Friday, March 30, 2012


OK, blog readers, I have something really important to tell you.  This might come as a bit of a shock to some of you, but I think you can handle it.  I mean, you're all strong people, so you'll be able to deal with what I have to tell you.  OK, here goes: today is March 30th.  In two days, it'll be April.

OK, deep breath.  There's no need to freak out!  This is not the end of the world, I promise!  We can get through this together, we just have to be strong!

Obviously, I'm kidding, I'm sure the date was so surprise to you whatsoever, although it was kind of a shock to me.  I mean, I didn't even know it was March!  How is it already the END of March?!  Winter always goes by so quickly.

Sunday being the first day of April also means that Sunday is the first day of BEDA!  That's right, ladies and gentlemen, you heard it hear first!  For the third year in a row, I will be blogging everyday in April!  And, as usual, I can promise that it will be filled with whining about final exams, joy when I'm done final exams, and going back home to the house I grew up in at the very end of the month!  Woohoo!

In other news, a couple days ago I posted a review of The Hunger Games movie (which I saw twice in three days. Don't judge).  I think it's pretty funny and am actually pretty proud of it, so if you guys could go check it out, I would really appreciate it!  I will link to it right here.

I'm going to take the next 48 hours off from this blog so that I can be all ready for BEDA, see you Sunday! :)

Days left until summer: 21
Exams left until summer: 4

love <3

Thursday, March 1, 2012

The Bachelor

I will be the first to admit that I watch way too many television shows.  If there is a show that's on TV that I find even remotely interesting, I've probably seen every episode.  I'm not kidding, I'm actually a little embarrassed to admit how many different shows I watch.  However, a couple months ago, I started watching The Bachelor.

I know The Bachelor has been on the air for, like, a hundred and fifty years, but I've never really watched it before.  I mean, I've seen the odd episode here and there, when there's nothing else to watch on TV; I know the whole premise of the show even if I've never been a diehard fan of the show.  So when the new season started at the beginning of January, I had no real intention of watching it; why would I?  But then curiosity (and friends Facebook status's) got the best of me and I watched the first episode.  Talk about a bad life choice.

Anyway who has ever watched a season of The Bachelor (or The Bachelorette) will know what I mean when I say this show is addictive.  You feel like you need to keep watching, episode after episode, to see what happens.  Unlike most other reality competition shows, where the "loser" of the week is eliminated, or a group of people vote on who is sent home, this show uses the thouhgts and feelings of only one person, deciding who to send home.  Another huge difference is that the winner doesn't just got money, or a title, or what have you.  The winner has the possibility of being proposed to! A lot of other competition reality shows claim that it can "change your life" but with The Bachelor, that is actually completely true.

Anyway, I am so beyond addicted to this season.  I think Ben is a complete tool, I don't think he's overly attractive, and I don't think he's using his brain or his heart when he makes his decisions.  The only logical explanation is that there's a lot of stuff happening that they don't show us, which I understand is necessary.  They have to edit out things that aren't crucial to the development of the relationships.  But either way, Ben's decisions so far baffle me, to say the least.

If you have been watching this season, or know anything about the women who have been eliminated, or the two women who are left, let me know in the comments!  Also, if there's any shows that you are similarly addicted to, that you have to watch every week, tell me about it!

PS. I am so procrastinating right now.  I have a midterm tomorrow and I just do not want to be studying for it at the moment.  Yikes!