Today was a pretty typical day.
Wait...that isn't entirely true.
I mean that it's typical, given that final exams start the day after tomorrow.
So in this case, "typical" means I spent the day studying. I have two exams on Tuesday, so I have lots and lots of studying to do. Although I'm really happy to get all my exams done and over with as soon as possible, it does kind of suck that all my exams are so close together (two on Tuesday, one of Thursday and one on Friday). Right now, I feel like all I should be studying for are the Tuesday ones, but I know if I leave the other two until after Tuesday, I'll be pretty screwed. But I need to get some serious studying done for the Tuesday ones before I focus on anything else.
I don't really have anything to talk about today. I spent basically the entire day in the family room, studying. I was sitting right beside the window, though, and it was a really nice day out today (really sunny, but not very warm) and all I wanted to do was be outside. It really sucked that I was stuck inside, but in six days I'll be all done and then I can spend four and a half months outside, doing whatever I want, and not worrying about anything school-related...oh man, I can't wait!
Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 2
love <3
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