Monday, April 18, 2011

THE Party

For those of you who have been following me since the beginning of BEDA, you'll know that last week I won some tickets from the radio station I listen to.  The party to which I won the tickets was this past Saturday night, and I guess now would be a good time to tell you guys about the party.

For the past six weeks that this contest has been going on, they've made this party seem like a ridiculously huge deal.  And, I mean, it was a huge deal, given the big prize they were giving away.  But I guess I was expecting something really big and extravagant, just because of all the hype.  And don't get me wrong, it was so much fun.  But it was just like being at a club.  I really just felt like I'd gone downtown to George Street and it was just another, normal Saturday night.  There was nothing really special about it.

And I guess I don't really need to point out that I did not win the concert tickets.  I kind of knew I wasn't going to win, as I never win anything and winning the tickets to the party has pretty much used up my win quota for the rest of my life.  Although I can't pretend that I wasn't hoping I'd win.  I mean, who doesn't at least hope they'll win?!  But alas, not this time.

Days until camp: 40
Movies watched this April: 3
Episodes of Friends watched this April: 8

love <3

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