Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Motivation... I Needs It!

Yea, I know it's been a while, but can you really blame me?  I'm doing NaNoWriMo and final exams are two weeks away.  Let's just... move past it.
This morning, I made a terrible discovery:  I'll tell you about it:
I was at work this morning, on my break, stressing out about my term paper.  You know, the one that's due in two days, worth 45% of my grade... and I haven't started.  Yea, that one.  Needless to say, I was freaking out.  Then I thought, "As long as I pass the class, it doesn't really matter".  I then realized that I have just over an eighty in the course and, with 55% of the course work done, this means I have about 45 out of 55.  So, if I didn't even do the term paper, at all, I'd get 45% in the course.  So, I realized, I barely have to do any work to pass this course.  Now, this realization is both good news and bad news.  Good news: I am now barely stressed at all, knowing that as long as I hand something in I'll pass.  Bad news: no stress means that I don't even really care anymore and am likely to half-ass the whole thing.  I mean, I would still like to get a good mark, to bring up my average and stuff.  But, as I don't plan to apply to any other kind of schooling after I graduate, as long as I pass, I get my degree and I'm a happy camper.  Plus, this course is an elective, I don't need it to graduate, so it even more doesn't matter that I get a high mark, as long as I pass.
So, the moral of the story is, I will be putting next to no effort into this term paper (which I still haven't started; I'm sitting on my bed, drinking coffee, and watching my fifth episode of Friends...yikes) and I am now not stressed at all.  Uh-oh.

Flights taken: 20
Days until this semster is over: 23

love <3

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