Sunday, October 31, 2010


So midnight tonight is the start of NaNoWriMo, also known as the beginning of my hibernation.  For those of you who don't know what NaNoWriMo is, it is National Novel Writing Month, and basically the objective is to write 50 000 words in thirty days (I made a video about it here. Watch it and leave comments/video responses!).

I know I'm pretty crazy for attempting to do this.  But I love writing, and I've been told I'm pretty good at it, so I figure, why not?  It's something fun to do, and it's a good way to really set a goal and make myself write.  Even if I don't get to 50 000 words, I can still say I tried, and I can still say I wrote however many words I get to.  But, just so you guys know, I probably won't be blogging as much this next month, because I will be very busy writing a novel.  I'll try to post sometimes, because if nothing else, it'll be good when I have writer's block, or I just need a break from my novel.  If you guys could give me some encouragement throughout this month, as I do something really crazy, that would be great!  You're all awesome!

High: I got to go to a friend's house for a really yummy supper and some great socializing with friends.
Low: it is seriously cold here!  I mean, I know it's almost November, but still!  It was kind of warm this week, but today felt like the middle of winter!
Thankful: that I have the time to attempt to write a novel!

Books read this year: 39 (I am less than 50 pages away from finishing number 40.  NaNoWriMo will not be the reason I don't finish my book challenge!)

love <3

P.S.  As I mentioned above, I have started vlogging as well!  In this past week, I have posted two videos on youtube and I would really appreciate it if you guys checked them out, and left some comments or something.  My channel is Thanks darlings!

Monday, October 25, 2010

Your Turn!

At the end of my last post, I asked you guys to leave a comment, telling me that you read my blog.  It was mostly geared towards the people I actually know, although I would genuinely love to know if you stumbled upon this blog and continue to read it! (That sounded really awkward...hopefully you know what I mean!)

One thing I really don't want this blog to be about is just a day-to-day "and then I did this, and then I did this, and then this happened" type of thing, because that's kind of boring.  My life isn't that exciting.  I like having specific things to discuss in my blog, whether it's something in my life, something in the news, that kind of stuff.  But I like being able to discuss things.

But not that many things happen in my life that I could discuss, and some of the things that happen, I think other people would find extremely boring.  So now it's your turn.  In the comments, I want you guys to tell me things you would like me to discuss or comment on in the near future.  It could be anything, from my favourite TV shows, to how I feel about some issue in the news, to pretty much anything.  Be creative, and tell me what you want to see.  You guys are the ones reading this blog, not me, so I want to write about things that you want to read about!  Leave a comment, I will try to use as many ideas as I can, though it might take a while to get through them.*

High: I went to the dollar store tonight and got almost all the pieces for my Halloween costume.  It's going to be epic!
Low: I have a lot of school stuff this week (mid-terms, assignments, labs, quizzes) and it's kind of stressing me out.
Thankful: that we're getting a new fridge tomorrow, because ours currently isn't working!

Books read this year: 39 (I'm starting to get nervous I won't get to 50, especially with NaNoWriMo starting next week!)

love <3

*This sentence totally makes it sound like I think there's going to be hundreds of suggestions, which I highly doubt, as I think...six people read this blog.  I just meant that I'm busy, and don't have time to blog every day.

Friday, October 22, 2010

On Happiness...and Babbling

I'm really happy right now.  Like, really happy.  This might not be a really big deal for most people: there's lots of people all over the world who are really happy on a regular basis.  But I've never really been that unfortunate.  Okay, that made it sound like I've had a really hard life.  It hasn't actually been that bad.  From when I was eleven until I was about 18 was probably the hardest time; a lot of not so fun stuff happened then; I won't get into it now.  But if you really want to know, just ask!  I don't mind. :)

Anyway...the very boring story of teenage angst is so not the point of this post.  The point is...I'm happy.  I've previously mentioned that this past summer, while working at camp, was possibly the happiest time of my life, and this still remains true.  I can't talk about camp without a feeling of complete joy and love filling up my chest.  However, towards the end of the summer, I was quite concerned that that happiness would disappear when camp was over: when I had to return to the "real world", to school, to my real life, that I would not be as happy; that I would almost get kind of depressed, from missing camp, and almost from "real world shock".*  But, very fortunately, that is not what happened at all.  I mean, at first I was really upset about camp being over, but it didn't last very long, and although I miss everyone I worked with so much that it sometimes hurts, and even though I would go back in a heart beat, I'm not in withdrawl and I'm totally not depressed about camp.

I kind of just went off on a little bit of a tangent...The point is, camp ended almost two months ago, and I'm still really happy.  This makes me think that, although camp was the initial source of my happiness, it's not the reason for my happiness.  If it was all camp, and only camp, that happiness would now be long gone.  But it's not.  I'm still really happy, two months later, and I really don't think there's anything else that could have caused this: it's all left over from camp.

I feel like I just babbled a lot about nothing.  I'm sorry.  If you actually read all of that, I'm kind of impressed.  I guess there's people out there who really care about what I have to say.  Huh.  Who'da thunk it.

High: earlier this afternoon, I decided to make cookies, but after I'd mixed up all the ingredients, I decided that I didn't really have the patience to bake it.  So I saved it as cookie dough, to cookie dough. :)
Low: I went to the bank to inquire about getting a credit card, and I found out I need to have a job to get a credit card.  Ew.  Also, I love cooking with onions, but I hate cutting them.  This is a huge problem.
Thankful: that it's the weekend.  I have some serious studying to do for next week.

Books read this year: 39

love <3

P.S.  If  you read this, and you're someone I actually know in real life, leave a comment!  Even if it just says that you read it, and that's all, that's so fine by me!  I love finding out when people I know actually take the time to read what I have to say.  I makes me feel like I'm not just talking to myself on the Internet.  So let me know if you're reading this!  (Of course, even if you don't know me in real life, and you just found my blog and decided to read it, you can still comment, telling me you read it.  I'm actually so curious how many readers I have!)

*Camp is like a bubble.  For pretty much the entire summer, I had no idea what was going on pretty much anywhere in the world.  It was just camp, with all the same counsellors, for three months.  The campers changed every 12 days, but other than that, it really was like being in a completely oblivious bubble for three months.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Christmas and cookie dough :)

I have a chemistry test the day after tomorrow.  I'm supposed to be studying for it right now.  I don't really want to study, so instead I'm going to write a blog!  Yay!

When I started writing this blog back in April, I kind of made a pact with myself.  I know that sounds kind of lame, but there were certain things I wanted for this blog (and I certain things I definitely didn't want) and I wanted to try and keep myself on track with those things.  One of the things in my pact was that I would not whine about school.  I know I kind of did that way back near the beginning, but that was because it was right in the middle of final exams, and also because I was doing BEDA and some days, there really was nothing else to say.  But now that I have no need to blog every day, I can blog when I want, I don't really want to use that time and those words to whine about school.  I do that enough in the real world, and really, no one wants to listen to some girl complain about school when there are so many bigger problems in the world (not that me not whining about school is going to solve world hunger or anything, but you get my drift).  So I guess where I'm going with this is I want to apologize for yesterday.  I'm trying to deal with some things in my personal life right now, and a lot of them center around me trying to understand the point of school.  I guess I just have some friends who see school as the most important thing in the world and they put everything else above it.  That's just not what I believe and not how I want to live my life.  It was just really getting on my nerves and it all kind of exploded last night.  So for that, I am sorry.

Now that I'm done rambling on about school...on to new things!  So Christmas is my favourite time of the entire year.  No, I lied.  My actual favourite time of the year is from November 12 to January 16, because all the good things happen during those two months: my mom's birthday is November 12, and then it starts getting closer to Christmas, and then it's time to decorate, and listen to/sing Christmas music, then it usually snows, then exams are over, then I get to go home, celebrate Christmakkuh with some family, then it's Christmas, which I love more than words can describe, then it's the week between Christmas and New Year's, when I get to see most of my extended family and play in the snow, a lot.  Then it's New Year's, and then January 16 is my birthday.  See?  All the good things happen during those two months.  Anyway, I know Christmas is over two months away (68 days, actually.  I just counted) but for some reason, I've been feeling really excited and Christmasy lately.  Which is really out of character for me, because I really hate when things start getting all set for Christmas too early.  Like, one of my biggest pet peeves is when people have their Christmas lights on the day after Halloween and you can see their Christmas tree in their window.  Just because it's November doesn't mean it's suddenly, automatically Christmas and that it's acceptable to have that many lights and decorations up.  My reaction to people getting ready for Christmas so early is kind of surprising, especially to me, because I love Christmas so much and you would think I'd be all ready to start getting into the spirit as early as I can.  I think the reason I hate it coming too early is because I love it so much and I don't want to ruin it by getting sick of it before it even really happens.  Does that make any sense?  I just love Christmas way more than is probably appropriate, but I don't see that there's a problem with that.  Do you?

So lately I've kind of been think about some of my favourite childhood memories, like spending every summer and every weekend during the winter at my cottage; playing the most random make-believe games by myself because I have no siblings; wishing I was the third Olsen twin, stuff like that.  So I wanted to ask you guys: what are some of your favourite childhood memories?  Let me know in the comments!

High: I went grocery shopping today and (almost) bought premade cookie dough.  Not to bake, but to just eat, as cookie dough.
Low: as much as I wanted the cookie dough, I couldn't afford to buy it when I didn't really need it.
Thankful: that I have all the ingredients in my house to make cookie dough, should I so desire.
(I have no idea where are this talk of cookie dough came from, but now I really want to go make some.)

Books read this year: 39 (I'm so close!  I hope I can do it!)

love <3

Sunday, October 17, 2010

friends are forever

Sleepovers: nails, makeup, hair, pictures, movies, popcorn.  Sleepovers were my childhood.  I loved going over to someone's house with a couple other friends and just hanging out for the night.  Sleepovers were the highlight of my week, sometimes of my entire month.  Last night, I had the first girl-y sleepover since I don't even know when.

One of my really good friends, Sam, come over last night, just after 6.  We made supper, talked, hung out, had a few drinks, laughed about things that were not really very funny this morning, took silly pictures and just had a genuinely good time.  We ended the night by watching High School Musical 3 (I love HSM. Don't judge) for the sole reason that she had never seen it.  Then we curled up in bed and talked for a while, before finally falling asleep much earlier than we probably would have otherwise.  This morning, we made breakfast (I had Toaster Strudels for the first time.  It was epic), hung out, watched silly youtube videos (I cannot get this song out of my head! And this one's pretty catchy as well.) and just had some fun girl time.  It might have been one of my best Saturday nights recently.

I think the reason I had so much fun was that I haven't really been spending that much time with my good friends since I've been back.  I mean, I either only see them every two or three weeks, or, if I see them even once or twice a week, there's always lots of other people around and I don't really get to spend any real time with them.  I have some really amazing people in my life that I consider good friends and I hate that I don't really ever get to see them, because they are so important to me.  And I know I'm here for school, not for socializing, but I can't spend my entire five years of university not socializing at all!  I mean, I know school's important, but it's not that important.  Really, I just want to get my degree, graduate, and be done.  I don't plan on applying to do my masters or anything like that.  I might do a year or two of college, so that I can learn something that will actually get me a job, but other than that, once I'm done this degree, I'm done school for good.  So, although marks are important, they aren't that important.  I care, but I don't let school completely rule my life.

I just went off on a huge tangent, and I apologize.  I know for some people, school and marks are really important, and not being at the top of their class isn't acceptable.  But that's just not me.  I'll do my best, and if my best only gets me a C or a B, well so be it.  I don't even know what my GPA is and I don't care.  Why does it matter?  I'm actually serious: why does it matter what my GPA is?

That was not what this post was supposed to be about.  It was supposed to be about how much I love my friends and how sad I am that I don't get to spend enough time with them, because they are all so amazing.  So, from now on, friends come before a certain extent.  I'm not going to stop going to class and doing work, but if a friend needs me, or something comes up, or one of my friends that I've barely seen is around, I will make time.  School will be over, but friends should be around forever.  My friends are what matters to me, and I will do everything I can to make time for them in my life.

High: watching HSM3 with Sam. Love the movie, love the girl.
Low: I messed up my ankle Friday night and it's still swollen and kind of sore.  But I can at least walk on it today, which is more than I could do yesterday.
Thankful: that I have such amazing friends in my life, who will always be there.

Books read this year: 39

love <3

Sunday, October 3, 2010

six month anniversary!

Today is the six-month anniversary of my blog!  How exciting is that?!  I can't believe how quickly the last six months have gone by!  I realize I say that about pretty much everything, but it's true!  So for today's post, which I want to kind of be special and a big deal, I am going to list my favourite parts of the last six months!  People who have been reading this for the last six months can probably already guess what a lot of these are going to be, but maybe not!  I'm going to try to keep these in order of when they happened, but I have a bad memory, plus I'm kind of ADD, so they'll probably all be pretty random.  Here goes:

  • finishing my second year of university!
  • Hedley concert just hours after finishing my last exam!
  • BEDA...even though I kind of failed at the end
  • home for a month!
  • driving 1600km in two days with someone who I normally have pretty much nothing to say to.
  • CAMP!  I don't even know how to describe this summer, there are way too many memorable and amazing things that happened this summer,  it would take forever for me to try and describe just how awesomely perfect this summer was.  Here is the best way for me to do it: Shine, Tiffany, I'yonna, Savannah, Kourtnie, Calli; Whisper, Kisha, Sam, Taylor, Adrianna, BJ, Emily, Anna, Marisha; Oups, Sarah, Elodie, Erika, Noamie, Jennifer, Armine, Marcella; Gooby, Cassielle, Carol-Ann, Kelsey, Allison, Elona, Saada, Yvette, Gabrielle; Sage, Alyssa, Megan W, Megan M, Brianna, Minjo, Jasmin, Blair, Hadeya; Buzz, Alicia, Katie, Erin, LaKeisha, Brianna, Valynn, Amber, Nykeala; Feather, Drew, Hailey, Chloe, Alexis, Jenna, Jazmen, Tori, Jessica, and Josee.  These are my campers from this summer, plus the counsellor that I worked with for that session.  Every single one of these girls is simply amazing and they have each had an impact on my life, whether big or small.  They all hold a place in my heart and I will always love them, forever.
  • Halifax for Canada Day with Buzz, Shiver, Kowabunga, Shine, Oups, Captain, and Tic Tac.
  • getting to see my mama in Halifax for a weekend in August.
  • meeting and spending three months with some really amazing people who I hope I will be friends with for a very long time.
  • being in denial about leaving camp-wasn't so fun for me, but it certainly gave the other counsellors something to laugh about.
  • going to my aunt and uncle's cottage for a night, and discovering that fall had hit Ontario very early!
  • going to my annual Blue Jays game on Labour Day weekend with my mama, and the Jays winning (of course!)
  • coming back to Newfoundland for my third (of many) years at MUN.
  • moving out, completely on my own, for the first time and being rather scared.
  • MUNCF fall retreat 2010...oh the
I think that's pretty much it.  I could have gone on and on about camp, but other than that, I don't think I'm really forgetting anything.  It's been a great six months, full of lots of emotions, lots and lots of laughter, and just a general good time.  I have very thoroughly enjoyed spending and sharing this time with you, and I hope you'll stick around for at least another six months, because I know I'll still be here!

High: getting a free lunch at church today.  It was for young adults and it was yummy!
Low: we don't have cable at our house, so I can't watch either Desperate Housewives or The Amazing Race tonight, I have to wait until it comes online.  What a hard life I lead. lol
Thankful: for the very unseasonal, yet amazing weather we've had for the last couple days.  It's like summer, October...

Books read this year: 38

love <3