Palm Sunday, the Sunday before Easter, has always been a pretty big deal. For those of you who don't know, Palm Sunday is a celebration of Jesus traveling to Jerusalem, where He was eventually betrayed and crucified.
I've never fully understood why it's such a big deal. I mean, I obviously understand the big deal of Easter, but I don't see why we make such a point of celebrating His travels. However, because of Palm Sunday, I am going to tell you a great story:
The church I grew up going to started off as a pretty small congregation in a very small building. However, the congregation kept growing and eventually the building just became impossibly small (I remember a time when we used to have two identical services every Sunday morning, at 9:30 and 11:00, simply because we couldn't fit the whole congregation in at one time). So, in about 2000 or 2001 we started working on building a new, bigger church. It was finished in the spring of 2003. So, on Palm Sunday of that year, we all met at the old building and then proceeded to walk about ten minutes to the new church, all with palm leaves. I distinctly remember it because it was just a great experience. And also because all the people who drove past us honked at us, yelled things out their windows, and generally thought we were crazy.
Days until camp: 41
Movies watched this April: 2
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8
love <3
PS. I really want to record a new seanababy16 video but am having a major mental creativity block. Do you guys have any suggestions for things I should vlog about? Leave any and all ideas in the comments! Thanks! :)
PS. I really want to record a new seanababy16 video but am having a major mental creativity block. Do you guys have any suggestions for things I should vlog about? Leave any and all ideas in the comments! Thanks! :)
I was really hoping to read about the party!! How was it? Just as fun as you had hoped? I assume you didn't win, but was it still awesome, or kind of lame?