Monday, April 4, 2011

NDP Groceries

Today was a not-very-exciting day.  It was the last Monday of the semester, other than exams, so that was pretty exciting.  Today was also the day of the bake sale that I mentioned a couple days ago, so that's where I spent a large part of my day.  My peanut butter balls were a huge success, sold out within the first hour and a half-ish.  That was pretty exciting.  I've never been that confident about my baking.  I mean, I know it's not terrible, because people always eat the stuff I bake.  I just never thought it was that outstanding.  But, apparently, my peanut butter balls are basically the best thing ever.
I also went and got groceries today, which is pretty much my favourite form of procrastination for several reasons: a) it's something I have to do; b) I don't feel guilty; and c) grocery shopping is fun!!
So that was pretty much how I spent my day.  However, I really wanted this month to not be a "today I did this, then I did this, and then that happened" type of blog.  So here we go:

On day one of BEDA, I asked for people to give some ideas they had for things I could blog about.  One suggestion I got was to talk about the upcoming federal election.  Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about the election.  I mean, I know the basics, but I certainly don't know enough to give any kind of insight on it.
Here's what I know: Jim Flaherty, who is currently the minister of finance (aka the second most powerful man in the country) is the MP for my home region, which is where I will be when voting happens.  In general, I'm not really a conservative person, I tend to be more liberal/social, but I really want to go into this election looking at the specific person I would be voting for (the MP of my region) and not at the party in general.  I mean, the party they're associated with will obviously have an effect on the way I vote, but I'm not going to vote for the NDP candidate just because I want them to have more power in the country.  If I think that the Conservative candidate is going to do a better job (which he probably will, we've had a conservative MP for...well, as long as I can remember) then I'm going to vote for him, even if the Tories, as a party in general, are not really who I want running the country.
I don't know if that makes any sense, but that's all I got as far as the election goes.  What do you guys think?  Let me know in the comments!

Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0

love <3

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