Sunday, April 10, 2011

Coffee Shop Studying

I love my life.
I anticipated that tonight would be yet another night of sitting at home, alone, doing some solo studying.  That's what all of my nights consist of during exams, which is actually pretty ironic, because I study best with other people.  I mean, the best situation is studying with someone who's in my class, because then we can talk about stuff and help each other out.  But even just sitting with someone else, studying completely different things, helps me.  It makes me more productive, somehow.
So earlier tonight, a couple of my good friends came over with one of my roommates for supper.  Afterwards, we were discussing our plans for the evening, and neither of them wanted to go back to the library, although we all agreed that studying was necessary.  Somehow, we decided that walking downtown to one of the many coffee shops and studying there was the best idea.  Plus, my good friend Adam and I are in the same religious studies class, and our exam is in two days, so this is the perfect time for us to study together.

Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 2

love <3

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