Saturday, April 30, 2011

Triple Digits

Anyone who knows me knows I am a huge sucker for milestones: the first of something, the last of something...and pretty much anything in the middle!  So of course I have to make a big deal that this is my one hundredth post on this blog.

However, I am currently struggling with how I should celebrate this milestone.  I mean, for my six-months, I did a list of things that had happened, and for my one-year, I talked about how this past year has changed my life.  Maybe it's silly, but I really don't know what to talk about to make the big 100 a big deal.

Maybe it's a big deal because today is also the last day of BEDA 2011?  I mean, I actually did it this year!  With only a couple slip-ups (posting a little after midnight) I have managed to post something every single day this month.  And, considering what a crazy month this was (exams, work, family visits) it is actually pretty impressive that I didn't screw up, even once!

So maybe that's what my one hundredth post will be: a successive BEDA 2011, as well as the promise of more posts to come.  I can't make any guarantees as to when or how often I'll be posting over the summer, but between here, my youtube channel and 5ACG, I can promise that this summer will be one filled with creativity and fun.  I hope you'll all stick around for it!

Days until camp: 28
Movies watched this April: 11

love <3

Friday, April 29, 2011


I genuinely didn't think I was going to be able to post today.  I just moved today from my house to a bed breakfast with my mom* and I forgot to get the password for the wireless before I left for work and when I got home the owner was gone and waahh.  I was majorly freaking out and I thought tomorrow's post would have to be filled with major apologies.  But alas, there are still some people in the world who don't have password-protected networks and I am currently stealing me some wireless.  Woot!

So today I want to talk about fear.  Everyone's scared of stuff, obviously.  For example, I am scared of heights, birds, snakes and the dark.  I am also scared of being alone forever, being rejected, and not being good enough.  What are you guys scared of?

What I really want to talk about is the root of fear: where do our fears come from?  I mean, for my four physical fears (heights, birds, snakes, & dark) there's nothing that ever really happened to me that gave me these fears.  I mean, I didn't fall from something really high, nor was I attacked by a bird or anything crazy like that.  So it's just kind of weird to think of where these fears come from: why am I afraid of birds?  There is absolutely no reason I should be scared of birds.  And sitting here, inside, right now, it's easy for me to think "Birds aren't scary.  Tomorrow, I won't be scared of birds!" but I can guarantee if I see a bird outside tomorrow, I'll freak out.  Why?  It's pretty weird.

Days until camp: 29
Movies watched this April: 9

love <3

*We're treating ourselves and staying here for two nights before we fly home on Sunday.  So freaking excited!!

Thursday, April 28, 2011


...I have been sitting here for ten minutes, staring at the blinking cursor, trying to decide what I should talk about tonight.  I'm not even under the time crunch yet (still have an hour and a half left in the day!) and yet I still feel like I need to get my post up ASAP.
But, we have reached an impasse, my dear blog readers: I have nothing to talk about.

Today was a pretty chill day.  Filmed and posted my 5ACG video for this week, cleaned the bathroom, watched The Hangover, read a little bit and then went to work.  Throw in some food at various time and that is my day in a nutshell.

I have nothing to talk about, so that's all I'm going to post for today.  Sorry this sucks!

Days until camp: 30
Movies watched this April: 9

love <3

PS. Here's a little something special for you guys because this post was stupid:

We're some very "special" roommates :)

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Magic of Movies

Last night I watched Hairspray with my mom and one of my good friends.  This isn't really anything exciting, I know.  I saw the play live on stage, before the new movie was made, fell in love and bought the movie very soon after it came out.  I've seen the movie tons of times, I know the words to all the songs...I really love that movie a whole lot.

I particularly love that the main character's mom, Edna, is John Travolta in drag.  I mean, even in the play, that part was played by a man.  I just adore that it's John Travolta.
Probably my favourite John Travolta movie is Grease (so predictable, I know) and last night I started thinking about how Danny Zuko and Edna were basically the same person.  So, of course, I thought I'd share a little something with you lovely readers:

Yup.  They're the same person.
I love the magic of movies.

Days until camp: 31
Movies watched this April: 6
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8 (I packed all my seasons of Friends, so I won't be watching any more this month!)

love <3

Tuesday, April 26, 2011


My life is so great.

Today was spent finishing up my packing (but it's all done! woohoo!) which was not so much fun, but it was necessary least now it's over!  It feels really great to be done packing and now I don't have to worry about it for the rest of the week.  My mom and I then went for a nice walk downtown to take in some of the gorgeous sunshine that was there today.

Then, one of my good friends came over for supper.  She's leaving tomorrow to go home for the summer and it's quite possible that I won't get to see her again until September.  This is actually very sad, given that her and I are really good friends and really close.  So my mama made a totally delicious stir fry for the three of us and now we're watching some movies.

We just finished watching Hairspray  and then I think we're going to watch The King's Speech but we're just waiting for one of my roommates to get home from work so she can watch with us.  I saw it in theaters over Christmas but haven't seen it since and I am so freaking excited to watch it!  I'll let you know if it lives up to my memories.

Days until camp: 32
Movies watched this April: 5
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8

love <3

Monday, April 25, 2011


I started packing up all my stuff today and here's just a little glimpse of the current state of my room.  This picture really does not do justice to the current state of messiness that is my room.

Days until camp: 34
Movies watched this April: 4
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8

love <3

PS. I promise I'll do a real post before the end of the month--I've just been so busy!

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Loooooong Day

I was just lying on my couch (where I'm sleeping for the week because I was nice enough to give my mom my bed...I'm so great!) about to fall asleep, so tired that I felt nauseous when I remembered that I had to blog today.  I'm only doing this because I don't want to miss a day of  BEDA.

The reason I'm so tired I feel nauseous: I woke up at 5:00 this morning to go to my church's sunrise service.  It was a good time and nice to see the Sun rise as we celebrated the rising of the Son but this was the second morning this week I had woken up at 5 and that is just not a time that works for me.  I then proceeded to go to the normal church service.  This evening we also had a bunch (by "bunch" I mean 20) of people over for Easter dinner.  The last few are leaving now and I can't even keep my eyes open.  I'll see you guys tomorrow.

Days until camp: 34
Movies watched this April: 4
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8

love <3

Saturday, April 23, 2011


So I came home from work this afternoon and there was an older lady sitting on my front porch.  It was kind of weird; she was just sitting there, eating a salad.  I'm not gonna lie, it freaked me out a little bit.  I mean, she was just sitting there, on my front porch.  Weird.

Ahahah, I'm just kidding, it was my mom!!!  She flew in today to visit me and I am sooo excited!!!  I haven't seen her since I left in January and it was so great to see her again!!
Something you should know is that my mom and I are ridiculously close and, even though I chose to go to school half way across the country, there isn't a day that goes by that I don't think about/miss my mama.  It's silly how rarely I get to see her, given how close we are!

But anyway, she's here for eight days and next Sunday, we both fly back home together!  That means that this week will be very busy, with work and packing up my whole room and of course vacation/relaxing time (this is her vacation, after all!).  Basically, today was a great day and I am so super excited to spend some time with my mom.

Days until camp: 35
Movies watched this April: 3 (about to watch #4!)
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8

love <3

Friday, April 22, 2011


I'm tired.
This is actually rather ridiculous, given that I got to sleep in this morning (well, kinda) and, other than going to church this morning and then out for lunch, I have done basically nothing all day.  Really, I should be feeling good and rested and not tired...well, maybe a little tired, but not as tired as I currently feel!  All I want to do is curl up in a little ball in my bed and sleep forever, but unfortunately I still have a million things to do before tomorrow and I really don't think I'm going to be able to do them all.  Blah.
Also, I have nothing to talk about today, if that wasn't obvious already.  So I think I'll just end it here.

Days until camp: 36
Movies watched this April: 3
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8

love <3

PS. I got my nails done yesterday, I got gel nails, and this was the first time I've ever gotten them.  I really like them, except it is so frakking hard to type!  I think I misspelled almost every word of this post!  It's crazy.  But here's a picture of the nails:

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Loves Dem

There are only 21 minutes left of today, and I will get this post up before I run out of time!

I have so much I need to tell you guys!  I'll start with Tuesday:
So originally, I was supposed to work on Tuesday, from 9:15 to 11:30, which has been one of my normal shifts all year.  However, somehow, a girl that I work with convinced me on Monday to work for her on Tuesday, and do the early bird before my normal shift.  You guys probably don't know, but the early bird starts at 5:45.  In the morning.  It was absolutely ridiculous.  When I left my house to walk to work, it was still completely dark out.*  So I worked from 5:45 to 11:30.  I then came home, got something to eat, and went back to bed.  I think I slept about four hours, and then I had to get up and get ready to go out!

Tuesday marked the day that all of my roommates and I were done exams (by that I mean, the last two that still had exams wrote their last ones on Tuesday).  And, all of my roommates except me are now completely finished their undergrad degrees (jealous is not a strong enough word).  Anyway, we decided that going out for a celebratory dinner was positively necessary.  So we all put on pretty dresses and went to a restaurant downtown, and it was probably one of my favourite nights of this year.  The five of us rarely hang out all together outside of the house, so it was a really nice time.  We also got to be really silly, which is never a bad thing.

After supper, we came home and had a photo shoot in our kitchen, which was completely hilarious.  Basically, it was just an all-around, totally amazing night.  It made me realize a) how much I love all of my roommates; and b) how freaking much I'm going to miss them when I move out next week.  I seriously cannot believe that a week tomorrow, I will be moving out of this house; it's so crazy.

Days until camp: 37
Movies watched this April: 3
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8

love <3

*Although, as I was walking to work, the Sun started to rise and it did look really pretty out.  Still doesn't justify being at work that early.


I am actually the worst person ever and I cannot believe that this is over two hours late.  I don't even have a real excuse.  Well, I mean, I worked all day, went out for about an hour with a friend, came home, made supper while my roommate and our good friend made cookies, lounged around talking, majorly creeped facebook and then played Dutch Blitz for a very long time.  Honestly, I totally forgot about blogging; I was just having so much fun!

So I know I promised today's post would be great, but it's not even being posted today.  I suck.  But Thursday's post will be so good, it'll just knock your socks right off!

Days until camp: 38
Movies watched this April: 3
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8

love <3

Tuesday, April 19, 2011


I need to tell you about today.  However, I am not currently able to keep my eyes open, as I am quite exhausted.  So tomorrow, I promise, I will tell you all about my day and it will be a great, long, well-written, amazing post.  But, until then:
  1. I left for work this morning while it was still completely dark out;
  2. Tonight was one of the funnest nights I have had in a very long time;
  3. I love my roommates so much and am so sad that I move out in just over a week.
Days until camp: 39
Movies watched this April: 3
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8

love <3

Monday, April 18, 2011

THE Party

For those of you who have been following me since the beginning of BEDA, you'll know that last week I won some tickets from the radio station I listen to.  The party to which I won the tickets was this past Saturday night, and I guess now would be a good time to tell you guys about the party.

For the past six weeks that this contest has been going on, they've made this party seem like a ridiculously huge deal.  And, I mean, it was a huge deal, given the big prize they were giving away.  But I guess I was expecting something really big and extravagant, just because of all the hype.  And don't get me wrong, it was so much fun.  But it was just like being at a club.  I really just felt like I'd gone downtown to George Street and it was just another, normal Saturday night.  There was nothing really special about it.

And I guess I don't really need to point out that I did not win the concert tickets.  I kind of knew I wasn't going to win, as I never win anything and winning the tickets to the party has pretty much used up my win quota for the rest of my life.  Although I can't pretend that I wasn't hoping I'd win.  I mean, who doesn't at least hope they'll win?!  But alas, not this time.

Days until camp: 40
Movies watched this April: 3
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8

love <3

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter, has always been a pretty big deal.  For those of you who don't know, Palm Sunday is a celebration of Jesus traveling to Jerusalem, where He was eventually betrayed and crucified.

I've never fully understood why it's such a big deal.  I mean, I obviously understand the big deal of Easter, but I don't see why we make such a point of celebrating His travels.  However, because of Palm Sunday, I am going to tell you a great story:

The church I grew up going to started off as a pretty small congregation in a very small building.  However, the congregation kept growing and eventually the building just became impossibly small (I remember a time when we used to have two identical services every Sunday morning, at 9:30 and 11:00, simply because we couldn't fit the whole congregation in at one time).  So, in about 2000 or 2001 we started working on building a new, bigger church.  It was finished in the spring of 2003.  So, on Palm Sunday of that year, we all met at the old building and then proceeded to walk about ten minutes to the new church, all with palm leaves.  I distinctly remember it because it was just a great experience.  And also because all the people who drove past us honked at us, yelled things out their windows, and generally thought we were crazy.

Days until camp: 41
Movies watched this April: 2
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8

love <3

PS. I really want to record a new seanababy16 video but am having a major mental creativity block.  Do you guys have any suggestions for things I should vlog about?  Leave any and all ideas in the comments! Thanks! :)

Saturday, April 16, 2011


This might be the quickest I have ever had to blog...ever!
I was at work for five hours this morning, and I now have an hour break, and then I have to go back to work for another five hours (oh the joys of covering shifts for people!).  I am then going straight from work to the party that I won tickets to, and where I have the chance to win tickets to three amazing concerts (I'm not going to win).  So yea, busy is pretty much the story of my life!
I'm really sorry that this is such a terrible post, but I promise the rest of the month will be amazing!  Don't forget to leave in the comments any suggestions you have for things you would like me to talk about!!

Days until camp: 42
Movies watched this April: 1
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8

love <3

Friday, April 15, 2011

Summer Vacation

"What time is it? Summer time!
It's our vacation!
What time is it? Party time!
That's right, say it loud!
What time is it? The time of our lives!
What time is it? Summer time!
School's out, scream and shout!"*
So this afternoon, I wrote the last of my four exams.  I don't think you fully understand how happy/excited/relieved this makes me.  And, because I am now done with everything school until September, I think that means that I am officially on summer vacation.  Not that I think it is summer, but just that it is now my break for the summer.

Which, let's talk about that.  So this evening was technically the beginning of my summer vacation.  It was snowing.  I mean, I know it's only the middle of April, and I don't expect it to by t-shirt and sandal weather yet, but, I mean...come on!  We could at least get a little heat!  I mean, it's snowing!  I thought it was supposed to rain in April, not snow!

Anyway, that's all I've really got for today.  I am now going to celebrate that I am all done my third year of university!

Exams left until summer: 0!
Days until camp: 43
Movies watched this April: 0
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8

love <3

*1) Don't judge me. 2) Bonus points to the first person who can tell what song that is!!

Thursday, April 14, 2011


I think the title says enough.

Exam number three was earlier this afternoon and, while I don't want to jinx it...I think it went pretty well.  I mean, I finished it in an hour, so that probably says it all.

But now...uugghhh.  My last exam is tomorrow afternoon and I need to study, but I just have zero motivation right now.  I feel like I've already written three exams in the past three days, I deserve a break!  But alas, that is so not the case.  I need to study my butt off tonight and tomorrow, prior to my 3:00 exam.  And I can't even go celebrate afterwards, because I have to work until 9:30, and then I have to work all day Saturday.  But then Saturday night, I get to go to the party I talked about here and that'll just be so nice.  But until then...time to hunker down.  Blah.

Exams left until summer: 1
Movies watched this April: 0
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8

love <3

PS. I posted my 5ACG video for this week a few hours ago, and I would so love if you guys checked it out!! :)

Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Online Shopping!

A few months ago, I somehow ended up on an email list for Old Navy.  This is a problem only because I absolutely love Old Navy and I would spend way too much money there, given the opportunity.
Anyway, for quite a few months, I've been getting emails about sales and such going on at Old Navy.  A couple weeks ago, I saw that they were having a huge online sale.  Plus, if you spent $50 or more, shipping was free.  So, somehow, I ended up buying seven tank tops and two t-shirts.  But, I mean, they were all on sale, I'm going to wear all of them, and it would have been so pointless to spend less than $50, but then really end up paying more in shipping, you know?
So I placed the order about two weeks ago, and then pretty much forgot about it.  I mean, I knew I had ordered stuff, but I forgot that it would be arriving soon.  So this morning, I was just studying stats, which, you know, you do the day before the exam, and there was a knock on our front door, so I went to go see who it was.  It was a delivery guy from Canada Post with my clothes!  It kind of put the kibosh on studying for a while, but it was great to remember what I had ordered, try it all on, and get really excited about some new clothes.  Of course, then all I really wanted to do was keep trying them on and have a photo shoot, but unfortunately, the books were calling.
This, honestly, was my first experience with buying clothes online.  I've bought a couple movies and CDs online, but never clothes.  It always made me really nervous, because I couldn't try it on before I bought it.  When I go clothes shopping, I try everything on, and I mean everything.  The worst thing is to not try something on, buy it, get home...and it doesn't fit.  So I am actually so ridiculous about trying everything on before I buy it.  So you can imagine how nervous I was about ordering clothes off the internet, with zero option to try anything on.
Have you guys ever bought stuff online?  If so, what kind of stuff?  Did it make you nervous to buy clothes online?  Let me know in the comments!

Exams left until summer: 2
Movies watched this April: 0
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 3

love <3

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

What a Day

Today feels like it was such a nothing day, but really, it was kind of a huge day.
This morning started with me waking up, and then lying in bed for an hour because I didn't want to get up.  Normally, this would have made me very late for my exam, but as hair/makeup/clothes that aren't sweatpants is all kind of pointless during exams, I was able to just roll out of bed, change out of my pajamas, fill up my water bottle and leave.
My first exam, genetics, was at 9 this morning, and this is the exam I was probably the most worried about.  It didn't go amazingly well, but I feel confident enough that I got a decent mark.  As we all know, I don't really care about school, and as long as I pass...that's really all that matters.
I then had a four hour break, which, in hindsight, I don't know why I didn't come home.  For some reason, it just never crossed my mind.  So I hung out at school, did some last minute studying and took a much needed nap.  Then, on my way to get some DQ ice cream, I ran into some friends and ended up hanging out with them for about half an hour (we all had exams at the same time).
Then it was time for exam number 2!  Honestly, this was the exam I was least worried about.  I know I could have passed without even studying, so there was no point stressing over it at all.  But honestly, I think it was one of the best exams I've ever written.  It just went so well!  It was a religious studies exam, so the questions were juts essays, which can be easier than "science" exams, although not always.  Anyways, I was able to remember all the points I needed to mention was just so great.  I would actually be surprised if I got less than 90% on that exam.
After I was done my exam, I met up with one of my friends and he drove me over to the radio station to pick up the tickets I won yesterday!  I have them here and I still just can't believe I won.  I mean, I actually never win anything!  This is just so crazy!
Now I'm home, and I have zero motivation to study, because in my mind, I had two exams today, why should I study?!  But I have an exam on Thursday and another on Friday and I haven't even started studying for either.  I know I have to study but I so don't want to!  It's a problem.

Exams left until summer: 2!
Movies watched this April: 0
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 2

love <3

Monday, April 11, 2011


A couple days ago, I talked about how the radio station I listen to was having this contest and I really wanted to win and I'd been trying every day, and calling in, but I didn't think I was going to win, because I never win anything?  Do you guys remember that?
Well...I won!
Wait...I didn't win the grand prize of going to the concerts (yet!).  Since the contest started, they've been qualifying people to win, and then this Saturday, they're having this big party, and anyone who qualified gets to go, and then they'll pick a winner.  And, now I'm a qualifier!
I need to tell the story:

So the main way to qualify is four times a day every week day, they'll play three songs in a row, and you have to call in and tell them what the songs were.  The only hard part is actually getting through when you try to call.  So, for the last few weeks, I've been trying so hard to call in and get through, but the lines are always busy (big surprise!).  I kept trying, though, every day, because I really want to go and win this grand prize!!!
In addition to this "three song" thing, though, they also have some other ways you can win.  One of them is, if you call in, request a song, and they play it, during the lunch time request thing, your name gets put into a draw to win tickets.  So today, I was just sitting in my living room, studying, and I decided to call in and request a song.  I mean, why not?  I like when they play songs that I like, and I figured it couldn't hurt to qualify, if they even played my song, which I thought was pretty unlikely in and of itself.
So I called and requested the song Mine by Taylor Swift.  About ten minutes, later, I heard myself on the radio, requesting it, and then them playing it.  I thought that was pretty cool, but I still didn't think I was going to win.  I mean, I never win anything!
So after my song, they played another song or two, and then the DJ was like "Now we're going to pick our winner for the four tickets to Saturday night.  Remember, anyone who requested a song that was played this hour was entered into the draw.  And our winner is...Seana Baker!"
My jaw just hit the floor.  I was actually so shocked.  I can't believe I freaking won!!!  I literally never win anything!!
So now, on Saturday night, I'm going to this party and I have an actual shot at winning tickets to the three concerts!*  I mean, I probably won't win, but still!  I could actually win.  There's a legitimate chance that I will win this grand prize!  Woooooo, I am so beyond excited!!!!!! :):):)

Exams left until summer: 4**
Movies watched this April: 0
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 2

love <3

*Lady Gaga in Mexico City, Bruno Mars in Chicago, and Rihanna in Montreal!
**My first two are tomorrow!!  Yikes!

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Coffee Shop Studying

I love my life.
I anticipated that tonight would be yet another night of sitting at home, alone, doing some solo studying.  That's what all of my nights consist of during exams, which is actually pretty ironic, because I study best with other people.  I mean, the best situation is studying with someone who's in my class, because then we can talk about stuff and help each other out.  But even just sitting with someone else, studying completely different things, helps me.  It makes me more productive, somehow.
So earlier tonight, a couple of my good friends came over with one of my roommates for supper.  Afterwards, we were discussing our plans for the evening, and neither of them wanted to go back to the library, although we all agreed that studying was necessary.  Somehow, we decided that walking downtown to one of the many coffee shops and studying there was the best idea.  Plus, my good friend Adam and I are in the same religious studies class, and our exam is in two days, so this is the perfect time for us to study together.

Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 2

love <3

Saturday, April 9, 2011

Sunny Studies

Today was a pretty typical day.
Wait...that isn't entirely true.
I mean that it's typical, given that final exams start the day after tomorrow.
So in this case, "typical" means I spent the day studying.  I have two exams on Tuesday, so I have lots and lots of studying to do.  Although I'm really happy to get all my exams done and over with as soon as possible, it does kind of suck that all my exams are so close together (two on Tuesday, one of Thursday and one on Friday).  Right now, I feel like all I should be studying for are the Tuesday ones, but I know if I leave the other two until after Tuesday, I'll be pretty screwed.  But I need to get some serious studying done for the Tuesday ones before I focus on anything else.
I don't really have anything to talk about today.  I spent basically the entire day in the family room, studying.  I was sitting right beside the window, though, and it was a really nice day out today (really sunny, but not very warm) and all I wanted to do was be outside.  It really sucked that I was stuck inside, but in six days I'll be all done and then I can spend four and a half months outside, doing whatever I want, and not worrying about anything school-related...oh man, I can't wait!

Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 2

love <3

Friday, April 8, 2011


A couple days ago, one of my very good friends suggested that I do a blog about Hedley.  Which, I mean, wouldn't be hard, given that I am completely in love with them and they are, without a doubt, my favourite band ever! (I know, I chose a favourite!  This is very out of character of me, but, I's Hedley!)
Then, of course, I realized that maybe not everyone knows who Hedley is!  They are a Canadian band, so if you aren't Canadian, it's not likely you've heard of them.  But even if you are Canadian, maybe you've heard of them, but don't really know who they are, or heard any of their music.  So here's a start, with some pictures:

Because their music is who they are, not their pictures, I thought I could also give you some of my favourite songs by them.

These are just some of their songs, they have tons more, but I didn't want to do a link overload.
I really hope you guys will check out those songs, and maybe you'll realize that you love Hedley as much as I do!

Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 2

love  <3

PS. I actually have a really funny story about Hedley.  When I was in high school, I think grade 11, I was out with my mom one day, we were at a boutique that a friend of ours owns, and there was another woman there, and she said something about how her son was in a band, and that they were currently touring with Hedley.  My jaw absolutely dropped and I'm pretty sure I asked her if I could meet them, although that didn't actually happen.  She also had no idea who I was, so she might have been kinda freaked out by my reaction.  I think that was the first time that I fully realized that Hedley was a favourite band.  And, of course, as you already know, last year I got to go to their concert, which was basically the best night of my life.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

A Few of My Favourite Things...

For those of you who know me, you'll know that I like a lot of things.  Like, a lot.  This means that I find it very difficult to choose favourites.  I just...I just can't.  I'll try to pick one and then I'll think to myself "but what about this?  And this?  And THIS?!"  And, the next thing I know, I've got 18 favourites, which is kind of...not the point of favourites.

So, in general, instead of picking favourites forever, I tend to pick favourites for now.  This means that today I have a favourite movie, song, TV show, whatever, but in as little as a week... it might not be my favourite anymore.

So I thought it would be fun today to share with you guys some of my favourites for now.  Just to give you guys a little view into the things that I'm obsessed with right now.  And, you know, I didn't have anything to talk about today.

Favourite Song:
What the Hell
Who Dat Girl
We R Lightning Scar*

Favourite Movie:
The King's Speech**

Favourite TV Show:
Boy Meets World***
Mr. Sunshine
Modern Family

Favourite Ice Cream Flavour:
Peanut Butter Fudge Crunch

Favourite youtubers:
Alex Carpenter
Luke Conard

I can't think of anymore categories right now, but if you guys have any ideas or are curious about other categories, just ask in the comments!!

Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 2

love <3

*I know this is in a completely different category than the other songs, but I absolutely love it.  Plus, it's been stuck in my head for...five days, so I guess maybe I've learned to love it!
**I absolutely adore this movie.  Like, there aren't words to express how much I love this movie.  I saw it over Christmas break, and honestly I thought it looked stupid, but my dad really wanted to see it, and we rarely see movies that he wants to see, so I obliged.  I fell in love almost instantly.  Amazing movie.
***I recently started rewatching this entire series.  I was pretty young when it was really popular, and although I remember watching it, I don't really remember everything that happened.  I'm almost done season 4 (of seven), what a great show!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Do you guys listen to the radio?
If someone had asked me that question three years ago, I would have thought it was the stupidest question ever--obviously I listen to the radio, who doesn't?!  Growing up, the radio was always on at my house, and I mean always.  We had at least one on each floor and even when we weren't home, they were on (music for dogs; you know, so they don't get lonely or anything).  The first thing we did when we woke up in the morning was turn on the radio and they stayed on until we went to bed.  Even now, when I'm home, if the radio isn't on, it just seems too quiet.

So, naturally, I just assumed that everyone's family was like mine and they always had their radios on.  But, I've come to find out that a lot of families are not as weird as mine (in many other ways too) and they don't listen to the radio at all, or not very often.

I don't know why I find this weird.  I mean, whether you listen to the radio or doesn't change who you are as a person.  I guess I just grew up listening to the radio constantly and it baffles me that some people didn't grow up like that.  Weird.

So, for those of you who do listen to the radio, do you ever try to win in the contests they have?  Wait, maybe that's a stupid question.  I mean, do you call in to win stuff?  I never used to that much--I mean, if I had the radio on when they said to call in, I would, but I'd only try a couple times and I'd never make a big deal about tuning in at specific times to try and win.

Well, the radio station I listen to here has this contest on now, and you can win tickets to see a Lady Gaga concert, a Bruno Mars concert, and a Rihanna concert (one person wins tickets to the three separate concerts! It's crazy!!).  At first, I would just call in if I was listening in the morning, or if the radio happened to be on at a later time, but it was no big deal.  But now!  I'm setting alarms so I don't miss it!  I almost had a nervous breakdown when I called earlier today and it actually started ringing!!! (It went to voice mail...I almost cried)  And, I mean, it's a really great prize, and it would be amazing to win.  But even if I manage to get through, that only qualifies me to win, and the chances still wouldn't be that high that I'd actually win.

Have you guys ever acted like this, for any kind of competition (radio or otherwise)?  I mean, tried really hard to win, and freaked out about it, even though the chances are slim?  Let me know in the comments!

In other news, today was the last day of classes for the semester, which continues to blow my mind, as it feels like my birthday was three weeks ago, when really it was almost three months ago (wait, what?!) and all that stands between me and summer vacation is four exams and nine days.  I guess it's time to stop procrastinating...or time to make a of the two!

Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 2

love <3

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

School Lessons

Guys, BEDA is hard this year!  My day-to-day life is really not at all interesting and otherwise...I don't have a whole lot to talk about.
This morning, I worked for two hours, which, in all honesty...kind of sucked.  I mean, for the most part, I love my job, I love the people I work with and I basically have no complaints.  But Tuesday mornings...they are not something I enjoy.
On Tuesday mornings, we have school lessons, which basically means that kids come with their class to the pool for the lesson (as opposed to coming with their parents in the evenings/weekend).  Honestly, I had never heard of school lessons before a couple months ago, had no idea they existed.  Growing up, I certainly never went swimming as a part of school.  I think a couple times, we went to the local pool for a field trip, but that was to have fun, not for lessons.  Did you guys have school lessons when you were younger?  Let me know.
Anyway, the kids who come for school lessons all know each other and, for the most part, are friends (as opposed to normal lessons where the kids don't already know each other), so all they want to do is have fun and not listen even a little bit.  Plus, there's more kids and less instructors then normal lessons, so the classes are usually at least twice as big.
Just imagine this for a second: classes of eight or more kids who don't listen to a word you you have any idea how frustrating that is?!
Plus, half the kids don't even want to be there!  I mean, with normal lessons, most parents put there kids in lessons when they're younger, just so that they can at least learn the basics of swimming, but after a while, if the kids don't want to do swimming lessons anymore, the parents stop signing them up!  I mean, what parent wants to be paying for swimming lessons when their child has no interest in it anymore?!  But these kids... as far as I can tell, these kids are there whether they want it or not.  From what I can see, in the grades/schools that do school lessons, the only way a kid is getting out of it is if they have a legit reason, not just that they don't want to.  And it really sucks teaching swimming lessons to kids who don't even want to be there.
One plus, however, is that the parents aren't there for school lessons, so you don't have all those over protective parents trying to tell you how to do your job.  I mean, the teachers are there, and if they see you struggling with a kid, they might give you some hints on how they handle the kid, but for the most part they leave you alone, which is pretty freaking amazing, if you ask me.

Anyway, this morning was the first day of a new set of lessons (which means all new kids and teaching different levels) and, while they weren't the greatest lessons I've ever taught, it helped to remember that next week, I won't be teaching them (as I have an exam at the same time as my shift) and then I only have two more weeks after that before I leave for the summer.  It was just kind of comforting to know that I only have two weeks left with these kids, not seven.  Phew.

In other news, I've had this song stuck in my head all day, this time next week I'll be half done my exams, and Canada Post is the worst part of my day.
The end.

Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0

love <3

PS.  If you guys have any ideas or suggestions about things I could talk about, please leave them in the comments!  Clearly I'm struggling!  And, you know, it's always good to talk about things that interest the audience.  Or, you know, so I've heard...

Monday, April 4, 2011

NDP Groceries

Today was a not-very-exciting day.  It was the last Monday of the semester, other than exams, so that was pretty exciting.  Today was also the day of the bake sale that I mentioned a couple days ago, so that's where I spent a large part of my day.  My peanut butter balls were a huge success, sold out within the first hour and a half-ish.  That was pretty exciting.  I've never been that confident about my baking.  I mean, I know it's not terrible, because people always eat the stuff I bake.  I just never thought it was that outstanding.  But, apparently, my peanut butter balls are basically the best thing ever.
I also went and got groceries today, which is pretty much my favourite form of procrastination for several reasons: a) it's something I have to do; b) I don't feel guilty; and c) grocery shopping is fun!!
So that was pretty much how I spent my day.  However, I really wanted this month to not be a "today I did this, then I did this, and then that happened" type of blog.  So here we go:

On day one of BEDA, I asked for people to give some ideas they had for things I could blog about.  One suggestion I got was to talk about the upcoming federal election.  Unfortunately, I know next to nothing about the election.  I mean, I know the basics, but I certainly don't know enough to give any kind of insight on it.
Here's what I know: Jim Flaherty, who is currently the minister of finance (aka the second most powerful man in the country) is the MP for my home region, which is where I will be when voting happens.  In general, I'm not really a conservative person, I tend to be more liberal/social, but I really want to go into this election looking at the specific person I would be voting for (the MP of my region) and not at the party in general.  I mean, the party they're associated with will obviously have an effect on the way I vote, but I'm not going to vote for the NDP candidate just because I want them to have more power in the country.  If I think that the Conservative candidate is going to do a better job (which he probably will, we've had a conservative MP for...well, as long as I can remember) then I'm going to vote for him, even if the Tories, as a party in general, are not really who I want running the country.
I don't know if that makes any sense, but that's all I got as far as the election goes.  What do you guys think?  Let me know in the comments!

Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0

love <3

Sunday, April 3, 2011

One Year

Do you remember what you were doing a year ago today?
My guess is probably not.
It was the Saturday of Easter weekend, just before the end of classes for the semester.  There's nothing significant or special about that day.  It wasn't one of those days that you'll remember for the rest of your life; it wasn't a day that you'll ask people what they were doing and everyone will just remember.*  There was nothing at all important about April 3, 2010.
Except, for me, it's the day my life changed, probably forever.

A couple days earlier, a friend of mine posted this video on my facebook wall (or maybe it was someone else's wall, and I just saw it in my news feed, I honestly can't remember) and I thought it was absolutely hilarious.  So, I fed my natural need to procrastinate and proceeded to watch all the videos she had posted on her channel.  I adored her and thought she was very clever and hilarious.  Then, I'm not entirely sure how, but I somehow discovered that she had a blog, here on blogspot.  Because I loved her videos so much, I decided to read her blogs...all of them...all the way from the beginning.  Needless to say, there were quite a lot of posts and it took me quite a long time to get caught up (although not as long as you would expect, I'm sorry to say).

I don't remember if I started reading her blog on that Saturday, or if I started earlier, but on that fateful Saturday, I must have reached a point in my reading where I realized something: not only did I love this random girl...I kind of wanted to be her.  It sounds super creepy when I say it like that, but it's really true.  So I decided that I was going to start blogging and I was going to start posting videos (vlogs, as the cool kids call them) on youtube.  At the time, I didn't have a webcam, and my digital camera is stupid and won't record sound, so I figured that the blog was a good place to start.

Prior to that, I had started several different blogs, but none of them really turned into anything.  Mostly because I was too lazy to really keep up with them, and they just kind of went down the drain.  This time, though, something felt different.  There's was something about this blog, and something about my reason for starting it that...I just knew.  I just knew it was going to last.  So I posted this with the intention of writing every few weeks, but not all that often, especially because exams were soon coming up.

However, as I continued to read hayleyghoover's blog, I discovered something called BEDA, or Blog Every Day in April.  Hayley was doing it, as were a few other blogs I came across through her.  It sounded interesting and like a fun challenge, especially given what a crazy/hectic month April was going to be.  So, that Saturday night, I decided I was going to attempt BEDA.  I mean, why not?  And, although I missed a couple days towards the end of the month, I count myself as successful, especially since it was my first real venture into blogging.

It is now a year later, and I have managed to keep this blog alive.  Not only that, I have also been posting videos on my personal youtube channel and I've been involved with a youtube collaboration channel called 5AwesomeCollegeGirls where I post a video every Thursday.

So much has happened this past year, it really is hard to believe.  And it's so hard to believe that an entire year has gone by already!  I know I say this a lot, but time really does fly!

For my six-month anniversary in October, I talked about all the things that had happened during those six months.  But I don't want to do that today.  You guys know all the important stuff that's happened in the last year, and if you don't...ask.

Instead, today I want to thank you.  Thank you for taking the time to actual read this.  Thank you for commenting, if you do, but even if you don't, I still want to thank you.  When I started this a year ago, I really didn't think anyone would read this.  I mean, who wants to read the things that I have to say?!  And sometimes, it does feel like I'm talking to myself.  But then, on those days when I check my email and see that someone commented, or when I check my views and see that even one or two people read my post...well, that feeling makes it all worth it.  So thank you, from the very bottom of my heart.  I appreciate it more than you could ever know.

Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0

PS.  The peanut butter balls turned out amazing!  I wish I could eat all of them, but then there would be none left for the bake sale.  Darn it...

*As in, the day of 9/11, the day Michael Jackson died, those kinds of things.  Those are the days and events that people remember for a very long time.

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Peanut Butter Balls!

Welcome to Day Two of this year's Blog Every Day in April!

So this afternoon I made peanut butter balls!  There's a bake sale on Monday, and I really wanted to try and perfect my peanut butter ball recipe and make them really good.  Plus, I made them today instead of tomorrow, so if I screwed them up I would have time tomorrow to make something new.

So I could tell you all kinds of stuff about the making of these peanut butter balls, but they say a picture's worth a thousand words, so here we go:

Peanut butter...

and some butter...

throw in some icing sugar...

mix it all together...

almost mixed...


now all they need is some chocolate and...good go to!

They're in the freezer now, and once they're frozen they will be dipped in chocolate and will be very delicious!
If you want the recipe, let me know in the comments and I will send it to you!
So what are your favourite things to bake/make?  What are some of the best recipes you've used?  Let me know down in the comments!!

Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0

love <3

Friday, April 1, 2011


Hello blogosphere!

How are you guys doing on this lovely Friday that is also April Fool's Day?*  I hope everything's going well for all of you.

Speaking of April Fool's Day, we all know it happens on April first.  But do you remember what else happens on April first?  Wait for it...wait...yup, it's the first day of BEDA!
In case anyone doesn't know/remember, BEDA stands for Blog Every Day in April.  Basically, it's a challenge to get people blogging.  I did BEDA last year (sort of) so of course I have to try it again this year!

So who's with me for thirty wonderful days of exams, studying, whining and complaining about both of those things, being jealous that my roommates are all graduating, watching every movie I own, working lots, and getting to spend Easter with my mom for the first time in years?  Are you with me?  I hope so!!

Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0

love <3

PS.  If anyone has any ideas or suggestions for things I should or could write about this month, please leave them down in the comments.  Thirty days is a long time, and my life is not nearly that interesting.

*Did you guys play any cool pranks on anyone?  Did anyone prank you??  If so, tell me about it in the comments, I want to know!  For me, this was the most disappointing AFD ever!  I didn't get to prank anyone, and no one pranked me.  Sad face. :(