Monday, October 18, 2010

Christmas and cookie dough :)

I have a chemistry test the day after tomorrow.  I'm supposed to be studying for it right now.  I don't really want to study, so instead I'm going to write a blog!  Yay!

When I started writing this blog back in April, I kind of made a pact with myself.  I know that sounds kind of lame, but there were certain things I wanted for this blog (and I certain things I definitely didn't want) and I wanted to try and keep myself on track with those things.  One of the things in my pact was that I would not whine about school.  I know I kind of did that way back near the beginning, but that was because it was right in the middle of final exams, and also because I was doing BEDA and some days, there really was nothing else to say.  But now that I have no need to blog every day, I can blog when I want, I don't really want to use that time and those words to whine about school.  I do that enough in the real world, and really, no one wants to listen to some girl complain about school when there are so many bigger problems in the world (not that me not whining about school is going to solve world hunger or anything, but you get my drift).  So I guess where I'm going with this is I want to apologize for yesterday.  I'm trying to deal with some things in my personal life right now, and a lot of them center around me trying to understand the point of school.  I guess I just have some friends who see school as the most important thing in the world and they put everything else above it.  That's just not what I believe and not how I want to live my life.  It was just really getting on my nerves and it all kind of exploded last night.  So for that, I am sorry.

Now that I'm done rambling on about school...on to new things!  So Christmas is my favourite time of the entire year.  No, I lied.  My actual favourite time of the year is from November 12 to January 16, because all the good things happen during those two months: my mom's birthday is November 12, and then it starts getting closer to Christmas, and then it's time to decorate, and listen to/sing Christmas music, then it usually snows, then exams are over, then I get to go home, celebrate Christmakkuh with some family, then it's Christmas, which I love more than words can describe, then it's the week between Christmas and New Year's, when I get to see most of my extended family and play in the snow, a lot.  Then it's New Year's, and then January 16 is my birthday.  See?  All the good things happen during those two months.  Anyway, I know Christmas is over two months away (68 days, actually.  I just counted) but for some reason, I've been feeling really excited and Christmasy lately.  Which is really out of character for me, because I really hate when things start getting all set for Christmas too early.  Like, one of my biggest pet peeves is when people have their Christmas lights on the day after Halloween and you can see their Christmas tree in their window.  Just because it's November doesn't mean it's suddenly, automatically Christmas and that it's acceptable to have that many lights and decorations up.  My reaction to people getting ready for Christmas so early is kind of surprising, especially to me, because I love Christmas so much and you would think I'd be all ready to start getting into the spirit as early as I can.  I think the reason I hate it coming too early is because I love it so much and I don't want to ruin it by getting sick of it before it even really happens.  Does that make any sense?  I just love Christmas way more than is probably appropriate, but I don't see that there's a problem with that.  Do you?

So lately I've kind of been think about some of my favourite childhood memories, like spending every summer and every weekend during the winter at my cottage; playing the most random make-believe games by myself because I have no siblings; wishing I was the third Olsen twin, stuff like that.  So I wanted to ask you guys: what are some of your favourite childhood memories?  Let me know in the comments!

High: I went grocery shopping today and (almost) bought premade cookie dough.  Not to bake, but to just eat, as cookie dough.
Low: as much as I wanted the cookie dough, I couldn't afford to buy it when I didn't really need it.
Thankful: that I have all the ingredients in my house to make cookie dough, should I so desire.
(I have no idea where are this talk of cookie dough came from, but now I really want to go make some.)

Books read this year: 39 (I'm so close!  I hope I can do it!)

love <3


  1. My favorite childhood memory is making "soup," in the turtle sandbox with mud and pinecones and pretending we were orphans with the neighbourhood kids!

    Percy S.

    p.s. I'm glad you posted about your blog on FB or else I wouldn't have know. I really like it! plus you're an awesome person!

  2. Thanks for the comment Priscilla! I used to take the fruit from the bottom of yogurt containers and "make" my mom a special meal with it, by pretending to put in all these crazy ingredients haha
    I'm so glad you like my blog, and that you enjoy reading it. lol Thanks, you're pretty awesome yourself! :)
