I genuinely didn't think I was going to be able to post today. I just moved today from my house to a bed breakfast with my mom* and I forgot to get the password for the wireless before I left for work and when I got home the owner was gone and waahh. I was majorly freaking out and I thought tomorrow's post would have to be filled with major apologies. But alas, there are still some people in the world who don't have password-protected networks and I am currently stealing me some wireless. Woot!
So today I want to talk about fear. Everyone's scared of stuff, obviously. For example, I am scared of heights, birds, snakes and the dark. I am also scared of being alone forever, being rejected, and not being good enough. What are you guys scared of?
What I really want to talk about is the root of fear: where do our fears come from? I mean, for my four physical fears (heights, birds, snakes, & dark) there's nothing that ever really happened to me that gave me these fears. I mean, I didn't fall from something really high, nor was I attacked by a bird or anything crazy like that. So it's just kind of weird to think of where these fears come from: why am I afraid of birds? There is absolutely no reason I should be scared of birds. And sitting here, inside, right now, it's easy for me to think "Birds aren't scary. Tomorrow, I won't be scared of birds!" but I can guarantee if I see a bird outside tomorrow, I'll freak out. Why? It's pretty weird.
Days until camp: 29
Movies watched this April: 9
love <3
*We're treating ourselves and staying here for two nights before we fly home on Sunday. So freaking excited!!
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