Friday, December 31, 2010

2010...What a Year!

As we wind down 2010, I really wanted to write something about what this year has meant to me.  I don't even know where to start.  I think I can safely say that 2010 has been the best year of my life, so far.  When I look back on where I was this time last year, it is completely different from right now.  In 2010, I started this blog (and kept with it for nine months!) which is certainly a first for me!  I also started vlogging on youtube.  I only started that a couple months ago, and I have few videos, but there will certainly be more to come in 2011!  I also got involved with a new collab channel that is set to start mid-January (hopefully!).  And that is just my Internet life!

This summer, I explored an entirely new part of Canada, somewhere I had never been before.  I essentially moved to a new part of the country for three months to work at the most amazing job I ever could have asked for.  The people I worked with are some of the greatest people I know, and I hope to stay friends with them for a very long time.  I also met some amazing kids, campers that I will never forget, and who completely changed my life.  Completely.  I can't even explain the affect these campers had on me.  I am a different, much more optimistic and happy person thanks to these girls, who did nothing other than be themselves for ten days.

I am also now living completely on my own for the first time (not with my parents or in residence).  This is huge.  Although I like to think of myself as an independent person, I've never had to do everything myself.  When I lived at home, my mom would do the grocery shopping, cook the meals, and do the laundry.  I helped out where I could, but none of it was ever my responsibility.  When I started university, and lived in res, I was responsible for most things in my life--except food.  I had a meal card, and went to the main dining hall for all my meals.  I never had to cook any of my own meals, or do grocery shopping, or anything like that.  Now, I have to budget my money, buy all my groceries, cook all my own meals, everything.  I am completely, one hundred percent independent and responsible for everything in my life.  And, you know, I couldn't be happier.  I love living on my own!  And now, when I come home (to my mom's house, where I grew up) it feels like a treat to have my mom cook meals for me, or do my laundry.  I now truly appreciate everything she does for me.

All in all, 2010 has been amazing.  I am the happiest I have been in as long as I can remember, and I legitimately don't think I have any complaints about 2010.  Sitting here, right now, I seriously cannot think of a single thing I would change about 2010.  Maybe I would add a boyfriend into the mix...but realistically, there isn't even anyone in my life right now who I would want as a boyfriend.  That's how happy I am!  I can only hope that 2011 is half as good as 2010 has been!

High: I got a whole lot of errands done today--it was a very productive day!
Low: I have zero plans for tonight, for the first time...ever.  Sigh.  This is what happens when all your friends are half way across the country!
Thankful: for the best year of my life!

Books read this year: ...I don't want to talk about it.
Days left at home: 5 (where did these three weeks go?!)

Happy New Year everybody!  Hope you all had great 2010s, and that 2011 is all you could ask for, and more!

P.S. I am an idiot!  I totally forgot that I wrote a 50,000 word novel in less than a month!!  Talk about a huge accomplishment in my life!!  The novel isn't quite finished yet, and I haven't even started editing, although I should probably get on that pretty soon.  There are too many people in my life who want to read it for me to put it off any longer.  But yea, I also wrote a novel this year!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Pure Relaxation :)

You know what the crazy thing about time is?  It always moves forward!  And it never stops!

OK, I know what you're saying: Um, duh!  But you know how when you're anticipating something it seems like time slows down and takes four times longer than it should to happen?  Or when you're dreading something, it happens that much sooner?  Well, surprise, both things take the exact same amount of time!  Case in point: I am done exams, and done the semester from hell.  I am also home, in the house I grew up in, for three weeks for Christmas break.

I finished exams and flew home on Thursday (four days ago).  And talk about a crazy day!  I had my stats exam at 9 in the morning, and then my chem exam (my last exam!) at noon.  That exam ended at 2:30, after which I had to run home, finish packing, finish cleaning my room, and then haul ass to the airport, because I had a flight that left at 5:30.  Talk about a hectic day!  How I didn't miss my flight is still a mystery to me.  Of course, as soon as I sat down on that, what a great feeling of relief!

Since I got home, I have basically watched a lot of Christmas movies, lied around doing nothing, done some Christmas shopping and...not a whole heck of a lot else!  And it just feels so great, after a terrible semester, to be able to lie around all day doing nothing, and not feel guilty about it!  For my biggest stress to be Christmas shopping and not a damn thing else!  I love no school. :)

High: today I finished all my shopping for my dad, and I only have a few things left to buy for my mom, and then I'm done!
Low: all the crowds and traffic today.  It's the middle of the day on Monday! Don't people work anymore?!
Thankful: that I can buy some great gifts for the people I love. :)

Books read this year: 46 (I am so close to being done number 47! I've still got 11 days left!)
Days until Christmas: 5!

love <3

Tuesday, December 14, 2010


So you know when you've been working really hard at something, and it's been taking all your time and energy, and you've just been super stressed about it, and it feels like it's never going to end...but then it does?  You know the feeling you get when you are finally finished with whatever has been stressing you out?  That really calm feeling, like you have nothing to worry about anymore, and things are just going great in your life?  Do you know what I'm talking about?  Yea, I don't.

This morning I wrote my third of five exams.  sjkehtiuawhytauegh.  That's how I feel about exams.  Especially because it seems like so many people I know are already done!  I know that that means they probably had four exams in four days, or whatever, but still.  That doesn't make me feel any better about only being just over half done!

In other news, I will be on an airplane, on my way home, in a mere 52 hours.  Holy man, am I ever excited for that!  It just does not feel right for it to be Christmas and to not be home.  I mean, Christmas isn't for another 11 days, and I don't think I've actually missed anything yet, but I still want to go home, really badly.

Can you tell I'm procrastinating right now?  I have two exams and two days left, but unfortunately...I'm kind of studied out.  I don't want to study!!  You can't make me!!! (I'm going...)

High: finally finishing math! (...for now)
Low: still have stats and chem left...yikes!
Thankful: that I'm going home in two days!

Books read this year: 46
Exams left until Christmas break: 2
Days until Christmas: 11

love <3

Thursday, December 9, 2010

What's the Point?

So if you're in university (or college) and you're currently writing exams, or if you just like surfing the internet, you've probably heard of the site  It's a site where people around campus post comments about other people they see around campus.  I personally think it is the stupidest concept for a website ever.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I think it's hilarious, and it's a decent way to procrastinate (as if I need any more of those!) but I know there are people out there who take this kind of stuff really seriously!  I mean, how can people actually think that leaving a post on a random website about a guy or girl you see somewhere on campus who you think looks good will make any kind of difference about anything?!  I guess I compare likealittle to sites like textsfromlastnight or fml, etc and I don't fully get how or why people take them so seriously.

A few hours ago I wrote my first final for this semester.  It has organic chem, which is probably the final I was most worried about.  I think it went decent, and either way, it's over now.  This course is my one and only organic course, and hopefully my last chemistry course (other than the other chem course I'm doing this semester...but you know what I mean).  Frankly, even if it wasn't the best exam I've ever written, at least it's over now and I don't have to worry about it anymore.  Unfortunately, I have my second exam, biochem, tomorrow morning.  I've spent the last few days almost entirely focused on organic chem and therefore have barely even started studying biochem.  This is a very bad thing.  So, of course, I am currently blogging and watching Gossip Girl.  Because what else do you do when you have a 60% final in 13.5 hours and you've barely studied?!

OK, confession time: I hate studying, and I also really hate school.  I mean, not just in the exam time way that everyone kind of resents school, but in the year-round hatred kind of way.  I mean, when I was in high school and stuff and school was getting on my nerves, I would always think about why I was doing it, and what the point was, and that made it all worth it.  But now...when I think about why I'm in university, I genuinely can't come up with an answer.  I mean, I guess having a university degree is important, but,'s a dollar store piece of paper that I could probably print myself.  It will either be framed, hung on my wall and otherwise forgotten about, or I'll just lose it.  I guess these days, when I try to think about why I'm in school, I can't come up with a reason, and I've really been asking it worth it?  I'm not so sure that it is.

High: organic chem is done!
Low: biochem in the morning...wish me luck!
Thankful: that one week right now I'll be on an airplane, more than halfway home!

Books read this year: 46
Exams left until Christmas break: 4
Days until Christmas: 16

love <3

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Feliz Navidad!

Hola, muchachos! Como esta?
(I don't speak Spanish...I'm just a faker)

How's it going, my friends?  Tell me about your lives!
Things are going pretty good for me.  Yesterday was the last day of classes for this semester, which makes me happier than you can imagine!  Unfortunately that means that exams are going to start in a few days, but it also means that in twelve days I will be home, with my family, for Christmas!

Christmas is a really big deal for me.  I mean, I know it's a really big deal for most people, but for me...I don't know, there's just something about it.  I guess it's because I'm really close to my extended family, and the family friends that I consider family, but I don't really get to see them very often.  I mean, for the last few years, I am rarely ever home, where I grew up, so when I do get to go home, like at Christmas, it's a really big deal.  Like, I know that for pretty much every day of the three weeks that I'm home, I'll probably be doing something with my family, whether it's just my mom, or my whole extended family.  I mean, going home is so much fun, and I love it, but relaxing? ...Not so much.  Pretty much every single day will be go, go, go, which is great!  But after exams, and a killer semester, all I really want to do is sleep a lot, relax, and get myself ready for the next semester.  But, other than the ability to go to bed as early as I want and not have anyone make fun of me, there will be little to no time for relaxing.

I just reread what I, that was all over the place!  Can you tell I'm multitasking?!  But so is the life of a university student five days before the beginning of finals.

In other news, I am still posting vlogs on my youtube channel.  They aren't happening as regularly as I would like, but I just put one up this week, and I think I'll film another tomorrow to post within the week.  Make sure you guys check out my channel, watch my videos, and subscribe, if you want to!

High: in only 285 hours, I will be on an airplane, on my way home!
Low: this afternoon, I made a rough study schedule for the next 12 days, and I got the dates of two of my exams wrong, and forgot to schedule in when I have to work, so therefore had to redo the schedule twice.  It was bad.
Thankful: 12 days, 12 days, 12 days!!!!!!!!

Books read this year: 45
Exams left until Christmas: 5
Days until Christmas: 21

love <3