Well, I'm not really sure how this happened, but today is April 30th. As in, the last day of April. As in, the end of BEDA 2012. This month has gone by so fast, I honestly don't know how it happened. I mean, it feels like just yesterday that I played an April Fool's joke on two of my best friends, and I worked on getting over my usual writing insecurities and got down to the good stuff. This month has just been one whirlwind month of crazy adventures, fun experiences and all around good times. This is my third year doing BEDApril and it has yet to disappoint me. My mom was telling me today that she doesn't know how I do this, how I can always find something to talk about, day after day. She said for her, it would feel like a chore or an obligation, not something she would find fun. I guess that's what it all boils down to: it's still fun for me. I love sitting down at my laptop each day and figuring out what words are going to be pouring out of my fingers. Sometimes, I come up with ideas earlier in the day, sometimes they hit me just before I start writing, and sometimes I have no idea what I'm going to talk about until it's all typed out and I reread it. The point, I guess, is that I don't dread blogging. I mean, I don't think I could ever blog every day for 365 days (I would never put anyone through that torture!) because at that rate I would eventually run out of things to talk about. But when it's only thirty days, when there's a specific start and a specific end and I know it's only going to be for a set period of time, I don't lose my steam. I still enjoy doing it. I look forward to sitting down and writing every day. And, I mean, there are still the days when I sit down and stare at a blinking cursor for a few minutes because I really can't think of what to say. But I think that's OK. I mean, how boring would it be if I had all my BEDA posts planned out in March, and didn't take into account any of the things that happened during April! That would take all the fun and spontaneity out of this whole experience!
I guess what I'm trying to say is that BEDA is still fun for me and it doesn't feel like something I have to do, but something I want to do. And as long as I still want to do it, I will continue to do it, year after year.
I'm so glad you all joined me on this awesome adventure, whether you've been reading for the past two years, just started this month or just started today! I hope you will continue to follow me and see where this adventure takes us!
Days until camp: 26
PS. Not quite ready to give up yout daily dose of Seana? I understand. Check out my youtube channel tomorrow for another little something special! :)