Tuesday, April 30, 2013



I spent all day today packing.  It was my last day here, so I really had no choice other than to pack.  I may have procrastinated packing for over a week, but I still got it all done in time.  Although I did do about 95% of it today sooo...

Anyway, I went out tonight for frozen yogurt with some friends (the last four days are probably the most social I have been this whole semester!).  My friend Diana is also leaving tomorrow, so it was the last night here for both of us.  Honestly, I thought I'd be home by, like, ten at the latest!  I mean, frozen yogurt is not exactly an activity that takes all night, you know?  Anyway, a few of us girls ended up hanging out at the 24 hour Starbucks and then in the McDonalds parking lot until after 2am, and I didn't get home until 2:30!  My flight is at 7am, which is in less than four hours.  I had planned to wake up at 4, and the cab for the airport is picking me up at 5.  So as soon as I got home I finished the last little bit of packing I had to do.  I had planned to sleep at least a couple hours tonight, but now that is just not happening.  I mean, I'd have to wake up in forty minutes anyway, so what's the point, really?  Besides, I really don't want to risk sleeping through my alarm and missing my flight.  And I know I'll sleep on the plane, I always do.  Plus I have pretty much all afternoon tomorrow to take a nap.  Sleeping is not at all an issue for me.

OK, now I'm just rambling because of how tired I am.  Tomorrow is the last day of BEDA and I promise, cross my heart and hope to die, that it will not be late.  And hopefully it won't be so rambly.

Days until camp: 25


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