Friday, April 19, 2013

Bein' Lazy

I have now been on summer vacation for over two days and I have done... absolutely nothing.  Other than eat, sleep, watch so many episodes of Gossip Girl and youtube videos and go to work, I have literally done nothing.  OK, I know that sounds like I've done a lot but, other than working at the pool, pretty much everything else I've done involves sitting in my room in front of my computer.  I'd love to spend some time outside, even if just going for a walk, but the weather has actually been pretty gross here lately.  Hopefully it'll warm up soon so that I can enjoy a little bit of St John's before I leave at the end of the month.

Anyway, I had plans for things I needed to do: film some videos! Go to the grocery store! Start packing!  And I have not done any of those things yet, at all.  I mean, I know I need to take a break, I did just finish another semester of university.  But none of the things on my to-do list are really that difficult or taxing.  So, I have big plans for tomorrow of actually getting stuff done.  Here's hoping they actually happen!

Days until camp: 35 (five weeks today I'll be there!)


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