Tuesday, April 3, 2012

High School Reunion

For probably the first time, ever, in the history of BEDA, I actually have too many things that I want to talk about today.  I know, right!  How is that even possible?!  Yikes!  So I'm just going to pick the first one that I thought of and go with it, and maybe one or both of my other ideas will make an appearance this month.

So, you know how when you're a kid, you do something that seems totally normal at the time but, as an adult, looking back, you're like "What were my parents thinking, letting me do that?!"  I'm mostly talking about TV shows and movies, in case that sounded extremely ambiguous.  Like, I have memories of being quite young and watching Seinfeld with my dad.  I know it's not the worst show in the world, but for a seven year old... not totally appropriate.  Or, I used to watch Grease all the time growing up, and it wasn't until a few years ago that I finally picked up on all the inuendos and realized how extremely not child-friendly that movie is.*  I had another similar experience this week.

When I was younger, I spent a fair amount of time at my cousins' house.  Or maybe it just feels like I spent a lot of time there, I'm not sure.  I remember, almost everytime I went there, my cousin (who is almost the same age as me) and I would always rent a movie, and for a while there, we would always rent the same movie: Romy and Michele's High School Reunion.  I hadn't seen this movie in almost ten years, and the only things I remembered about it were that one of the girls from Friends was in it, and the two main characters lied about inventing Post-Its.  Even though my memories of this movie were quite vague, I remember absolutely loving it.  So, when I was at the store last week and saw it selling for only $5, I knew that I just had to buy it.  And then, as you do with movies that you buy, I watched it.  WHY DID OUR PARENTS EVER LET US WATCH THAT MOVIE?!
I mean, all of the themes are adult centered, and no child could possibly understand them, which I guess is OK.  But the language!  And the extremely obvious references to sex!  I can understand why our parents would rent it the first time, not having any real idea what the movie was about.  But then why would they rent it for us again?!  I feel like such a huge part of my childhood has been a lie!

Have you had a similar experience, where something from your childhood turns out to be not quite what you remembered?

Days until summer: 17
Exams until summer: 4

love <3

*Although, in all honesty, as a child, I'm pretty sure I just loved it because of the songs and never actually picked up on the storyline.  Except at the end, when Sandy totally changed who she was to get Danny to like her.  Totally got that part of the plot.

1 comment:

  1. Haha. Listening to Aqua is like that for me. I loved them as a child, and I remember my parents taking away my Aqua tape, but my sister and I dug it out of the garbage so that we could listen to it in private. I never thought anything of it, but since I started listening to them again a couple years ago all I could think was that my parents were right in taking it away from us, but we were so mad at the time!
