Friday, April 13, 2012


First things first: guess what was on my exam this morning?  NOT any of the metabolic pathways I spent all day yesterday memorizing!  This is a good news/bad news thing: good news because I'm not entirely sure I would have able to reproduce any of the pathways, and I actually knew most of the questions that were asked.  But, bad news because I wasted a lot of time memorizing stuff I didn't need to know.  Either way, it's over now and I feel pretty good about what I did.

OK, no more talking about exams.  I took the entire afternoon off from studying, my only break for the next week, and I don't want to spend all of it talking about exams.

So what I really wanted to talk about today was some great news I found out last night--one of my very good friends from camp just got accepted to MUN, and is moving here next year!  I'm really, really excited that him and I are going to living in the same city next year.

One thing that sucks about how I spend my summers (the only thing that sucks, believe me!) is that the people I work with are from all over the country.  One guy that I worked with the last two summers goes to the same school as me, but we don't see each other very often (haven't seen you all semester, mister!!).  It's such a weird transition to go from seeing these people every day for three months and living in very close quarters with them, to not seeing them at all, ever.  Plus, because I go to school on an island, it's not even like I can go on trips on the weekends and visit people who go to other schools.  If I wanted to visit anyone, I would have to fly to see them.  And, as much as I love my friends from camp, I can't afford to be flying to the mainland all the time to visit people.

So, the moral of the story is, I am so excited to have another friend moving to the island.  Next year, I'll have one less person to miss.

Days until summer: 7
Exams until summer: 2
Days until camp: 45

PS. Happy Friday the 13th! I hope no one had too unlucky of a day.  I actually love Friday the 13th, it's my favourite day of the whole year!  I know that seems weird, because most people dread it so much, but what can I say, everything I do is weird.  My favourite Friday the 13th story actually comes from when I was in elementary school.  Once every month or so, my mom and I would go to Subway for lunch, as a treat.  We would always go on a Friday and one time, it landed on a Friday the 13th.  The Subway we would go to was really close to a high school, and a lot of the high school students would go there for lunch, and it would get really busy.  If we left my school as soon as lunch break started and walked fast, we could make it there right before all the high school students showed up and we wouldn't have to wait in a long line.  BUT, on this Friday the 13th, I don't remember why, but we didn't leave the school early enough, and we thought by the time we got to Subway, there would be a huge line of high school students, and there was no way we would be able to eat and make it back to my school before class started again.  But, when we got to Subway, there was almost no line!  And there should have been!  We got there way later than we normally did and there should have been a line out the door!  But there wasn't.  And that is why I don't think Friday the 13th is unlucky.


  1. Bleh I say! Bleh!
    (Although I do love reading your blog)

    You should just move to me instead and then we'd be in the same city, good plan :)

  2. I would love to live in the same city as you, that would make my life exponentially better!
    After graduation? Deal??
