Anyone who knows me knows I am a huge sucker for milestones: the first of something, the last of something...and pretty much anything in the middle! So of course I have to make a big deal that this is my one hundredth post on this blog.
However, I am currently struggling with how I should celebrate this milestone. I mean, for my six-months, I did a list of things that had happened, and for my one-year, I talked about how this past year has changed my life. Maybe it's silly, but I really don't know what to talk about to make the big 100 a big deal.
Maybe it's a big deal because today is also the last day of BEDA 2011? I mean, I actually did it this year! With only a couple slip-ups (posting a little after midnight) I have managed to post something every single day this month. And, considering what a crazy month this was (exams, work, family visits) it is actually pretty impressive that I didn't screw up, even once!
So maybe that's what my one hundredth post will be: a successive BEDA 2011, as well as the promise of more posts to come. I can't make any guarantees as to when or how often I'll be posting over the summer, but between here, my youtube channel and 5ACG, I can promise that this summer will be one filled with creativity and fun. I hope you'll all stick around for it!
Days until camp: 28
Movies watched this April: 11
love <3
So maybe that's what my one hundredth post will be: a successive BEDA 2011, as well as the promise of more posts to come. I can't make any guarantees as to when or how often I'll be posting over the summer, but between here, my youtube channel and 5ACG, I can promise that this summer will be one filled with creativity and fun. I hope you'll all stick around for it!
Days until camp: 28
Movies watched this April: 11
love <3
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