Monday, May 16, 2011


I miss blogging every day.  Even though there were days when I absolutely dreaded it and had less than nothing to write about, it seriously became a huge part of my daily routine.  Part of me even wishes my summer wasn't going to be so hectic so that I could blog more.*

So, for the last two weeks, I have been home, at my mom's house, where I grew up.  I have a few weeks off between when school and my pool job ended and when my summer job starts.  I really wanted to have some time to relax, do nothing, catch up on my sleep, that kind of stuff, before camp.  But here's the problem: home is so boring!

Like I said, I'm supposed to be relaxing: sleeping in, no work... and not much of anything else.  Most days, when my mom's working, I literally sit around and do nothing all day.  Sometimes I run some errands for my mom.  I've even resorted to going to places like Walmart and Target and just walking around, just to have something to do.  On days my mom isn't working, I'll usually do something with her... but there's only so much time I can spend with just my mom.

A couple years ago, when I wasn't sure what kind of career I wanted, I decided that I would just get married, have kids and be a stay-at-home-mom/housewife.  Well, I have now decided that staying at home all the time, kids or no kids, would be the worst kind of torture.  It's only been two weeks and I already want to cry, just to have something to do with my day!  I simply cannot imagine if this was my life, all day, every day.  Blah.

Fortunately, I only have eleven days left until I leave for camp, so that's pretty exciting!  Mind you, the getting-to-camp is not something I'm all that excited about (another two day road trip with my dad; same as last year. Yay.) but once I get to camp, it will all be so worth it!  Can't. Freaking. Wait.

Days until camp: 12

love <3

*Total lie.  I am beyond excited for this summer, hectic and all.