A couple days ago, one of my very good friends suggested that I do a blog about Hedley. Which, I mean, wouldn't be hard, given that I am completely in love with them and they are, without a doubt, my favourite band ever! (I know, I chose a favourite! This is very out of character of me, but, I mean...it's Hedley!)
Then, of course, I realized that maybe not everyone knows who Hedley is! They are a Canadian band, so if you aren't Canadian, it's not likely you've heard of them. But even if you are Canadian, maybe you've heard of them, but don't really know who they are, or heard any of their music. So here's a start, with some pictures:
Because their music is who they are, not their pictures, I thought I could also give you some of my favourite songs by them.
These are just some of their songs, they have tons more, but I didn't want to do a link overload.
I really hope you guys will check out those songs, and maybe you'll realize that you love Hedley as much as I do!
Exams left until summer: 4
Movies watched this April: 0
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 2
love <3
PS. I actually have a really funny story about Hedley. When I was in high school, I think grade 11, I was out with my mom one day, we were at a boutique that a friend of ours owns, and there was another woman there, and she said something about how her son was in a band, and that they were currently touring with Hedley. My jaw absolutely dropped and I'm pretty sure I asked her if I could meet them, although that didn't actually happen. She also had no idea who I was, so she might have been kinda freaked out by my reaction. I think that was the first time that I fully realized that Hedley was a favourite band. And, of course, as you already know, last year I got to go to their concert, which was basically the best night of my life.
Lovely post! :)