Sunday, April 1, 2012



Yes, you read that right: today is the first day of Blog Every Day April!  Even though this is my third year in a row of doing BEDA, I'm still really excited about it.  I mean, some days are going to be nearly incoherent, but that's just... life.  I'm not forcing you to read this* so I don't want to hear any whining or complaining on the days that this blog is slightly notsome, which I guarantee will happen, probably more than once, in the next thirty days.

In other news, today is April Fool's Day.  Being the hilarious person that I am, you probably think that today is one of my favourite days of the whole year, and you would not be wrong in thinking that.  However, I am so terrible at Fool's-ing people, because I have to try so hard not to laugh, and when I try not to laugh, I get this stupid, giddy expression on my face that makes people who don't know me think I'm crazy, and that makes people who do know me know that there's some joke that I'm trying not to laugh at.  Ergo, they manage to figure out pretty quickly that I am playing a joke on them, so I never really get to follow through with it.  However, this morning, I got to play a joke on two of my very good friends and they totally fell for it!
On Sunday mornings, the church I go to has this, like, shuttle bus for students and/or people who don't have cars, and  several of my friends and I take this bus every week.  It stops at my house before it stops at my friend's house, so I always text her once I'm on it so she knows it's on the way and she's ready.  But, this morning, I texted my friend and told her that the bus had missed her house and that we were already at the church.  I texted her again about a minute later and told her it was an April Fool's joke, and both her and her roommate totally fell for it.  The only reason it worked was because I said it in a text so she couldn't tell that I was laughing my butt off the entire time.  Either way, I thought it was hilarious and I was so happy that I successfully Fool-ed not one but two people!  Woohoo!

Let me know if you Fool-ed anyone today, and what you did to them!  Also, I need any and all suggestions for things I can blog about this month.  The sillier and/or more ridiculous they are, the happier they will make me.  True story.

Days until summer: 19
Exams left until summer: 4

love <3

*Unless you're my family or one of my good friends, in which case... I probably am forcing you to read this.  That's what you get for loving me, suckas!**
**I didn't mean that.  Please keep loving me.

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