Saturday, April 12, 2014

The Movie of My Life

Maybe this is a weird thing to be admitting to essentially the whole Internet, but I often think about the movie of my life.  I fully believe that one day, a movie will be made about my life and I am genuinely curious as to what that will look like.  It'll be a comedy, naturally.  It'll have its not-so-funny moments, as all movies do, but overall it will be hilarious.  If I had my choice, I would want Emma Stone to play me (I'm watching Easy A right now and I seriously love this movie and her!) except that I would want her at the age she is now to play young-adult me.  For adult me, I feel like I would want Sandra Bullock to play me.  I mean, by the time the movie about my life actually comes out, who knows if either of them will still even be acting; I might have to change my choices.  But fear not!  One day there will be a movie of my life, and I will be choosing all the actors for all the characters... I have big dreams.

If you were having a movie made about your life, who would you want to play you?  Let me know in the comments!

Days until summer: 3
Exams until summer: 2
Days until cruise: 26


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