Thursday, April 8, 2010

Pre-teen Moments...

First of all, for everyone who commented on my blog yesterday with book ideas, thank you so much!  I truly can't wait to start reading some of these new books!  And for those of you who didn't read my blog, or couldn't think of any books to suggested, you can go here to keep ideas coming! We're only a quarter of the way through the year, and I want more book suggestions!

So you know how, in elementary school when you had your birthday party or whatever, you're mom would always tell you that you had to invite everyone in your class or no one at all, so that nobody would feel left out?  Please tell me my mom isn't the only person who said that! lol  And, as you got older, that stopped happening.  More clique-like groups we're formed with the people you were friends with, the people you got along with, and it just would have been weird if you invited other people because you weren't really friends with them.  That's pretty much the way it is now.  I mean, there's been a couple times when I've felt kind of left out, like in grade six when one of my good friends, Nicki, didn't invite me and a couple of our other friends to her party, because she was trying to be friends with the "cool kids" and her mom had put a limit on the number of people she could invite.  Apparently we weren't "cool" enough.  But Nicki later apologized for not inviting us, she wished she had, and now, almost nine years later, I still consider her a close friend.

But other than silly little things like that, for the most part, when people are doing parties and get-togethers and "invite-only" type of things, I can usually guess if I'll get an invite or not based on who's hosting it.  I most definitely am not under any illusions about who my real friends are.  So, you can imagine my surprise when one of my good friends was having this girls night thing tonight to celebrate the end of classes and I didn't get an invite.  This girl and I, we aren't like best friends, but we're pretty close.  She came out with us for my birthday and bought me a really cute purse as a gift, she'll randomly come over to my room and end up just sleeping on my floor, because we just talk and stuff.  So when I heard that she was planning this thing a few weeks ago, I'm not going to lie, I was kind of expecting an invite.  She even posted it in her Facebook status and stuff like that.  So I just kind of kept waiting and waiting...and waiting.  After a couple weeks, I kind of figured I wasn't being invited.  That kind of hurt.  I'm not sure I really could have afforded to go, because they're getting a hotel suite and everyone is paying at least $40.  But it still would have been nice if she had invited me.  And then, today, she had the audacity to call me and ask me to go with her to the liquor store to pick up some champagne and whatever for her for tonight, because she isn't 19 yet.  Really?  You're going to ask me to buy booze for you, for a party that you didn't even invite me to?  Really?  I was not impressed.  I didn't want to pull a diva moment or anything, so I of course did it.  But I was just really not impressed.  Then, in the cab on the way back, she was like "Oh, I really should have invited you!" like the thought had just occured to her at that moment.  So I was like "Yea. You should have." Do you think she got the message?

I'm sorry for sounding like such a pre-teen.  It's just when your friends creat pre-teen moments, there's not much else to do, no other real way to react.  But other than that, my day was pretty good.  I slept in, which was amazing.  I, of course, should have gotten up early to study, but...nah.  I can sleep in one morning.  It won't kill me.  I then went for a run in one of the neighbourhoods near campus.  I'm not really sure why.  I hate running.  I love working out, but I just hate running.  It is not something that I find any joy in.  But some stupid part of my brain was like "Go for a run Seana!  That'll make everything better!"  I hate that part of my brain.  And I hate running, times a million.  Stupid idea.

Tonight my house had a bar-b-cue to celebrate the end of classes.  It was really fun.  I had to wait almost an extra half hour for my veggie burger to be ready, but I didn't mind.  It was nice to hang out with the rest of my house, and not be worrying about exams for, like, five minutes.  That was really nice.  But it was also really sad.  Two weeks today, we all move out of this house.  All one hundred of us.  Some of these people, I might never see again.  There's forty of us coming back next year, but there is a really good chance that I won't ever see some of these people again.  We've all lived in the same house for eight months now, and I can say, without a smidgen of doubt, that I genuinely love everyone in this house.  There are a couple people that I don't really like, but I know, deep down...maybe really deep down, that I love them.  I don't know how I'm going to be go all four months of the summer without some Burke House love.  Although I am working in Nova Scotia for three months, and a very large portion of Burke residents live in Nova Scotia, so who knows...

That's all for today.  Tomorrow, I hit the books hard core.  Woot!....

Books read this year: 16
Exams left until summer: 5

love <3


  1. Burke house is the best! Make sure you bring a condom!

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. You've added a book since your new years resolution post. Which book did you read?? :)

  4. Your "close friend" is a bitch. Just sayin'.

  5. I finished reading The Second Summer of the Sisterhood, by Ann Brashares! :)
