Thursday, April 4, 2013

I'm Pretty Amazing

OK, so today was pretty much the best day ever! I don't really like to brag about myself, but right now... yea, I'm going to brag about myself. So if you don't want to hear me tell you how awesome I am you should probably stop reading right now.

Let's start at the beginning.  As you may or may not know, I am a biochemistry major in university.  This means that, throughout my five years of university, I have had to do a lot of labs and lab writeups but I haven't written many papers.  And, while I like to think that I am pretty good at writing when it comes to things like this blog and NaNoWriMo, I know that I'm not very good at paper writing, especially research papers.

However, during my university career I have had to take some non-science electives and occassionally those classes include papers.  This semester, for example, I took a class called Religion and Pop Culture.  I know a few people who have taken it in the past and it sounded like a really interesting class, which it was!*  The only problem, of course, was that for this class, I had to write a paper.

The cool thing about this paper though is that it was not, in fact, a paper.  Not what you think of when you think of a "paper" at least.  I mean, it wasn't a typical Word document, double spaced, with X number of pages or so many words.  Instead, we had to make a webpage!  This was actually a brilliant idea!  Because the whole topic of the course was Pop Culture, our prof wanted this project to be more pop culture-related.  This means that, as well as having to do research and actually write words about what we had researched, we also got to include lots of pictures and videos and cool stuff like that, stuff that isn't normally included in a typical paper.

Anyway, this paper was due a couple weeks ago and, I have to say, while I thought I had done a decent job, I wasn't all the confident about what kind of mark I would get.  Like I said, I don't have a lot of experience with writing papers and I may or may not have left this webpage until pretty much the last minute, which I always do with everything.  The point is, I knew I had done an OK job but I wasn't expecting much more than that.

Well, today was the last class for this course, so it was the last chance for the prof to give the marks back for the webpage.  I was freaking out and hoping, seemingly against hope, that I had done enough to at least pass.  Finally, she calls out my name, and hands me back a page of notes** with the total mark on the bottom.  I squint my eyes as I look down, so that if I did poorly I won't really be able to see the mark, and I take in the final mark...


For those of you who are not as amazing at math as I am, let me help you out: this comes out to 80.25%.  I actually did really well on something that I not only tried hard on, but that I did completely by myself.  No one helped me write this, at all, except my mom did some proofreading, but that so does not count.

I have been completely over the moon, filled with joy all day, that I was actually capable of doing well, really well on something that I worked on completely by myself.  The only thing that could have made today better was if I had gotten that much-needed phone call I have been waiting for for way too long. So, there's that.

Days left of classes: 1!
Days until summer: 13
Exams until summer: 3

PS. Here's the link to my webpage, in case you want to see what all the hype is about!

*We looked at how religion can be seen in Harry Potter, The Chronicles of Narnia, The Simpsons, South Park, Star Trek, Star Wars, Buffy and Twilight.  Very cool!
**I mean, you can't really hand back a website now, can you?


  1. I really want to take that class now! But they don't offer anything like that at York.

    1. It was such an interesting class! I'm so glad i decided to take it :)
