Sometimes I wonder why I'm in university.
I mean, I know at exam time everyone kind of wonders that* but it isn't just during exams that I have these thoughts. I mean, I'm at the end of my fourth year, with only two semesters left of my degree, so I'm obviously not going to drop out now** but I'm still not entirely sure why I'm even in university.
In reality, I want to work with the Tim Horton Children's Foundation for the rest of my life, in some capacity. It's a multi-million dollar organization that runs all year round and employs people all over the country to keep it running, even during the off season, when there aren't campers there. I don't think it's that far-fetched to want to work with them as my career, basically until I retire.
OK, so why do I need a university degree to do that? I mean, I already have a foot in the door, as I am already an employee of the Foundation. I could just keep working my way up the corporate ladder over the years and learn as I go. And, I mean, nothing I'm learning in university is going to help me anyway. I mean, how is a biochemistry nutrition degree possibly going to help me when it comes to working with the Foundation?
The problem, aside from the fact that I am four years into this degree, is that I actually find nutrition extremely interesting! I mean, a lot of the stuff I have to learn, like all the chemical structures I needed to know for my exam yesterday, or the metabolic pathways I'm studying today, is totally useless and I'll never need to know it for anything in real life. But some of the stuff we learn, the things that relate directly to what we eat and what we put into our bodies... I find that so interesting and have absolutely no problem learning it and understanding it. It's not just memorization, like with the structures and pathways. I actually understand it and will remember it even after the exam. I even had this idea that, after I graduate, while working for the Foundation, I could be a freelance writer for magazines, or something, and write nutrition articles about things that we deal with every day, and things that people can relate to or understand. Doing that, even part time or on the side, sounds like something I would love, and might actually be really good at!***
If only I didn't have to memorize all these metabolic pathways.
Days until summer: 8
Exams until summer: 3
Days until camp: 46
*PLEASE tell me it's not just me!
**Unless that dream I had the other night, in which I failed all of my courses this semester, was prophetic. Because, if I do fail everything this semester, there's a good chance I'll just live at camp for the rest of my life.
***And we all know how much I love to write!
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