Waaaah, I have eight minutes to post this! Pressure!!!!
Tonight was another "roommate night" for me and the girls I live with. Jenny is leaving Tuesday morning for the summer, and I'm leaving on Friday, so this is the last night we could all spend together until September. Plus, today is the 20th birthday of our friend April, so this was definitely a celebration night. We had chocolate cake for April's birthday, and we watched Titanic. I'm not sure why we decided to watch Titanic, of all movies, but I am certainly not complaining! Titanic is one of my all-time favourite movies, and I really, really want to see it in 3D* while I can. However, we were all in such silly moods, plus we have the oldest TV ever, so it was a rather hilarious evening.
It is now 11:57, so I'll talk more tomorrow about my last night with my roommates, and how much I adore them. <3
Days until camp: 34
*Does anyone know how long it's going to be in 3D for? I don't want to miss it.
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