Saturday, April 2, 2011

Peanut Butter Balls!

Welcome to Day Two of this year's Blog Every Day in April!

So this afternoon I made peanut butter balls!  There's a bake sale on Monday, and I really wanted to try and perfect my peanut butter ball recipe and make them really good.  Plus, I made them today instead of tomorrow, so if I screwed them up I would have time tomorrow to make something new.

So I could tell you all kinds of stuff about the making of these peanut butter balls, but they say a picture's worth a thousand words, so here we go:

Peanut butter...

and some butter...

throw in some icing sugar...

mix it all together...

almost mixed...


now all they need is some chocolate and...good go to!

They're in the freezer now, and once they're frozen they will be dipped in chocolate and will be very delicious!
If you want the recipe, let me know in the comments and I will send it to you!
So what are your favourite things to bake/make?  What are some of the best recipes you've used?  Let me know down in the comments!!

Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0

love <3

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