Monday, November 19, 2012


Hey... how's it going?  How you doin'?  You come here often?
Because I obviously don't.

Rememeber that time I didn't blog for over two months... yeeeea.  I don't even have a decent excuse!  I mean, I've been in school but I haven't been overwhelmed by it (at least, not any more than usual).  I have been making a lot more videos and posting them more consistently, but that isn't a huge time suck.  And, of course, I'm doing NaNoWriMo* this year, but that's only been for the past two and a half weeks; what was I doing the other five and a half weeks??!

I think the issue is that I like to have a specific topic to blog about.  It doesn't have to be really deep or anything elaborate or crazy intense.  But there has to be some point to why I'm writing.  I really don't want to write "this is what I did today" type posts.  I mean, I wouldn't want to read that, so why would I expect other people to want to read that?**  Even when I was doing BEDA and blogging every single day for a month, there was hardly ever a blog that didn't have a point.  Even if the point was "tonight, I watched Titanic with my roommates, it was fun, I'm going to miss them this summer" there was still some general theme or topic of the post.  Anyway, in the last couple months, I haven't had anything specific I wanted to blog about.  Maybe this is because I have been making more videos, so I've been saying what I want to say there instead of here, I don't know.  But what I do know is that I really enjoy this blog.  I enjoy writing it and I enjoy knowing that people read it, and I really enjoy when those people leave comments (hint).  So I'm going to try my best not to neglect this for the rest of the year.  I'm not going to make any kinds of promises or anything, but I can say this will not be the last post of 2012.  I refuse to let that happen.

As always, if you have ideas for possible blog topics, leave them down in the comments. :)

love <3 br="br">

*As I'm writing this, I'm at just over 32,000 words, so I have eleven days to write 18,000 words.  No problem.
**If you really want to know what I do each day, check my twitter.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

So You Think You Can See

I've never really gone into a lot of detail here about my childhood and my teen years.  I'm a much different person now than I was ten years ago, or even five years ago, and I usually don't see a lot of reason to dwell on that part of my life.  Those of you who know me probably have some idea as to the things I went through in my preteen and teen years (and if you don't you can ask; I'm pretty open about it all).

Anyway, this story starts in the spring of 2004.  I'd already been through some pretty tough stuff, but things were finally starting to look up; I could finally see the light at the end of this horrible tunnel I'd been stuck in for over three years.

At this point I was fourteen years old, in the last couple months of grade eight.  I was excited to finally be done with middle school, and I was really looking forward to high school, to all the new experiences that would come with a new school.

I woke up one April morning (I can't remember the day of the week) and thought it was going to be like any other day.  I started getting ready for school: I showered, got dressed, ate breakfast, brushed my teeth, did my hair.  Just before it was time to leave for the school bus, I was putting on some makeup.*  I closed my left eye to put on some eyeliner, no problem.  But then, when I closed my right eye, I couldn't see anything.  It was completely black.  I knew this wasn't normal.  I blinked a few times, rubbed my eye, looked around for a huge eyelash, or anything that could be preventing me from seeing, but there was nothing.  I tried again but still couldn't see anything from my left eye.  This was when I knew there was a problem.

I went and told my mom, and she told me that I already had an optometrist appointment booked for the next week.  Personally, I think she thought I was making up and/or exaggerating what was happening.  I've asked her about it since, and she says she believed me, but I was pretty dramatic back then** and I don't think I would have believed me.

Anyway, a couple weeks later, I went and saw my optometrist.  First, he checked my right eye, with the chart of letters, and I was fine, no problem, almost 20/20 vision.  Then he covered my right eye, so he could check my left.  He asked me if I could read the letters, and I told him I couldn't, that it was all black.  He adjusted the chart and asked me again, and I said it was still all balck.  He did some tests on my eye, and some looking around, and he told me there was definitely a problem.  Unfortunately, because he was just a check-up optometrist who gives out prescriptions for glasses, he didn't have any of the equipment necessary to determine what exactly was wrong with my eye.  So he referred me to an opthamologist who was right in my town.  I went and saw him that same day, and he told me there was something wrong with my retina (at the back of the eye; it sends the image you see to your brain, so you know what you're seeing).

I was referred by the opthamologist to see a retinal specialist at a hospital in Scarborough.  He told me that there was scar tissue on my retina (basically, there was a scar on the inside of my eyeball).  He then referred me to another retinal specialist, at Toronto Western Hospital in downtown Toronto.  When I finally went to see him, he told me I would have to have surgery on my eye, so they could remove the scar.  It was probably late May or early June when I saw him for the first time, and he wanted me to have the surgery as soon as possible.  But, I was spending most of that summer at camp (duh) so we were able to postpone to surgery until the fall.

The surgery itself wasn't that bad.  I had already had four other surgeries, so I was kind of used to the whole process.***  Plus, it was a day surgery, so I was able to go home that same day; I didn't have to spend the night at the hospital.  But, it was the recovery that was a real problem.  When they took the scar tissue out of my retina, they put a bubble in my eye to protect my retina so that new tissue could grow.  But, if I was sitting normally, the bubble would float to the top of my eye and my retina wouldn't be protected at all.  This meant that, for the two weeks following my surgery, I had to be face down basically all the time, so the bubble could go to the back of my eye and my retina could heal.

We were able to borrow a portable massage table from a neighbour and I spent most of my time lying on that.  I also had a lot of visitors every day: friends, family, people from our church.  Honestly, I don't remember how I ate or went to the bathroom or even walked around my house when I was bent over, face down, all day every day.  I was only allowed to lift my head for brief amounts of time every morning and night, when I had to get eye drops.  I was also back and forth to the hospital every day or every other day.  It was an hour drive, at least, each way.  I don't remember how I spent that much time in a car, being face down.

Even after those two weeks were up, my recovery wasn't over.  I had to wear sunglasses all day every day for another three months**** and I couldn't do any physical activity.  I was also at the hospital again once every week or ten days.  It was definitely the hardest six months of my life so far, and I was in a very dark place.  I was not a happy person.  The worst part was, the surgery didn't even work.  I still can't see out of my left eye.  I suppose they could do it again, try again, but... there's no way I'm going through all that again.

Anyway, the reason I'm telling you all this is because that surgery was eight years ago today.  Although I can still only see from one eye, I don't really let it affect me any more than it has to.  I don't get any kind of special treatment because of it, nor I would I ever expect anyone to treat me differently.

I don't want sympathy, I just wanted to share this story with you.
Hope you have a great day :)
<3 p="p">
*I don't remember wearing makeup in grade eight, nor do I have any idea why my mom would let me wear makeup at that age.  But that's the only reason I can think of for why I would have closed only one eye that morning. Unless I was winking at myself...
**And I'm not at all dramatic now!
***Well, as used as you can be to surgeries.
****I had just started high school, at a new school where I didn't know anyone. I disappeared for two weeks, then came back and had to wear sunglasses all the time. Way to make a good first impression...

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Tata 2012

Remember that time that it was already September second and I have no idea where the summer went? Oh yea, that's right now.
I am actually completely shocked at how quickly the last four months went by.  They were so busy, so filled with camp, fun, friends, kids, laughs, sunburns, bug bites, salt water, and one of the best times of my life.  I cannot put into words how amazing this summer was for me.  Between the campers who's lives I tried to change, the co-counsellors who kept me sane, and everyone who changed my life... I think I'm in denial about this summer being for real over.  I keep thinking it's time to go back.  I fly back to St John's the day after tomorrow, and start school the next day and work at the pool the day after.  It just doesn't seem real.  I feel like I should be flying back to camp.  This is just a little break, a few days off to rest and relax.  This isn't the end.  It can't be.

I dedicate this post, and the next nine months of my life to: Nico, Curtis, K3, RJ, Aidan, Ronnie, and Sean; Jade, Julie, Zoe, Kathleen, Josianne, and Daphne; Karolan, Karlanne, Jenny, Janie, Sarah, Sarah-Jane, Jade and Kelly; Joe, LouLou, Oceanne, BiiBiie, Emma, Manu, Caro, and Van; Camille, Christina, Jessica, Kassandra, Biancka, Alison, Angelique, and Megane; Alicia, Alissa, Emma, Sara, Raven, Skylar, Gracie, and Tiffany; Captain, Pixie, Blink, Twix, Tigre, Swipe, and Teslin.
That is just a start to all the amazing people who have had a huge impact on my life this summer. I love you Tatamagouche. You'll forever hold a special place in my heart. <3>

Monday, April 30, 2012

The End... for now!

Well, I'm not really sure how this happened, but today is April 30th.  As in, the last day of April.  As in, the end of BEDA 2012.  This month has gone by so fast, I honestly don't know how it happened.  I mean, it feels like just yesterday that I played an April Fool's joke on two of my best friends, and I worked on getting over my usual writing insecurities and got down to the good stuff.  This month has just been one whirlwind month of crazy adventures, fun experiences and all around good times.  This is my third year doing BEDApril and it has yet to disappoint me.  My mom was telling me today that she doesn't know how I do this, how I can always find something to talk about, day after day.  She said for her, it would feel like a chore or an obligation, not something she would find fun.  I guess that's what it all boils down to: it's still fun for me.  I love sitting down at my laptop each day and figuring out what words are going to be pouring out of my fingers.  Sometimes, I come up with ideas earlier in the day, sometimes they hit me just before I start writing, and sometimes I have no idea what I'm going to talk about until it's all typed out and I reread it.  The point, I guess, is that I don't dread blogging.  I mean, I don't think I could ever blog every day for 365 days (I would never put anyone through that torture!) because at that rate I would eventually run out of things to talk about.  But when it's only thirty days, when there's a specific start and a specific end and I know it's only going  to be for a set period of time, I don't lose my steam.  I still enjoy doing it.  I look forward to sitting down and writing every day.  And, I mean, there are still the days when I sit down and stare at a blinking cursor for a few minutes because I really can't think of what to say.  But I think that's OK.  I mean, how boring would it be if I had all my BEDA posts planned out in March, and didn't take into account any of the things that happened during April!  That would take all the fun and spontaneity out of this whole experience!

I guess what I'm trying to say is that BEDA is still fun for me and it doesn't feel like something I have to do, but something I want to do.  And as long as I still want to do it, I will continue to do it, year after year.

I'm so glad you all joined me on this awesome adventure, whether you've been reading for the past two years, just started this month or just started today!  I hope you will continue to follow me and see where this adventure takes us!

Days until camp: 26

PS. Not quite ready to give up yout daily dose of Seana?  I understand.  Check out my youtube channel tomorrow for another little something special! :)

Sunday, April 29, 2012

Fun Times in SJ (with something special!)

Well, ladies and gentlemen, I have a very special treat for you today.  In the just over two years that I have been doing this blog, it has always been me talking.  I've quoted some friends, and elaborated on things that I have heard other people say, but it has always been my thoughts, ideas, and words.  Well, today I have a guest blogger for you!  Take it away Kerry!

Hi everyone.  My name is Kerry and I am Seana's mother.......yup!!!  Be very afraid...there are two of us!!!  I arrived on Friday and we are having a great time.  It all started on Friday evening...we were invited to a dinner party and after dinner, guest musicians started to arrive.  Totally awesome!  I haven't met a Newfoundlander yet who couldn't play an instrument and/or sing!!

Saturday we went chasing icebergs!  This is my 5th visit to St. John's and I finally got to see an iceberg!  We went to Quidi Vidi and the sight of that iceberg was absoluely breathtaking...worth the wait!!

 When Seana came home after work, she introduced me to "Hot Problems".  I now have a whole new vocabulary!!  We were planning to go up Signal Hill today, after church but it was so windy and we really did not want to blow off the hill, so we'll leave that for another day.  Tonight, we are going to see "The Drowning Girls" at LSPU Theater.  Should be a wonderful performance!

Man...I love it here!  Sadly, we will be leaving late Tuesday and for me it will be back to reality and work.  For you it will be 4 months of quiet time!lol Just kidding Seana....or not!
Until next time......

Well, if you didn't already know that my mom and I are alike, the proof is in the writing! I added a picture of us just for fun.  This is a selfie we took at Christmas and is one of my favourites of us.  It's pictures like this that make me realize how alike we look.  Although, we were out shopping a couple days ago, and the woman who worked there commented that we looked a lot alike, all our facial features were practically identical.  Huh.  Well, I do hope I look that good when I'm her age.  That won't be for a really, really long time though! haha (Payback for calling me loud!)

Days until camp: 27

Saturday, April 28, 2012


Today has actually been the most exhausting day of my life (I say that every time my mom and I spend a day together).  But, all things considered, it was a pretty fun day.

I got to see icebergs with my mom, which was actually so fun.  We went to the same place I went last weekend, but the icebergs had flipped and they looked way different today.  My mom and I have always said there are three things we want to see in Newfoundland: icebergs, whales, and moose.  We've seen some icebergs a couple times, but they were always either really small (ice cubes, not bergs) or really, really far away.  Today was the first time both of us got to see them upclose, and it was a pretty substantial one at that!  We also heard a big crack sound, which sounded like it was the berg starting to split.  And there was a smaller one up front that we saw turn almost 180 degrees.  It was really cool.

Then we went to this yummy vegetarian restaurant downtown that we love for lunch.  I was just there last month with a friend from out of town, but mama hadn't been there in a year, so it was extra special for her.

I know BEDA is almost over, but I really don't want these last few posts to be the style of "this is what I did today".  I always try really hard to avoid that as much as possible, because I know people don't want to read that.  So if you have any ideas for stuff you want to see/read in the next couple days, please let me know!  I am always up for suggestions, and now would be the perfect time!

Days until camp: 28 (4 weeks today!)

Friday, April 27, 2012


Guess who's here!!!

That's right, my mom flew into town this morning!  I woke up (relatively) early to wash my sheets and finish as much packing as I could.  Then I went to the airport to surprise my mom!  I mean, obviously she knew I would be here, she's here to visit me!  But I told her I wasn't going to the airport to meet her, because I couldn't get a ride.  She thought she'd just take a cab to my house and meet me there.  But, I did have a ride to meet her at the airport, so I decided not to tell her and surprise her!  I mean, it wasn't some huge surprise or anything, she was only seeing me twenty minutes earlier than she thought she would be.  But I love airport reunions, so it was really fun for me to surprise her there.

Once we got her bags and everything, we went back to my house and completely finished packing up all my stuff.  I don't have any pictures or anything of all my stuff, but let's just say... I have a lot.  Like, a lot of stuff.  If/when I move back to the mainland, it is going to be a huge pain in my butt to try and transport all that stuff.  But that's not for a while now, so never mind.

After we were done packing, I made lunch for us at my house, and we hung out with my roommates.  I'm pretty sure I'll see all of them again before I leave, but it was still fun to hang out with them for one last time (again!).  Then mama and I walked over to the bed and breakfast where we're staying this weekend and checked in.  We could have stayed at my house for the weekend, it certainly would have been cheaper, but as this is a vacation for us (mostly her) we decided it would be better to stay somewhere else.  And we always stay at the same bed and breakfast, so they know us and we know them, which is awesome!

Once we were checked in and had all our stuff in our room, we went for a walk around downtown.  Today was a really nice day, really sunny and pretty warm, although it was really windy.  We didn't really do any shopping or anything (well, I didn't) but it was nice to get out in the sun and walk around.

Now, we're getting ready to have dinner with the people who own this B&B, which should be a lot of fun, I'm excited.  I'll let you know tomorrow how it went!

Days until camp: 29

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Deathly Hallows

Tonight, as my last night in my house until September, wasn't going to be a very special night.  I mean, I'm still not done packing (of course I'm not!) and with Jenny already gone back home, and Julie out (I think) I really didn't think I'd be doing anything exciting or remotely social tonight.  Well, I thought wrong!

OK, that makes it sound like I had some sort of huge going away party or something, which I totally didn't.  But I spent my evening watching Deathly Hallows Part 2 with Sabrina.  We're both huge Harry Potter fanatics, and we've talked all year about watching the movies together, but with school and work and other such committments, we hadn't had a chance to watch any of them together until tonight.  We'd both seen the movie plenty of times seperately, but it was really fun to watch it together for a change.  We both noticed things the other didn't and it was fun to share perspectives on a movie we both loved so much.

Basically what I'm saying, yet again, is that I love the girls I love with and I'm really going to miss them this summer! (#hotgirlproblems).

Days until camp: 30

PS. In order to get this up before midnight, I didn't have time to go into any of my opinions on any of the Harry Potter movies, but if you want me to, let me know in the comments! :)

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


First things first: you need to watch these video.  Need to watch it.  I have reasons! They are:
  1. It is the funniest thing I have ever seen in my entire life.
  2. The rest of this post will make no sense if you haven't seen it.
OK, here's the video:

Now, before you turn those judging eyes on me (for the second day in a row!) for loving this video, you have to know that I love it because I find it beyond hilarious, not because I think it's true, in any way.

OK, so now that we have all seen the video (probably more than once... hopefully more than once) and laughed about it (if you don't find this funny, I'm sorry, but I cannot help you), let's just talk about the idea of hot girl problems.  When people complain about something, or have problems, especially when people tweet about it, they usually call their problems "first world problems" which makes sense.  I mean, most of the things I have to complain about would seem ridiculous compared to problems that are happening in third world countries.  But, I think we should abandon "first world problems", and now rename all our problems "hot girl problems".  Like, whenever something's wrong or you're having any kind of problem, it's obviously because you're hot.  Hot girls have problems too, right?  We're just like you!  So, why not call out our "hot girl problems" every time this happens?  Like, tonight, I was hanging out with my roommates, and everytime one of us said or did something that was a "problem", we labelled it a hot girl problem, and it was hilarious.  So, I dare you to label all your problems hot girl problems, because why the hell not?!

Days until camp: 32

PS. Watch the video again.  Please.  I don't want to be the only person in the world who's watched this video a doen times in one day.  It's another one of my addictions!
PPS. You should probably also watch this interview they did with Good Morning America.  Obviously, they don't take themselves very seriously, and were making this to be funny.  So no hating! :)

Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I literally have nothing to talk about tonight.  Today, I woke up earlier than I wanted (hey, body! It's summer vacation! Sleep in while you can!!), watched more episodes of Desperate Housewives than I can count (yes, I am rewatching the entire series. Problem?), worked for a few hours (easiest shift of my life) and procrastinated packing for all the other hours of the day.  My mom is flying in Friday morning, and I promised her I would have my entire room packed by the time she got here (apparently, she doesn't want to spend her vacation packing my stuff; go figure!).  Everytime I look around my room, and think about what I need to pack, I think that, although I have a lot of stuff, it really won't take me that long and I can probably do it all in one day.  So if I had just done it today, I could be pretty much done, and I would have the next two days to devote solely to Desperate Housewives (turn those judging eyes away from me!).  But, of course, it'll only take me a day to pack, so why not wait until Thursday, the last possible day that I can pack?!  Procrastination is a bitch.

I honestly have no idea what I just talked about.  Sweeeeeet.

Days until camp: 33

Monday, April 23, 2012

Titanic (Part 2!)

Sorry last night's post was so short and hurried, I just really wanted to get it up before midnight (11:59, yea baby!)

OK, so, last night was the last roommate night for me and the girls I live with.  It was the last time all five of us would be together until September.  So we decided to just hang out at home, and watch a movie, and we somehow decided to watch Titanic.

So something that you need to know about our house is that we don't have cable, because we're all cheap, so we never watch TV.  The oddest part of this is that we actually have three TVs, so our living room looks kind of ridiculous.  Plus, all three TVs are really old and don't really work.  So you can imagine how difficult it was to all watch a movie on a TV that cuts in and out constantly, so that sometimes we could see the movie, and sometimes all we could see were wavy static-y lines.  The best part was when the TV did not let us see the scene where Jack and Rose have sex in the car.*  I mean, we had all seen the movie before, and we all knew what was happening.  But it was like our TV had decided that we weren't allowed to see that part of the movie.  It was a pretty hilarious moment.

All in all, it was a great evening spent with great people.  I know I've said it before, but I love my roommates and I'm really going to miss them this summer.  At least we're stuck with each other next year, too!

Days until camp: 33

*Spoiler alert? haha

Sunday, April 22, 2012


Waaaah, I have eight minutes to post this!  Pressure!!!!

Tonight was another "roommate night" for me and the girls I live with.  Jenny is leaving Tuesday morning for the summer, and I'm leaving on Friday, so this is the last night we could all spend together until September.  Plus, today is the 20th birthday of our friend April, so this was definitely a celebration night.  We had chocolate cake for April's birthday, and we watched Titanic.  I'm not sure why we decided to watch Titanic, of all movies, but I am certainly not complaining!  Titanic is one of my all-time favourite movies, and I really, really want to see it in 3D* while I can.  However, we were all in such silly moods, plus we have the oldest TV ever, so it was a rather hilarious evening.

It is now 11:57, so I'll talk more tomorrow about my last night with my roommates, and how much I adore them. <3

Days until camp: 34

*Does anyone know how long it's going to be in 3D for?  I don't want to miss it.

Saturday, April 21, 2012


You know those days when the weather perfectly reflects your mood?  Like one day last week, when I was really stressed out about exams and I was altogether hating the whole concept of university, it was really rainy and dreary out.  It was a perfect reflection of how I felt that day.  Well, today was also a perfect reflection of my mood: it was sunny, hardly any clouds in the sky; it was so warm out, well over zero.  It was the best day I could have asked for, as far as my first full day of summer vacation is concerned.

One of the little harbours just on the edge of town has been home to some icebergs this week.  So many of my friends have been posting pictures of them with the icebergs this week, and I was so jealous that they had time to go see these beautiful parts of nature.  Well, this afternoon, I went with three of my roommates and one of our friends to go see these beautiful icebergs.  Here are some pictures I took (to prove I was really there!):

What a beautiful way to start my summer vacation!

Days until camp: 35

Friday, April 20, 2012


You know those moments, when you're falling alseep at night, and you're kind of half asleep?  You're not really asleep, you're still aware of what's going on, but you're not as conscious as when you're fully awake.  Yea, those moments are when I get the best ideas for blogs.

A few nights ago, as I was falling asleep, I had this idea to write something about book-to-movie adaptations.  I've been thinking about it since then, and it seems like a pretty good idea, so here we go!

OK, in the last few years, there have been some pretty big book-to-movie adaptations, namely Twilight, Harry Potter and The Hunger Games.  In all three cases, people who were fans of the books first have made a huge deal about how closely the movie stuck to the book.  And, I mean, there's obviously the major plot points that need to happen to follow the story, and character development that needs to happen, especially if it's part of a series, which these three all are.  But it's still an adaptation of the book.  That means that it's similar to the book in the major ways, but not exactly the same.  And I think a lot of people forget this.  I mean, I totally understand that when you really love a book, you want the movie to be exactly like it.  I have totally felt that exact same way.  But it seems like sometimes people forget that the movies are based on the books, they aren't a word-for-word interpretation of the book.  I feel like as long as the major plot points are covered, and the author is happy with it, then that should be good enough for the rest of us.

What also really gets me are the adaptations like The Princess Diaries and Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants.*  I've read those books, and they are not at all like the movies!  I mean, the first Diaries is pretty close to the books (plural; there are a dozen books in the series, and the first movie is an adaptation of the first, like, three books in the series) but the second movie has absolutely nothing to do with anything in the books at all.  And with Sisterhood, the first movie encompasses all the major plots points of the first book, but it totally cut out some of the characters in the book!  Like in the book, Bridget has a twin brother who doesn't exist in the movie.  And I know Lena's younger sister is in the second movie, but I'm pretty sure she isn't in the first movie at all.**  And then, the second movie was an adaptation of the fourth book!  They pretty much completely cut out the second and third books!  And, I mean, I agree that four movies would have been a bit much for this series.  But if they cut out two books in Twilight or Harry Potter, people would have lost their minds!***

I guess my point is that these movies were absolutely nothing like the books in so many ways, and yet no one makes a big to do about it.  But heaven forbid they have a character from The Hunger Games say something differently than it is in the book and everyone has a fit.  I think we all need to remember that these movies adaptations of the books, and not word-for-word carbon copies.

Days until summer: NONE!
Exams until summer: NONE! SUMMER VACATION!!
Days until camp: 36 (five weeks tomorrow!!)

*I started rereading Sisterhood the other night, that's what got me thinking about all of this.
**I haven't seen the movies in a while, so this may not be completely accurate.  Feel free to correct me if Effie is in the first movie!
***Myself included, at least as far as Harry Potter is concerned!

Thursday, April 19, 2012


What did I do today?  Well, I woke up around 6am and thought it was 6pm and almost had a heart attack that I had slept through the entire day and missed my exam.  Weirdly, this is not the first time this has happened in the past week and a half.  At least three times since exams started I have woken up before my alarm went off, and thought it was late afternoon, not early morning.  I have no idea why this has happened.  Never before in my life have I looked at my alarm clock, seen the time, and thought it was twelve hours later than it actually was.  I've figured out that this is happening because when I wake up, just a little bit, I feel like I've been asleep for way too long and I therefore assume that it can't possibly be only 6am, but my clock clearly says 6:00, so it must be 6pm.  I must say, it is quite terrifying, thinking that you've slept through the entire day!  I mean, if it was after exams, or the weekend, or whatever, when I can, theoretically, sleep through the entire day, then it wouldn't be that bad.  I mean, it would be bad, but it would be far less traumatic than if I slept through an exam, or a necessary day of studying.  Anyway, apparently I sleep too much and don't know the difference between morning and evening.  Sweet.

Speaking of sleeping, dreams.  Just dreams.  I think dreams are, like, the coolest things ever.  I went through a period of time, during high school I think, where I never remembered any of my dreams.  Like, any of them.  But in the last few years, I've started remembering a lot of dreams.  Not all of them, but most of them, I think.  My dreams are always so crazy and ridiculous, and I think it's so funny.  My dreams almost always have something to do with things that have been going on that day.  Like lately, in the past couple weeks, a lot of my dreams have been about exams and marks and passing and stuff related to school.  But all of my dreams have some sort of weird twist to them that just makes them totally unrealistic.  And it always kind of baffles me just how my brain works, to create these totally bizarre scenarios that make absolutely no sense.  But then, there are the dreams that I have that have nothing to do with anything, at all.  For example, I often have dreams that I am pregnant.  And, I mean, there's the dreams where I'm in, like, my third trimester, so that isn't very realistic.  But having dreams that I'm pregnant actually really freaks me out.  Like, does it mean something?!  I don't think dreams mean much of anything, but I mean, what is going on in my subconscious brain that is creating these stories of pregnancy?  I just think it's really weird, and also slightly frightening.  What does it all meeeeean?! haha

Days until summer: 1
Exams until summer: 1
Days until camp: 37

PS. I've been thinking about filming a video talking about dreams wih somebody, and I would really like to do it next week, before I move back to Ontario.  So if you live in St John's, I actually know you, and you want to talk with me about dreams on camera, let me know soon!!  I'm actually totally serious about this, but you have to be comfortable talking in front have a camera! haha Let me know if you're interested!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2012


OK, the history of my life can be chronicled through movies.  I have always loved watching movies and, to me, they are a huge social event.  Pretty much every major social gathering in my life has involved movies, in at least some capacity.  I own an exponentially large number of movies, and I watch them pretty much whenever I can.  For me, taking the time to watch a movie is very relaxing.  I find a good movie to be very soothing and calming.

Another thing I enjoy is rewatching a movie I love.  I've discovered in the last few years that some people don't like rewatching movies they've already seen, and that baffles me.  I mean, if I watch a movie that I don't really like* then I won't rewatch it.  But if I like a movie, why wouldn't I rewatch it?  Most of the movies I own, depending on how long I've owned them, I have watched at least a dozen times, if not more.  If I like a movie, why wouldn't I want to rewatch it?  I mean, if I liked it the first time, why wouldn't I like it a second time, or a twenty-second time?

The one thing I can understand are mystery/suspence movies.  If you're trying to figure out "who dun it" throughout the movie, then rewatching it while already knowing "who dun it" could be annoying for some people.  Personally, I like rewatching movies when I already know the end.  I find I pick up on more of the subtleties in the movie, things I didn't notice before because I was too busy looking at all the other big parts of the movie.

Let me know how you feel about rewatching movies numerous times, and if you have any criteria for if you'll rewatch a movie or not.**

Days until summer: 2
Exams until summer: 2
Days until camp: 38

PS. After reading the comments on yesterday's post (read it here) it turns out that tap water has a different taste than filtered water.  I have never personally noticed this taste, but I believe that it's there!  Also, one of my roommates pointed out to me that the refrigeration of water gets rid of the taste more than filtration.  So, if you've ever put tap water in the fridge, let me know if you notice a taste difference.  I just want to know more things about water!!!

*Which rarely happens, because I am such a movie snob.  I will rarely watch a movie that I don't think I'll like.  I can be a very annoying person to watch a movie with.
**That was the most awkward sentence I've ever written in my life!

Tuesday, April 17, 2012


You know what really bothers me?  When people will only drink water if it comes out of a filter.
OK, that sentence immediately makes me a hypocrite, because I drink water out of the Brita filter we have.  But, I really only do it because the filter is kept in the fridge, and the water is therefore colder.  But I have no problem drinking water the comes from the tap.

I just totally don't understand people who won't drink water out of the tap.  I mean, you brush your teeth with tap water.  You wash your dishes with tap water.  You shower with tap water!  But you won't drink tap water.
I guess I can understand why people don't want to drink it.  I mean, it could have different chemicals and whatever in it that you don't want to put in your body.  I totally get that.  But you use that water to clean everything you use to cook your meals, plus what you use to eat those meals.  And, on top of all that, you use that same tap water to clean your entire body!
So, how is drinking tap water any different from cleaning pretty much everything with it?  I'm actually really curious, let me know!  Or tell me what you think on tap water/filters.

Days until summer: 3
Exams until summer: 2
Days until camp: 40

Monday, April 16, 2012


Today is really one of those days when I just have nothing to write about.  I've started, and deleted, two posts already in the past half hour, mostly because they just seemed silly and ridiculous.  Plus, I feel like yesterday's post was just too funny, and needs to be read again (and commented on...maybe, I don't know...whatever).  So I'm going to link you back to yesterday's post, and encourage you to reread it, and let me know some things the Internet has taught you.  Plus, if you have any suggestions of things I can write about in the next two weeks, definitely let me know!  The more ideas you give me, the more this can feel like a conversation and not a monologue (or a soliloquy*, that would be awesome... what's the difference between a monologue and a soliloquy? Let me know!).
Days until summer: 4
Exams until summer: 2
Days until camp: 42

PS. CLICK HERE TO GO BACK TO YESTERDAY'S POST! Or just scroll down, because I know you are a super intelligent person and can totally handle that.**  Cool story, bro.
PPS. If you've already read yesterday's list more than once (like I have) and still really want/need to procrastinate (like I need to), I remind you that there are over two years worth of posts on here.  So, you know, if you were wondering what I was doing two years ago today, you could totally find out.

*Definitely Googled how to spell that word. Internet, for the win!
**That sounded super sarcastic, but I swear it totally wasn't!!

Sunday, April 15, 2012

One Fifty

Yesterday's post was my one hundred and fiftieth post on this blog, and I wanted to do something cool and exciting for it.  Unfortunately, I didn't even start writing until 11:45, because I was having so much fun with my roommates, and I knew fifteen minutes was not enough time to write something as good as what I wanted.  So the milestone was postponed until today.

Those of you who know me know that I love any and all milestones.  Really, I just love having a reason to celebrate, and anything that makes that possible is good for me.  So, even though 150 is not necessarily a significant milestone, I am still going to do something special to celebrate.  Plus, I didn't even acknowledge my two-year anniversary of this blog earlier this month, so this post will make up for it.  PLUS, as of today we are know halfway through BEDA!  Yup, today's post definitely has to be significant.

I've been on the Internet now for over a decade.  I got my first email address when I was eleven, and have been slowly building up my presence since then.  I had a myspace, back when it was still relevant.  I got a facebook when myspace started to die out, and then I was introduced to youtube, among many, many other websites.  Needless to say, I have learned a lot from the Internet in the last decade.  So, today I am going to give a list of 150 things the Internet has taught me:

  1. You can see the Eiffel Tower from every window in Paris.
  2. You can see the CN Tower from every window in Toronto.
  3. You can see the Statue of Liberty from every window in New York.
  4. Cats have a purpose.
  5. And so do some dogs.
  6. All news can be learned from Twitter.
  7. Facebook is for birthdays.
  8. And pictures of: your kids;
  9. You, from a sideways high angle;
  10. Your wedding;
  11. Your pets;
  12. Your self-indulgent photobooth pictures of yourself.
  13. People who say they hate makeup tutorials are liars.
  14. Paperless billing...what?!
  15. When using skype (or other video-chat programs) people only look at their own face.
  16. Things are either:
  17. Epic,
  18. Fails,
  19. Or epic fails,
  20. There's nothing in between.
  21. People love Doctor Who.
  22. Trending topics are the only reason I can participate in discussions in the real world.
  23. Drunk Facebooking,
  24. Drunking Twittering,
  25. Drunk Tumblring,
  26. Are all hilarious
  27. And dangerous.
  28. People hate typos in tweets.
  29. The red battery signal, that your battery's getting low, causes anxiety.
  30. A lot of anxiety.
  31. The red squiggly line under the word that you thought was spelt right, but now you really don't know, causes anxiety.
  32. A lot of anxiety.
  33. Tumblr being down causes anxiety.
  34. A lot of anxiety!
  35. You can buy anything on
  37. Facebook ads are made by blind children.
  38. You can learn how to do anything on youtube.
  40. You can learn how to open a wine bottle with no corkscrew or opener on youtube.
  41. If someone doesn't have their own wikipedia entry, they just aren't important.
  42. Untagging yourself is offensive.
  43. Your profile pic says everything about you.
  44. Your profile pic says nothing about you.
  45. When celebrities make vlogs... it's weird.
  46. If you have quoted song lyrics on your profile, you are probably a douchebag.
  47. There's a fetish for everyone!
  48. I'm sorry, but I don't care if you're getting a cold,
  49. Have a cold,
  50. Getting the flu,
  51. Have the flu,
  52. Getting over a cold,
  53. Or getting over the flu.
  54. If you are in the army, navy, or military and you make a video:
  55. Singing;
  56. Dancing;
  57. Singing and dancing;
  58. Asking a celebrity to go out with you,
  59. Singing and asking a celebrity to go out with you;
  60. Dancing and asking a celebrity to go out with you;
  61. Singing and dancing and asking a celebrity to go out with you,
  62. It will be a viral video.
  63. If I said "yes" to your facebook invite, I'm probably not going.
  64. I would rather shop online than in real life.
  65. Why don't keyboards have a
  66. .com
  67. wtf
  68. lol
  69. lmao
  70. button?
  71. Girls love taking pictures of their
  72. feet
  73. hands
  74. eyes
  75. hair
  76. jewelry
  77. shoes
  78. the sky
  79. food.
  80. I love food blogs.
  81. Those pictures with the text over them are called image backrows.
  82. But I call them pictures with text over them.
  83. Just because you use Instagram doesn't mean you're a real photographer.
  84. It feels like people are having children solely for the potential of a web video.
  85. "Retweet" is a word in our vocabulary.
  86. We probably all have cancer.
  87. Lindsay Lohan is so sad.
  88. A picture of you planking? Cool story, bro.
  89. Children are idiots.
  90. Photoshop is the greatest invention ever made.
  91. Aside from the Slap Chop.
  92. That thing is awesome.
  93. I have Google Searched how to spell three-letter words.
  94. Just because you have a picture of yourself playing guitar doesn't mean you're going to get on
  95. Canada's Got Talent
  96. The X-Factor
  97. American Idol
  98. The Voice
  99. Glee.
  100. People love Glee.
  101. People hate Glee.
  102. Gleeks will kill you.
  103. You can star an email!
  104. Pics or it didn't happen.
  105. People actually use facebook chat.
  106. Yes, I did forget my password, you condescending website!
  107. Oh, that was my password?!
  108. Why did I make that password?
  109. I should write that down.
  110. People falling down is always great.
  111. No Google, that is not what I meant!
  112. ...Yes, it is what I meant.
  113. Getting reblogged/commented keeps my spirit alive.
  114. No, I will not follow back.
  115. Sub4sub? Get out!
  116. Google docs are NOT doctors that work at Google.
  117. Everyone knows everything about everything.
  118. You don't have a blog?!
  119. What the...?
  120. Frozen? Just turn it off and turn in back on.
  121. "David After Dentist" will have sex one day.
  122. You're not really laughing out loud.
  123. Don't tell me "brb"
  124. Just say goodbye.
  125. Oh really, an entire facebook album dedicated to your new tattoo?
  126. I need to clean my keyboard...
  127. OK Cupid? Really?
  128. Not even Yay Cupid!
  129. Or Super Cupid!
  130. But OK, Cupid, what garbage do you have for me today?
  131. Zoosk is the funniest
  132. and stupidest website name ever.
  133. Shotgunning a beer is
  134. Fun
  135. Hard
  136. and hilarious.
  137. Control T.
  138. Google+... what even?
  139. Everyone loves saying they've read an article on The Huffington Post.
  140. It's not a viral video,
  141. it's an ad campaign.
  142. Jennifer Aniston is not so good at making viral videos.
  143. Twins are only good if they're doing something funny.
  144. If you see it, you should blog it.
  145. Whipped cream vodka exists.
  146. Think of anything in the world, right now.
  147. It's probably a flavour of vodka.
  148. When your mouse batteries die, it is the end of the world!
  149. I hate lipdubs.
  150. I can't stop watching lipdubs!
Days until summer: 5
Exams until summer: 2
Days until camp: 43

PS. I got most of the things on this list (OK, all of them) from this video.  Stealing other people's ideas is just another thing the Internet has taught me.
PPS. Anyone who actually read that whole list is a champ!!

Saturday, April 14, 2012


I love my roommates.

I was extremely unfortunate in the two years I lived in residence to have horrible roommates.  My first year, I had one roommate who slept all day and was drunk all night, and another roommate who was legitimately crazy, and I'm pretty sure she was planning on killing everyone.* My second year, my roommate and I said less that 50 words to each other during the entire eight months that we lived together.  After those two years, pretty much anyone could have been considered a good roommate.

And I was extremely fortunate last year to live with four amazing girls who I consider all good friends.  We all got along so well and had so few things to fight about that we made up stupid arguments about nothing just to be silly.  However, all four of them graduated at the end of last year and moved out.  I was so sad that I couldn't spend another year living with them, but at the same time I was really excited about the four new girls who were moving in.

Our landlord rents out each room individually, instead of renting out the whole house to a group, so I had no say in who got to live here.  Fortunately, I knew and liked all the girls who were moving in, and I was really excited about living with them.

The five of us have now been living together for eight months, and I have to say it was been an amazing eight months.  Obviously, we all have little quirks that can be annoying (Sabrina pees every 10 minutes, Julie showers five times a day, Jenny's always whistling and Natasha never leaves her room! ...I'm sure I do things that annoy them as well!) but overall we all get along really well.  Tonight, for example.  We all should have been studying for exams, or at least doing something productive.  Instead we spent a couple hours in the kitchen, just talking about anything and everything.  We then moved to the living room, where we watched the movie Something's Gotta Give and Julie did our hair in little twirly, bun-shaped cones all over our heads (we look like Scary Spice, no joke).  It was so fun to forget about school for a few hours and just have fun and veg out.  It really reminded me of how much I'm going to miss these girls over the summer, and how excited I am that the five of us are all living together again next year.

I love my roommates.

Days until summer: 6
Exams until summer: 2
Days until camp: 44

*We found a butcher's knife in her desk drawer.  I didn't sleep for a week.

Friday, April 13, 2012


First things first: guess what was on my exam this morning?  NOT any of the metabolic pathways I spent all day yesterday memorizing!  This is a good news/bad news thing: good news because I'm not entirely sure I would have able to reproduce any of the pathways, and I actually knew most of the questions that were asked.  But, bad news because I wasted a lot of time memorizing stuff I didn't need to know.  Either way, it's over now and I feel pretty good about what I did.

OK, no more talking about exams.  I took the entire afternoon off from studying, my only break for the next week, and I don't want to spend all of it talking about exams.

So what I really wanted to talk about today was some great news I found out last night--one of my very good friends from camp just got accepted to MUN, and is moving here next year!  I'm really, really excited that him and I are going to living in the same city next year.

One thing that sucks about how I spend my summers (the only thing that sucks, believe me!) is that the people I work with are from all over the country.  One guy that I worked with the last two summers goes to the same school as me, but we don't see each other very often (haven't seen you all semester, mister!!).  It's such a weird transition to go from seeing these people every day for three months and living in very close quarters with them, to not seeing them at all, ever.  Plus, because I go to school on an island, it's not even like I can go on trips on the weekends and visit people who go to other schools.  If I wanted to visit anyone, I would have to fly to see them.  And, as much as I love my friends from camp, I can't afford to be flying to the mainland all the time to visit people.

So, the moral of the story is, I am so excited to have another friend moving to the island.  Next year, I'll have one less person to miss.

Days until summer: 7
Exams until summer: 2
Days until camp: 45

PS. Happy Friday the 13th! I hope no one had too unlucky of a day.  I actually love Friday the 13th, it's my favourite day of the whole year!  I know that seems weird, because most people dread it so much, but what can I say, everything I do is weird.  My favourite Friday the 13th story actually comes from when I was in elementary school.  Once every month or so, my mom and I would go to Subway for lunch, as a treat.  We would always go on a Friday and one time, it landed on a Friday the 13th.  The Subway we would go to was really close to a high school, and a lot of the high school students would go there for lunch, and it would get really busy.  If we left my school as soon as lunch break started and walked fast, we could make it there right before all the high school students showed up and we wouldn't have to wait in a long line.  BUT, on this Friday the 13th, I don't remember why, but we didn't leave the school early enough, and we thought by the time we got to Subway, there would be a huge line of high school students, and there was no way we would be able to eat and make it back to my school before class started again.  But, when we got to Subway, there was almost no line!  And there should have been!  We got there way later than we normally did and there should have been a line out the door!  But there wasn't.  And that is why I don't think Friday the 13th is unlucky.

Thursday, April 12, 2012


Sometimes I wonder why I'm in university.
I mean, I know at exam time everyone kind of wonders that* but it isn't just during exams that I have these thoughts.  I mean, I'm at the end of my fourth year, with only two semesters left of my degree, so I'm obviously not going to drop out now** but I'm still not entirely sure why I'm even in university.

In reality, I want to work with the Tim Horton Children's Foundation for the rest of my life, in some capacity.  It's a multi-million dollar organization that runs all year round and employs people all over the country to keep it running, even during the off season, when there aren't campers there.  I don't think it's that far-fetched to want to work with them as my career, basically until I retire.

OK, so why do I need a university degree to do that?  I mean, I already have a foot in the door, as I am already an employee of the Foundation.  I could just keep working my way up the corporate ladder over the years and learn as I go.  And, I mean, nothing I'm learning in university is going to help me anyway.  I mean, how is a biochemistry nutrition degree possibly going to help me when it comes to working with the Foundation?

The problem, aside from the fact that I am four years into this degree, is that I actually find nutrition extremely interesting!  I mean, a lot of the stuff I have to learn, like all the chemical structures I needed to know for my exam yesterday, or the metabolic pathways I'm studying today, is totally useless and I'll never need to know it for anything in real life.  But some of the stuff we learn, the things that relate directly to what we eat and what we put into our bodies... I find that so interesting and have absolutely no problem learning it and understanding it.  It's not just memorization, like with the structures and pathways.  I actually understand it and will remember it even after the exam.  I even had this idea that, after I graduate, while working for the Foundation, I could be a freelance writer for magazines, or something, and write nutrition articles about things that we deal with every day, and things that people can relate to or understand.  Doing that, even part time or on the side, sounds like something I would love, and might actually be really good at!***

If only I didn't have to memorize all these metabolic pathways.

Days until summer: 8
Exams until summer: 3
Days until camp: 46

*PLEASE tell me it's not just me!
**Unless that dream I had the other night, in which I failed all of my courses this semester, was prophetic.  Because, if I do fail everything this semester, there's a good chance I'll just live at camp for the rest of my life.
***And we all know how much I love to write!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Stress Mess Dress

It's another one of those "staring at the blinking cursor with no idea what to write" kind of days.  Today was just such a dull day.  I slept in two hours past my alarm, again, which just made me feel so great about my life.  I wrote my first final this afternoon, which went decently well.  It's nice to finally have one down, and be that much closer to being done the semester.  And, since I came home from the exam, I have been procrastinating like it's nobody's business.  I have my second final Friday morning, and I seriously, desperately need to study for it, but I just can't bring myself to get started.  This is the course for which I have to do the most memorizing, of chemical structures and metabolic pathways, and it just feels so daunting and overwhelming that, of course, the natural thing to do is to just hide it and pretend it doesn't exist, obviously.  Oh boy, tomorrow I am going to be a hot mess of stress* and anxiety.  So, you know, hugs and/or baked goods and/or chocolate is more than welcome to be brought into my life.  Just, you know, feel free.

Days until summer: 9 (single digits! woohoo!!)
Exams until summer: 3
Days until camp: 47

*That wasn't supposed to rhyme haha.

Tuesday, April 10, 2012


Today was probably the most beautiful day we've had so far this year.  It was super sunny, it was pretty warm, it wasn't windy.  All in all, it was a totally gorgeous day.  And I had to spend the whole day inside.
It was horrible.  Exams have got me feeling more stressed and overwhelmed than I have felt in a long time.  I don't usually get very stressed out, especially by school.  I get anxious when it comes to writing exams, but in the days leading up to exams, I rarely experience overwhelming stress.  This past week, however, has been one of the worst for me, stress-wise.  I think it's because all of my courses are mandatory for my degreee, they all have a lot of information that I need to know, and they are all hard.  While talking to pretty much everyone I know, I have heard (multiple times) things like, "I haven't started studying, my first exam is my easy one," or "My first exam will be really hard, but the ones after that will be really easy."  I don't have an easy one!  All of my exams will be extremely difficult, they are all worth a ridiculous percent of my final grade, and if I do poorly in even one of them, it is likely I will be set back an entire year in my degree.  But, you know, no pressure or anything.
I just reread what I wrote and I feel like such a whiner, which is just bad for everyone.  I don't want to be annoying* but this is just how I feel today.  I just really can't wait for the next ten days to be over so that I can focus on summer and camp and the things that make me happy, and I'm good at.  School is so not my thing.

Days until summer: 10
Exams until summer: 4
Days until camp: 48

*Although, I mean, you are reading this by choice, and you knew what you were getting yourself into with this!  I warned you!

Monday, April 9, 2012


We all have those moments in our lives that we remember forever: our grade 12 prom, graduation, our first post-grad job.  The moments that mean a lot to us, that help shape us into the people we become later in life.  Five years ago today, I had one of those moments.
Ninety-five years ago, World War I was taking over in every possible way: few places in Europe were safe, nearly every male over the age of 18 (and many under) from North America was over there fighting, and women were taking over, for the first time.  On April 9, 1917, the battle of Vimy Ridge was fought.  Many say that this battle was what gave Canada a name with the rest of the world.  In this battle, 3600 Canadian soldiers were killed in one day.  Five years ago, 3600 Canadian students travelled to the sight of the battle of Vimy Ridge to celebrate and remember the 90th anniversary of this battle.  I was one of those students.
I literally can't even describe how it felt to be part of history in that way.  Each student was assigned a soldier who died in Vimy, a soldier that they would be representing.  We got to research them, learn about them... get to know them.  It's weird, to know so much about someone who lived so long before I did, who's not related to me, who really has nothing to do with me.  Except... well, he has everything to do with me.
I find it really difficult to express what this day means to me.  Learning so much about someone, especially someone who died for our country... it has a profound effect on you.  I find that I think about him, Alfred Libby, my soldier, on a way more regular basis than I should think about someone I've never met.  Maybe that seems silly, that I think about him more than I think about some of my blood relatives.  And yea, maybe it is silly.  But somehow, it just seems right to me.

Days until summer: 11
Exams until summer: 4
Days until camp: 49

Sunday, April 8, 2012


I love giving things to other people.
I know how cliche that sounds: people always say that it's better to give than to receive, but how often do most of us actually feel that way?  I don't think I know anyone who doesn't get excited about opening the gifts other people have gotten them, for Christmas or their birthday.  We are definitely a "gimme" society, always wanting things for ourselves from others.  But, at the same time, I know how great it feels to find the perfect gift for someone.  Getting them exactly what they want.  Watching someone open a gift that you know they are going to love does give me a very warm feeling on the inside.
I was thinking about this because of the Easter holiday that is this weekend.  Most people think of Christmas, or even Thanksgiving, when thinking about holidays that are about giving.  Christmas has a huge emphasis on showing love through the giving of gifts.  Even Thanksgiving, although it involves minimal gift giving, is still a holiday that is all about being thankful for everything you have and have been given.  Hardly anyone thinks of Easter as being about giving,* and that just doesn't seem right to me.
Easter weekend is completely and entirely about Jesus Christ giving his life so that we wouldn't be punished for our sins.  How is that not the ultimate example of giving?  And, I mean, he knew that we would love it, that it was exactly what we needed, even if we didn't know we needed it.  Maybe it seems extravagant for someone to die for people who would live two thousand years later.  And yea, maybe it was extravagant.  But who says that the extravagant gifts are any better or worse than the simple gifts?  And somehow, His gift seems to be as simple as it is extravagant.
I guess what I'm trying to say is, think of the best gift you've ever given someone, and the remember how great it felt when they opened it and loved it as much or more than you thought they would.  Then multiply that feeling by about a million, and that's how great Jesus feels when we "open" this gift that He has given us.
This is the day the Lord has made,
let us rejoice and be glad in Him!

Days until summer: 12
Exams until summer: 4
Days until camp: 50

*Except the giving of chocolate.  No one every forgets about the chocolate.

Saturday, April 7, 2012


I have been thinking all day about what I could write about today, but I wasn't really coming up with anything.  Then I went to work and had probably one of the worst shifts ever.  I have never been so angry and upset with someone in such a long time.  So then I was going to write this really vague, passive aggressive post about what happened and why I was so upset and blah blah blah.  But, of course, no one wants to read that.  I don't even want to read that, and I would be writing it!  So, needless to say, there will not be a passive aggressive post tonight.
However, this still leaves us with the problem of me having not much to talk about tonight.  Oh, don't go to the grocery store at noon on a Saturday between two statutory holidays.  The place was a total zoo and I quite hated myself for being there at that time.  But I needed groceries, so it was a thing that had to happen.  I also bought some fun things, and I'm going to do some really creative, interesting cooking in the coming weeks (procrastination at its finest).

Days until summer: 13
Exams until summer: 4
Days until camp: 51

love <3

Friday, April 6, 2012


Well, ladies and gentlemen, it has finally happened.
What has finally happened? you may ask.
Well, disembodied question, let me just tell you: we have finally reached the day in BEDA where I don't really know what to talk about.  I have been staring at a blinking cursor for way too long, not knowing what to type.  Additionally, I just realized that I'm going out for the evening and doubt I'll be back before midnight, which means I need to post something immediately.
Today was the first day of no classes, which meant it should have been a very study-filled, super productive day.  And I had every intention of that happening.  Except... well, I get distracted very easily, and for long periods of time.  One thing usually leads to another and the next I know, I've wasted five hours on things that I find much more interesting, but that have absolutely nothing to do with the subjects I need to be studying.  Needless to say, large amounts of studying will need to be done tomorrow.

Days until summer: 14
Exams until summer: 4
Days until camp: 52

love <3

Thursday, April 5, 2012


Those of you who know me, or who have been following me online for a while, will know that I lack the ability to pick favourites.  Seriously, it's like a chronic disease.  Do you have any idea how debilitating it is to not have one favourite of anything?  Like, I don't have one favourite colour, I have three.  I don't have one favourite flavour of ice cream, I have, like... six?  I don't have one favourite movie, I have five.  What a terrible life this is!

However, even though I never have favourites, I do have this tendency to become really obsessed with things.  Like, so obsessed that it's basically an addiction.  In the last month or so, I have become addicted to several new things, and I am now going to tell you all about them, to give you better insight as the what goes on in my brain.

iPod Apps
As I told you a couple days ago, Draw Something has totally and completely taken over every part of my life.  It has now gotten to the point where I can't even function when I'm not at home because I just want to know what my friends are drawing for me!  I JUST WANT TO KNOW!!
Prior to the discovery of Draw Something, I was obsessed with Fruit Ninja, which I still love.  But I've decided that the lack of competition against other people has made it not as fun as it once was.
I've also been playing a lot of Sudoku lately, which I'm still quite addicted to.  It's gotten to the point where I have dreams about solving difficult puzzles.  Yea, it's that bad.

Oh boy, guys.  Just... oh boy.
Apparently, I am an eleven year old girl when it comes to the music I listen to, that's how bad it is.
About a month and a half ago, I saw someone post this video on Facebook, so I watched it, and of course I immediately became obsessed with it.  Like, to the point where I would watch it at least twenty times a day.  I had heard of Carly Rae Jepsen long before this, and I'm pretty sure I had heard the song before, but I guess it never really made an impression on me.  However, there was something about this video that made me just... fall in love with the song.  I don't think it was the celebrities who were in it, because they're all a little young for me.  I think it was that it was a video of a bunch of friends having fun and goofing around.  It reminded me of something my friends and I would do on a boring Wednesday night.  Either way, Call Me Maybe is currently one of the biggest addictions in my life.
Another song that I am quite addicted to is this song.  I had never heard of One Direction before a friend introduced me to this song, but I think they are just adorable and precious.  Again, they're a little young for me, but I think they're kind of like the Backstreet Boys (or N*SYNC) for this generation.  Either way, I think they are presh, and I am head over heels in love with this song.  It is the kind of song that, if a guy sang it to me, I would fall instantly in love with him, no questions asked.  Yup, getting me to love you really is that easy.

Youtube has always been a pretty big part of how I spend my time.  None of my really good friends post videos, but all of the people who (unknowingly) got me started in blogging and vlogging have pretty big presences online, and I enjoy keeping up with them.  However, I also really enjoy discovering new people, which is something I've been doing more and more of in the past couple months.  Right now, I am completely obsessed with DailyGrace.  I have spent the last couple days watching all the videos she has posted on youtube (almost 400...yeeea) and I can honestly say she is one of the funniest people I have ever seen in my life.  I don't know how it took me this long to find her, but I am so glad that I finally did.

So those are some of the things that are currently taking over my life.  Do what you will with this personal information about me and my life.

Days until summer: 15
Exams until summer: 4

PS. Today was the last day of classes for this school year and, honestly... I am confused as the where the last eight months went.  This year has gone by so quickly and it actually makes me kind of sad.  I mean, don't get me wrong, I am overjoyed to be that much closer to graduating and never having to do any more school again.  But at the same time... it just feels like my life is going by way too quickly!  Does anyone else feel the same way?

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I like laughing.  I do it really loud and obnoxiously, and usually anyone within a two kilometer radius can hear me when I laugh.  I also laugh a lot, and at pretty much everything, including things that not a single other person in the world finds funny!*
I also really like making other people laugh, but that's not today is about.  Tomorrow I'll make people laugh.  Today, I laugh.

Someone that never fails to make me laugh is Ellen Degeneres.  She's a talk show host, she has her own show, called Ellen, which I sincerely hope you all watch, because it really is hilarious.  She's also written some books, the most recent of which was published last year.  I got this book as a Christmas gift and it is honestly one of the funniest things I have ever read.  I read it in, like, a day and a half and I don't think I stopped laughing the entire time.  Pretty sure my mom regretted giving it to me at the beginning of my time at home and not the end.  YOU KNEW WHAT YOU WERE GETTING YOURSELF INTO!!
Anyway, as I was falling asleep last night, I had this idea that I could just start copying out chapters from her book and post them as my blogs every day!  Obviously I wouldn't do that, but would anyone even notice?  I mean, if I changed the details that are specific to her life and stuff like that.  I can't do it now, because I just told you all about it... or can I!?
And now you know some of the things that go on in my brain.  Lucky you.

Days until summer: 16
Exams until summer: 4

*Dead puppies! Bahahahahah!**
**OK, funny story.  Last month, I was hanging out with some friends and one of them starts to tell a story and he goes, "You know what's really sad?" and before he could start his next sentence, I answered, "Dead puppies!" because that was the first thing I thought of that was really sad.  Everyone then laughed, and someone said that it was the only time they would find dead puppies funny.  But it's not the only time I find dead puppies funny!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

High School Reunion

For probably the first time, ever, in the history of BEDA, I actually have too many things that I want to talk about today.  I know, right!  How is that even possible?!  Yikes!  So I'm just going to pick the first one that I thought of and go with it, and maybe one or both of my other ideas will make an appearance this month.

So, you know how when you're a kid, you do something that seems totally normal at the time but, as an adult, looking back, you're like "What were my parents thinking, letting me do that?!"  I'm mostly talking about TV shows and movies, in case that sounded extremely ambiguous.  Like, I have memories of being quite young and watching Seinfeld with my dad.  I know it's not the worst show in the world, but for a seven year old... not totally appropriate.  Or, I used to watch Grease all the time growing up, and it wasn't until a few years ago that I finally picked up on all the inuendos and realized how extremely not child-friendly that movie is.*  I had another similar experience this week.

When I was younger, I spent a fair amount of time at my cousins' house.  Or maybe it just feels like I spent a lot of time there, I'm not sure.  I remember, almost everytime I went there, my cousin (who is almost the same age as me) and I would always rent a movie, and for a while there, we would always rent the same movie: Romy and Michele's High School Reunion.  I hadn't seen this movie in almost ten years, and the only things I remembered about it were that one of the girls from Friends was in it, and the two main characters lied about inventing Post-Its.  Even though my memories of this movie were quite vague, I remember absolutely loving it.  So, when I was at the store last week and saw it selling for only $5, I knew that I just had to buy it.  And then, as you do with movies that you buy, I watched it.  WHY DID OUR PARENTS EVER LET US WATCH THAT MOVIE?!
I mean, all of the themes are adult centered, and no child could possibly understand them, which I guess is OK.  But the language!  And the extremely obvious references to sex!  I can understand why our parents would rent it the first time, not having any real idea what the movie was about.  But then why would they rent it for us again?!  I feel like such a huge part of my childhood has been a lie!

Have you had a similar experience, where something from your childhood turns out to be not quite what you remembered?

Days until summer: 17
Exams until summer: 4

love <3

*Although, in all honesty, as a child, I'm pretty sure I just loved it because of the songs and never actually picked up on the storyline.  Except at the end, when Sandy totally changed who she was to get Danny to like her.  Totally got that part of the plot.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Draw Something!

Guys, I have a confession to make.  This is pretty serious.  OK, here goes...
Draw Something has taken over my life.

Does everyone know what Draw Something is?  It's like an online game of Pictionary.  I play it on my iPod Touch and, honestly, when I downloaded it nine days ago, I thought I would have a lot of fun with it, which I am, but I never thought it would become as huge as it has.  All of last week, I would usually only get one, maybe two pictures a day, and I was OK with that.  I could handle that.  But now... it has just gotten ridiculously out of control.
I went to work this afternoon, and was out of my house for five hours at the most.  As I play on my iPod, and have no data plan, I have to connect to a wifi network to play, and don't have wifi at work.  So I was away from any and all new rounds/games while I was out of the house.  As you could probably guess, I came home to this:

What...what even!?
I wake up in the morning and have to draw for at least five people.  I come home from work and there's four more waiting for me.  Since I took this picture, I drew new things for three of these four people, and at least two of them have already drawn something back.  HOW DID THIS GAME GET SO BIG?!
The worst part is, I actually really love playing this game, even though I'm quite terrible at it, which means that I can't just stop playing it.  Plus, I have this weird need to never leave things unfinished, which means that if I know there are games waiting for me, I can't just leave them there and not guess their drawing and/or draw something new for them.  If I know there are games waiting for me, I have to play them!  And, apparently, most of the people I'm playing against have this same need, because they keep sending me games!  It is just a vicious circle of drawing and self-loathing... right?

Days until summer: 18
Exams until sunmmer: 4

love <3