, in my opinion, great memories are much better than relaxing. That opinion might change, though... don't hold me to it!

Days until Toronto: 1!!
Days until cruise: 10


Sunday, April 27, 2014


Well.  It's only 18 minutes until midnight, I haven't posted anything yet today and I have no ideas.  I didn't really do anything today other than be mocked for having lost my voice last night, nap, and act ridiculous because coffee.

I feel like I've been acting ridiculous because coffee a lot lately.  I've also been really happy and in a good mood lately, and I feel like those two put together, plus the fact that I'm just a crazy person to begin with... well, I think that pretty much sums up why I've been acting like a crazy person.

Also, I'm watching Gossip Girl as I write this and I think it's distracting me.  My hair is also distracting me.  So are my nails.  And my phone.  And literally everything.  I'm very distracted right now, and my time is almost up to get this post up on time.  So, I guess that's what that is.

Days until Toronto: 2!!
Days until cruise: 11


Saturday, April 26, 2014

Brain Farts

I'm posting early today because I'm going out tonight and I don't know what time I'll be home, nor do I know what state I'll be in when I do eventually get home.

The problem is that I don't have any ideas for what to write about today.  I feel like all month long has been a mix of brain farts and writer's block.  I mean, I know that I am no master with the words, but I feel like all the other years that I've participated in BEDA, I have been a lot better with the words and the posting and just... everything.

I wonder why this year has been different.  I wonder if it's because I've been busier this year, throughout the whole month of April and haven't had as much time as I would like to devote to blogging.  Or I wonder if it's because I haven't been as interested in BEDA this year as I usually am.  I mean, all the other years, I've been excited about it and I wanted to do it.  But this year it was different.  I mean, it wasn't until halfway through April 1st that I even remembered that it was the first day of BEDA.  Honestly, if I hadn't known other people who were doing it and seen their posts, I probably would have forgotten about it completely.  And once I started I knew I had to see it the whole month through; there was no way I was going to give up before the end of April.  But, in all honesty, based on the way this month has gone so far, I probably won't do BEDA again.  BEDA is how this blog got started and it would be weird for me to not do it again, but it's not something that really matters to me any more.  I mean, I'm going to finish the rest of this month, of course.  And by next year, I will have to really think about whether I want to commit to blogging every day for a whole month.  The truth is that I don't really have that much to talk about.  Or maybe I do, but all those good thoughts and ideas are just a little too far out of reach.  Like I already said, this has been a month-long brain fart... or maybe it's been longer than a month at this point.

I'm not really sure what I just wrote about, but you can take it for whatever you want.

Days until Toronto: 3
Days until cruise: 12


Friday, April 25, 2014

Mindless Rambles

I was just about to go to bed and totally forgot that it was still April and I still had to blog.  While I was walking home from work tonight, I had this brilliant idea to talk about personalities and how different people are drawn to different personality traits, and how I'm loud and obnoxious and probably pretty annoying but I'm funny so people are friends with me.  It was going to be really intelligent and eloquent, but I guess I'll have to save it for another night.  Unless this paragraph just completely ruined the whole idea, in which case... oops? #sorrynotsorry

I can't believe how few days there are left of BEDA, but I think these last few are going to be the most fun-filled.  Or the more hectic, depending on how you look at it.  Is the class half full or half empty?

Well now I'm just rambling, so I'm going to go.  If you have any last-minute requests for BEDA, please leave them down in the comments!

Days until Toronto: 4
Days until cruise: 13


PS. I posted a new video today!  It's a Q&A and is probably more interesting than reading this blog, so you can watch it here! :)

Thursday, April 24, 2014


Guuuuys, I don't know what to talk about today!  I am just so tired, all I want to do is close my eyes for just a second... I'm not sleeping, just resting my eyes...

Just kidding, I'm not sleep-blogging, although I am tired enough that I totally could.

I only have one idea for a blog topic for today and it might be kind of weird, but I'm just going to go for it.

So I have kind of weird issues when it comes to commitment and change.  I have a very addictive personality and when I love something, I don't want it to change.  I really don't do well with change; I like when things stay exactly the same.  And, when things do have to change, it usually doesn't go over all that well with me.  I deal with it, but in my head, I'm kind of freaking out.  The reason that this is a current issue is because tonight I had to tell a bunch of kids I teach at the pool that I won't be their teacher any more.  I have been teaching these kids for at least eight weeks, some since January, and even some of them since September.  The reason I won't be their teacher any more is because I'm leaving for my trip next week and will end up missing three weeks of Thursdays.  I am actually so sad that I'm not going to be teaching some of these kids again.  As excited as I am about my trip, I wish it didn't mean that I won't be seeing these kids any more.

How do feel about change?  Do you hate it as much as I do, or are you better at dealing with it?  Let me know in the comments!

Days until Toronto: 5
Days until cruise: 14


Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Technology Dependent!

Hey guys!  Sorry yesterday's post was kind of a gong show.  I honestly thought I wasn't going to be able to get anything up.  Thank goodness for smart phones!  But my computer is working again now, which I am very thankful for.

Along that vein, today I want to talk about our dependance on technology.  I feel like, in our society, we are expected to be plugged in all day every day.  Between computers, phones and tablets, there is in theory never a time when we can't talk to anyone in the world anywhere in the world.  But sometimes, I don't want to be plugged in.  I like turning off my computer and phone and not worrying so much about what's going on everywhere else and just focus on myself.  I'm not saying I'm good at this; I am definitely not!  Between all the different websites I frequent, I'm usually not even that good at turning everything off to go to bed!  But I do think our society these days is way too dependent on technology to get through the day.  I don't know how we can change this, but I definitely think we should.

What do you think about our society's dependance on technology?  Let me know in the comments!

Days until Toronto: 6
Days until cruise: 15


Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Computer Woes

Hey guys.  Today's post is going to be really short, because I am currently trying to write and post this from my phone.  Blogging from my phone is actually proving to be way less complicated than I was anticipating.  The reason, however, that I am posting this from my phone and not my computer is because my laptop is going through technology PMS and has been acting weird all day.  Hopefully I can get it up and running either later tonight or tomorrow!  Not that I really urgently need it for anything specific, I just don't like when it's not working.

See, I told you today's post would be short!  In the comments, tell me a story from your day.

Days until Toronto: 7
Days until cruise: 16


Monday, April 21, 2014


The idea for today's post comes from a question we have used for debriefs at camp.  The question is: if you could have any superpower, what would be it?

As someone who doesn't really possess the ability to make any decision ever, this question is next to impossible for me to answer.  I mean, there are so many options!  I could fly!  I could read minds!  I could even be invisible!  I mean, presented with this many reasonable options, how on Earth could I possibly pick just one?  This many choices is the reason I can't make decisions!

However, after thinking long and hard about this question, I think the one superpower I would want to have would be the ability to teleport: to be able to snap my fingers and instantly be anywhere in the world I want to be.  I picked this super power for two reasons: one, most of my family lives really far from where I live and I hardly ever get to see them and it makes me really sad.  So being able to go and see them whenever I want and wherever I want would be the most convenient.  The other reason I picked teleportation is that I love to travel, and being able to travel anywhere without having to worry about all the planes, trains and automobiles would be awesome!

If you could have any superpower, which one would you pick?  Let me know in the comments!

Days until Toronto: 8
Days until cruise: 17


Sunday, April 20, 2014


I have been sitting here, staring at a blinking cursor for at least ten minutes, trying to figure out what to write about today, and I legitimately have no ideas.  I even briefly considered talking about the weather, that's how little inspiration I have right now.

Have you ever had those friends that you're not really sure how you became friends with?  I mean, when we were younger, we befriended people we went to school with and people we did extracurricular activities with.  As we got older and started working, we became friends with people we worked with.  For most of the people that I'm good friends with, I can pinpoint a time or reason that we became friends.  But then there are some people, when I think about our friendship, I literally have no idea how we became friends.  I don't mean this in a bad way, I wouldn't be friends with someone if I didn't want to be.  But with some people, I cannot remember the moment we went from being peers or acquaintances to being friends.

Has this ever happened to you?  Do you have friends where you have no idea how you became friends with them?  Let me know in the comments, because I really need to know that it's not just me!

Days until Toronto: 9
Days until cruise: 18


Saturday, April 19, 2014

Haul Time!

After work today, I treated myself to a little shopping spree!  Well, "spree" is a bit of an exaggeration.  They were all very specific things that I needed, in one way or another, rather than things that I just wanted... you know what I mean!  Anyway, once I got home from shopping I took some pictures of the things I bought, and I thought I would use this as an opportunity to do a little haul post for you!

Necessary groceries are necessary

Cleaning supplies!

These are totally random
 Have you gone on any shopping sprees lately?  Let me know some things you've picked up in the comments!

Days until Toronto: 10
Days until cruise: 19


Friday, April 18, 2014


I was already in bed, about to fall alseep when I realized that I didn't post anything today... oops!!  As I am already half asleep, today's post is not really going to be much of anything, sorry!  But I will have something much better tomorrow, I promise!

Days until Toronto: 11
Days until cruise: 20


Thursday, April 17, 2014

Dinner Dates!

I am getting the idea for today's blog post from a question in my Q & A a day five-year journal.  The question is: What famous person would you bring back from the dead and have dinner with?

This is a very interesting question for me.  I mean, there are definitely a lot of famous people that I would love to get the chance to meet and spend time with.  But most of the people I would pick are still alive.  Plus, presumably this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I can only bring one famous person back from the dead, not as many as I want.  Those of you who know me know that I am horrible at picking favourites, or picking one of anything.  So picking only one person is next to impossible for me.

Before I reveal who I would pick,* I want to know your answer to this question.  Let me know in the comments which famous person you would bring back from the dead and have dinner with!

Days until Toronto: 12
Days until cruise: 21


PS. If I could pick anyone, not just a famous person, I would pick my Grandma.  She passed away when I was 12 and I have always wished I could talk to her and know her as two adults.

*I didn't plan this post far enough in advance and I literally cannot think of anyone.  I need some ideas from you guys!

Wednesday, April 16, 2014


Guuuuys, work is getting in the way of my ability to blog.  Seriously, the struggle is so real.

But in all seriousness, it's really hard for me to come up with a good idea for something to blog about when all my day consisted of was sleeping in all morning and working all afternoon.  I know, I know, my life is so difficult.

So I was just on the phone with my mom and we were talking about all the things we're going to be doing while I'm home in May, and then we started planning things for our cruise.  I have never been on a cruise before and there are literally no words to describe how excited I am for this one.  Going on any vacation with my mom is the exact opposite of relaxing; she likes to call it "Kerry's Bootcamp"!  But that doesn't even bother me for this trip.  I mean, this is definitely a once-in-a-lifetime trip and I do not want to spend the whole time sleeping or doing nothing on the boat.  I want to explore and experience things and just have a general great time!

Eeeeep, I'm really excited for May!

Days until Toronto: 13
Days until cruise: 22


Tuesday, April 15, 2014


I had a few different thoughts over the course of the day as to what I was going to blog about for BEDA today.  But now that it is 11:30pm and the exhaustion of today and this past week and even these past few months is fully hitting me, I unfortunately cannot remember anything I thought of blogging about.  So, I am going to keep this very short and say that I am very happy that exams are over (at least for me) and that I now have a few months off from school* and that I am only two weeks away from an awesome vacation.  Let me know in the comments something you're excited for in the next few weeks!

Days until summer: 0!
Exams until summer: 0!
Days until Toronto: 14
Days until cruise: 23


*Sort of. I'm working on getting my Early Childhood Education diploma online and am hoping to finish that program before September. Weeeeee!

Monday, April 14, 2014

Halfway There!

Today's post is not going to be very long or, honestly, very interesting for that matter.  This is for two reasons: one, all I did today was last-minute studying this morning and then writing my first exam this afternoon; and two, I didn't get out of my exam until 5:30ish and I have my other exam at noon tomorrow.  So tonight is completely dedicated to studying, not blogging (unfortunately).  But the good news is that, after my exam tomorrow, I will be all done and officially on summer break!!  I say break, instead of vacation, because the next two weeks are not at all going to be a vacation.  Between tomorrow and April 29th, I only have three days off from work and two of them are because the pool is closed for Easter.  Needless to say, I will be extremely busy.  But then I'm going home/on a trip and will not be working at all for three weeks.  So I can deal with a busy next two weeks if it means I get to enjoy a great three weeks off!

Days until summer: 1!
Exams until summer: 1!
Days until cruise: 24


Sunday, April 13, 2014

The Home Stretch

I'm not really sure how or when this happened, but somehow this school year is about to come to a close.  The last eight months have gone by so fast, they almost feel like a dream (unfortunately, the really were real life).  Now I am in the home stretch of this year.  As of right now, all that stands between me and summer break/vacation is 36ish hours and two final exams.  I don't know how prepared or not prepared I feel, but I'm not going to worry too much.  The time will pass and the exams will be written whether I worry myself to death or not.  So, no point in stressing out too much!  Bring it on!

Days until summer: 2
Exams until summer: 2
Days until cruise: 25


PS. A new video went up on my youtube channel today!  It's all about the 10 things that make me happy, and I would love if you watched it! :)

Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Movie of My Life

Maybe this is a weird thing to be admitting to essentially the whole Internet, but I often think about the movie of my life.  I fully believe that one day, a movie will be made about my life and I am genuinely curious as to what that will look like.  It'll be a comedy, naturally.  It'll have its not-so-funny moments, as all movies do, but overall it will be hilarious.  If I had my choice, I would want Emma Stone to play me (I'm watching Easy A right now and I seriously love this movie and her!) except that I would want her at the age she is now to play young-adult me.  For adult me, I feel like I would want Sandra Bullock to play me.  I mean, by the time the movie about my life actually comes out, who knows if either of them will still even be acting; I might have to change my choices.  But fear not!  One day there will be a movie of my life, and I will be choosing all the actors for all the characters... I have big dreams.

If you were having a movie made about your life, who would you want to play you?  Let me know in the comments!

Days until summer: 3
Exams until summer: 2
Days until cruise: 26


Friday, April 11, 2014


Early this morning, I dragged my sleepy lazy ass out of bed and I went with some friends to see the sunrise.

We drove out to Cape Spear which, for those of you not from Newfoundland, is the most Easterly point in North America.  This means that we got an amazing view of a truly magnificent sunrise.  It also means that we got to see the very first sunrise in North America this morning... cool!

Because I physically do not have any words to explain how amazingly gorgeous this sunrise was, here are some pictures!

Waiting for the Sun!

A new day has started
 That was my morning! I hope you guys enjoyed my pictures!  Let me know if you ever wake up early enough to watch the sunrise.

Days until summer: 4
Exams until summer: 2
Days until cruise: 27


Thursday, April 10, 2014


Holy man, I'm tired. Thursday is such a long day for me: work for three hours, break for gym and lunch, then work again for five hours.  I've been home now for a couple hours and I can barely even keep my eyes open.  Plus, it's currently 11:58pm, which gives me two minutes to post something, and I am too tired to come up with some good and witty in that short amount of time.  So, today's post sucks.  Better things will come tomorrow, I promise.

Days until summer: 5
Exams until summer: 2
Days until cruise: 28


Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Vimy Ridge

Seven years ago, in 2007, I had the opportunity to travel to Europe with my school and be part of the 90th anniversary of the battle of Vimy Ridge.
For those of you who don't know, Vimy Ridge was a battle in World War I that occured in northern France in 1917.  During this battle, 3600 Canadian soldiers lost their lives.  To mark the 90th anniversary, on April 9th 2007, 3600 Canadian students travelled to Vimy Ridge, each student representing a specific soldier who fought at Vimy Ridge and who died at Vimy Ridge.
This trip was one of the best trips of my life, and I can't even believe it has already been seven years.  Below are a couple of my pictures from Vimy Ridge.

RIP Alfred H Libby. I never had the pleasure of meeting you, but I know you were a great man.
Days until summer: 6 
Exams until summer: 2
Days until cruise: 29

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Personal Space

Well.  My life is like one big brain fart.  Clearly all my procrastination is really getting to me.  I've been on my computer for a couple hours and I just completely forgot about having to blog.  I just looked down at my clock, saw that it was 12:05 and was like "Oh yea.  BEDA.  That's still a thing, isn't it?"  I don't even have a reason for being late today, other than that my brain is in a totally different world.

So today, I want to (briefly) talk about personal space.  I have found, mostly from working at the pool, that some people have absolutely no concept of a personal bubble.  I haven't found that it's an issue when I'm teaching lessons, because I have to help the kids, so it's usually me invading their space.  But when I'm guarding, mainly when I'm guarding standing up, not sitting in a guard chair, I have found that other people just do not understand personal space!

Let me explain.  Often when I am guarding standing up, there are lots of people walking around the pool deck.  That means that there are often people walking behind me, which is fine.  But sometimes, there are some people who walk so close to me that it actually makes me very uncomfortable.  Like, the pool deck is huge!  There is so much space for you to walk!  Why are you standing six inches behind me?!  I will add that I am not at all talking about the people who come up to me to ask me a question or something.  They are standing so close to me for a reason, and it's fine.  But if you are walking from point A to point B and you have the whole pool deck to get there and you choose to walk six inches away from me?  That doesn't make any sense to me!

Tell me a story when you have experienced a stranger getting all up in your space for no reason.  I need to know it's not just me!!

Days until summer: 7
Exams until summer: 2
Days until cruise: 30


Monday, April 7, 2014


Exams start this week which of course means that I am procrastinating like crazy!  I only have two exams (as I'm only doing two courses) so you wouldn't think I would have that much studying to do.  And, I mean, compared to most semesters of my undergrad when I was studying for five finals, this really isn't that much studying.  But, to me, any amount of studying is too much studying!

So, naturally, I am doing anything and everything I can to avoid having to study: I'm cleaning, I'm getting groceries, I'm going to work early!  I know that I eventually do have to study, that I can only put it off for so long.  But you better believe that I am doing everything possible to put it all off for as long as humanly possible!

Are you a procrastinator, or do you get things done as soon as possible?  Let me know!

Days until summer: 8
Exams until summer: 2
Days until cruise: 31


Sunday, April 6, 2014

Not Being Rushed!

[I actually totally forgot until a few minutes ago that I was doing BEDA and that, even though it's Sunday and I have done basically nothing else productive today, I still have to post something.  So this might be a shorter post than normal.]

This afternoon I filmed two videos for my youtube channel.  When I first started making videos, I used to only film one video at a time.  It made sense, at the time, because I didn't upload videos all that often and I usually didn't plan all my videos in advance.  Also, my videos used to be a lot shorter, so it was really easy to just film them one by one.  However, I quickly discovered that is was really easy to film more than one video at a time (all I do is change my shirt.  Seriously.  Sometimes I don't even change.  This video and this video were filmed the same day and I didn't even change!  Behind the scenes magic!).  Plus, it just made sense for me, because then I could edit them ahead of time and never have to worry about a video being late.

Those of you who know me know that I absolutely hate being rushed.  I will do anything and everything in my power so that I am not rushed.  When it comes to videos, I will film days, weeks, even months in advance if it prevents me from being rushed.  So, if I can film multiple videos in the same day, just changing my shirt, and it makes everything easier for me, then I will definitely do it!

The videos that I filmed today will be going up this Wednesday, April 9 and next Sunday, April 13.  What do you think they'll be??

Days until summer: 9
Exams until summer: 2
Days until cruise: 32


Saturday, April 5, 2014

Reality TV!

I know I did a post a couple days ago about how much I love TV and how much of it I watch, but seriously... not enough!  I have to do another post about TV!

So one of my biggest guilty pleasures is reality TV.  Literally, every kind of reality.  I love competition-based shows, I love shows where a camera just follows people around.  I even love the shows that are so obviously fake and set-up: I just cannot get enough of them!

Currently, the reality shows that I am watching the most are Big Brother* and Big Brother Canada, The Amazing Race, The Bachelor,** The Biggest Loser... I am sure there are more that I'm forgetting.  If I remember them, I'll add them in!

I am a very competitive person.  If I can't personally compete in something, you better believe that I still want to watch a good competition!  The thing I love about reality competition shows is that they usually take place over a long(ish) period of time and it gives a really good chance to see game development and growth, lots of strategy, that kind of thing.  I mean, all the shows I've mentioned are very different and they all involve competing for different things and I think that's what I love about each of them individually.  They all appeal to a different aspect of my competitiveness and the combination of them makes me a very happy person.

Don't get me wrong, though, I am also a very big fan of the reality shows that have no competitive side to them at all.  I am a huge fan of The Hills, which I know is not a real "reality" show at all, but I mean, c'mon!  It's so full of drama!  I'm also a fan of the whole Teen Mom series.  I really like the reality shows that are overflowing with drama.  They give me a chance to live vicariously through them, have some drama in my life without actually having to deal personally with any drama.

Let me know if you're a fan of any reality TV shows, and if there are any you think I should watch!

Days until summer: 10
Exams until summer: 2
Days until cruise: 33


*I just started rewatching season 11 of Big Brother, from the summer of 2009.  Why'd I do that??
**Do not even get me started on Juan Pablo.

Friday, April 4, 2014


The idea for today's post came to me while I was at work tonight, and I think it's a pretty funny story.

So, for those of you who don't know me, I am currently working part-time at a pool where I teach a lot of swimming lessons and occasionally lifeguard.  I really enjoy working with kids and, after having spent so much time around them, I have come to fully appreciate how many weird and hilarious things kids say on a regular basis.

So I have a watch that I wear basically every day.  It's just a pink digital watch that I got from Walmart for $10.  It's not anything fancy, but it definitely always does it's job of letting me know what time it is.  And when I say I wear it every day, that includes wearing it in the pool while I'm teaching.

I never thought it was a big deal that I wore a watch in the pool.  I mean, it's waterproof (or at least water-resistant) and I still need to know the time while I'm working.  However, a lot of the younger kids that I teach seem to think that wearing a watch in the water is a REALLY BIG DEAL!  I have been asked why I'm wearing a watch in the water, if I even realise that I still have my watch on, and if I know what happens to watches in water.

I really do appreciate their concern and, you know, if I ever accidentally bring my phone or iPod into the pool, I know they'll have my back and let me know that it's wrong.  I'm really not sure why I find it so funny; it just makes me laugh that they think they're the first person to let me know that I am, in fact, wearing a watch.

Kids say the darndest things, right?  What's something funny you've heard a kid say?  Let me know in the comments!

Days until summer: 11
Exams until summer: 2
Days until cruise: 34


Thursday, April 3, 2014


I know this post is not quite late yet, but it's not as early as the other two this month, so I'm already feeling the pressure.

So if you guys know me or have been following me for any amount of time, you probably know that I absolutely love watching TV.  My preferred way to watch TV is to binge-watch it online.

By "binge-watch" I mean watching several seasons of one show at a time.  If a show has finished airing, then I will watch the whole series, but even if it is still airing new episodes, I enjoy going back and watching all the previous episodes.

I used to never be sure why I did this and why I enjoyed it so much.  However, it occured to me one day that I have a horrible memory, especially when it comes to the details.  So, if I am watching thirty minutes to an hour of a show once a week for several months, I am never going to remember everything that happens.  But, when I watch a whole season in one day, I can absolutely remember everything that happens.

So far in 2014, I have rewatched every episode of Degrassi,* I'm all caught up on Glee and I am halfway through season three of Gossip Girl.  I know it doesn't sound like I have watched that much, especially given that I already admitted to watching a whole season in one day.  But, bear in mind, that I have still been trying to stay caught up on all the other shows I watch that are still airing new episodes.  This includes How I Met Your Mother, 2 Broke Girls, New Girl, Modern Family, Big Brother Canada, Pretty Little Liars, and probably many more that I'm forgetting.

Basically, what I am trying to tell you all is that I spend ridiculously too much of my time watching TV shows online.  Let me know what some of your favourite shows are right now!  Also, do any of you enjoy binge-watch several seasons of a show?  C'mon, I can't be alone here!

Days left of classes: 0!
Days until summer: 12
Exams until summer: 2
Days until cruise: 35


*There are 13 seasons of Degrassi.  Yup, I'm that guy.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Everything Happens For A Reason

Hey everyone!  It's April 2nd, so it's time for the second day of BEDA!
...I have never started any of my BEDA posts like that, like I am reminding you that I'm blogging every day this month, I don't know why I did it today.  It just felt right.

So this post is titled Everything Happens For A Reason because it is one of my favourite quotes and, sometimes, knowing this is all that keeps me going.  Whenever not-so-good or unexpected things happen in my life, I spend a little time being upset, but then I remind myself that whatever happens, it is always for a reason.  I may find out that reason later the same day, it may be a few months or even years before I fully realise why something has happened.  But I know that, as difficult and trying as something may be, there will eventually come a time when I will be thankful to have been put through that situation.  What doesn't kill us makes us stronger, right?

I know this post was really short, kind of deep and extremely vague, and I am sorry for all of those things.  My life has not really been going as planned lately and I just need some time to digest it all on my own.  Normal BEDA posts will be back (hopefully) tomorrow.

Days left of classes: 2
Days until summer: 13
Exams until summer: 2
Days until cruise: 36


Tuesday, April 1, 2014

BEDA 2014: Here We Go Again...?

Well, here we are again.  It's April 1st, which means it is also the first day of BEDA (Blog Every Day in April!).  I have participated in BEDA for four years now on this blog.  I debated a lot on whether I was going to do it again this year and decided that I really had no reason not to, so here I am!

I am actually a little embarrassed, if we're being perfectly honest.  I feel like a dog with its tail between its legs, knowing it's done something wrong.  I haven't posted anything on here since BEDA ended last year.  I don't even have a very good reason for my eleven-month absence.  I thought, quite a few times actually, about writing a post, but then I never followed through.  I feel like "no follow through" has become my trademark, at least to myself.  It's not a good thing but it is, at least currently, my reality.

In other news, this is my two hundredth post on this blog.  A year ago, I would have thought that my 200th post would be coming sometime in May or June, not the next April, but here we are.  I feel like this post needs to be something special, amazing, perfect, to mark the milestone of having written two hundred posts on this blog.

However, I don't really have any special, amazing thoughts for what to write about, so I'm just going to write about what I did today.  This morning started with watching last night's series finale of How I Met Your Mother.  I'm not going to go into any details about the episode, in case some of you haven't seen it yet; I don't want to spoil it.  However, I am going to say that it was not the ending I wanted and needed from this show.  This whole last season has not been good and now this ending just makes me love the show less, and I really hate that.  I almost wish the finale was some cruel, well thought-out April Fool's joke, but unfortunately, I think it really is real life.  I am going to make a video soon about the finale, going into details and everything, but for now, just know that I am not happy with the way the show ended.  If you've seen the finale, let me know in the comments what you thought.

Another thing that happened today was that we were hit with probably the biggest snow storm we've had this winter, and it isn't even winter anymore!  What the heck?!  Everything was closed this morning, including the university and the mall, and then things opened again at 1:00, but then the weather got worse and everything closed again.  The pool that I work at wasn't closed today, and I had to work at 4:00, like I do every Tuesday.  So I left my house just before 3:30 and walked to work.  It was bad outside, but it wasn't as bad as I thought it would be.  Anyway, I get to work and find out, five minutes before my shift was supposed to start, that they were closing the pool at 4:30.  I probably could have not even shown up at work and no one would have known the difference.  It at least got me out of the house and out of my pyjamas, but it would have been nice to know that I could have stayed home.  Oh well.

So that has been my day!  Tell me about your day.  Are you experiencing a #Snowmageddon like I am, or is it more spring-like?  Also, did you prank anyone for April Fool's?  I didn't, but I'd love to hear about it if you did!

Days left of class: 3
Days until summer: 14
Exams until summer: 2


PS. Please let me know if you have any requests for BEDA posts this year!  If you've been around this blog before, then you know that there are plenty of days when I struggle with things to write about.  So if there's anything you want to see/read, let me know and I'll do my best to include them all!