Saturday, April 28, 2012


Today has actually been the most exhausting day of my life (I say that every time my mom and I spend a day together).  But, all things considered, it was a pretty fun day.

I got to see icebergs with my mom, which was actually so fun.  We went to the same place I went last weekend, but the icebergs had flipped and they looked way different today.  My mom and I have always said there are three things we want to see in Newfoundland: icebergs, whales, and moose.  We've seen some icebergs a couple times, but they were always either really small (ice cubes, not bergs) or really, really far away.  Today was the first time both of us got to see them upclose, and it was a pretty substantial one at that!  We also heard a big crack sound, which sounded like it was the berg starting to split.  And there was a smaller one up front that we saw turn almost 180 degrees.  It was really cool.

Then we went to this yummy vegetarian restaurant downtown that we love for lunch.  I was just there last month with a friend from out of town, but mama hadn't been there in a year, so it was extra special for her.

I know BEDA is almost over, but I really don't want these last few posts to be the style of "this is what I did today".  I always try really hard to avoid that as much as possible, because I know people don't want to read that.  So if you have any ideas for stuff you want to see/read in the next couple days, please let me know!  I am always up for suggestions, and now would be the perfect time!

Days until camp: 28 (4 weeks today!)

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