Wednesday, April 7, 2010


Hello lovely readers!!! I am in an extremely good mood today!  Know why?  Of course you don't!  It's because today might have been one of the most amazing days of my life.  Not even because of one thing, though.  Usually, when people have a really great day, it's because one really amazing thing happened to them.  For example, some other really amazing days in my life that come to mind are the day I got my acceptance letter to MUN, last Monday, when I found out I got the job I wanted for this summer, and  April 22, 2009, when I finished my first year of university and got to see my mom for the first time in three and a half months.  Stuff like that.  However, today was not one of those day.  There was not one "really awesome" thing that happened; there were several "pretty great" things that happened, and, all added together, they made for a positively amazing day.  I want to tell you all of these amazing things, but I feel if I write sentences and paragraphs for each thing, we'll be here till Christmas.  So instead, I am going to list them in quasi-point form:

--First off, today was the last day of classes for this semester.  Although that does mean that exams are coming up in less than a week, it also means that I don't have to attend another lecture until September.  That's great.
--My nutrition prof gave us back our big assignments this morning and I got 90.  As in, percent.  I honestly don't remember the last time I got higher than an 80, and for the most part, getting in the 70s is a really big deal for me.  This mark was huge.  I almost cried, I was so excited.  A couple months ago, I switched my major from chemistry to biochemistry nutrition, and I has a little bit unsure of my decision.  This mark is like God's way of showing me I made the right choice.
--I had a solo dance party/jam out in the elevator on the way to class to the song Celebrity Status by Marianas Trench.  Haven't heard that song?  It's great, go check it out now!  Haven't heard of Marianas Trench?  Where have you been?!  They're amazing.
--I found that, for my religious studies final, I don't need to basically memorize the whole Old Testament!!! Wooo!!  For our midterms, we had a "Quotes" section with significant quotes from the Old Testament, and, as the final covers the whole term, I figured we'd have to be able to identify a quote from any part of the course.  But my prof told us today that the quotes will be only from the material covered since the last midterm.  This greatly alleviates a large portion of my stress related to that course.
--Taking a break between classes and watching two good friends make up acronyms for our initials.  They ranged from silly to clever to nonsensical to pee-your-pants funny.  It was a nice break between classes, and a great way to spend some time with some friends that I might not see until September, or even later than that, as Rebecca is transferring to a different school and I honestly don't know when I'll ever get to see her again.  That realization was sad.
--In French class we talked about the possible decriminilisation of pot (we have to write an argumentative essay on our final and this is one of the possible topics).  I have never and will never smoke pot.  I just thought it was hilarious to listen to my French prof, who I'm quite positive speaks very little English, talk about pot.  He's such a cute, quirky man.  I'm weirdly glad that this is my last real memory of him.
--Today was the last meeting of the on-campus drama group I'm involved with.  It wasn't too sad, as I plan on being as involved, if not more, next year.  But it was really nice to see everyone again.  We then had an end-of-year slash cast party dinner at a restaurant downtown called Folly.  I wasn't planning on going, as money is quite low this time of year.  But a couple great people convinced me to go and I'm so happy I did.  It was great to spend some stress-free time with some people that I truly love.  A couple weeks ago, I was part of an original, one-act play with this drama group.  Through it, I meet ten truly amazing people that I have come to love with my whole heart.  These are people who I highly doubt I ever would have meet otherwise, so I'm extremely grateful that I decided to be in the play.  So even though, both money- and time-wise, I couldn't quite afford to go out tonight, I am so thankful I did.  It was a lot of fun, and the food was really delicious.

That is more or less my day.  It may not sound like much, but to me, it was just a purely amazing day.  Also, two weeks right now, my mom will be here.  I haven't seen her since January 6, and my mom and I are ridiculously close.  I'm an only-child and my parents are divorced, so we're kind of all each other has.  Just the idea that in only two weeks, I will be able to hug her and talk to her face-to-face and have her rub my back and do other motherly things for me* made this day even better.  I actually can't wait.

I hope you all had as amazing a day as I did.  Tell me about it in the comments!  Or, if you're day wasn't that great, tell me about that too.  Maybe I can try to cheer you up.

love <3

*As I was typing that sentence, I started crying.  That is how much I miss my mom.

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