Well look at that, it's the last day of BEDA. As much as blogging every day this month has been kind of a headache, I will admit that it has gone by very quickly. I know I say this at the end of BEDA every year, and I really say it at the end of every month, but I can't believe how fast everything is going, how fast life is going.
Speaking of life going by quickly, today is the tenth anniversary of Mean Girls. I remember going to see it in theaters when it first came out, and it really is hard to believe that it's already been ten years. This movie had such a huge impact on our society and culture as a whole, and it feels like it's only been around for a couple years, definitely not ten.
I have watched Mean Girls probably over 50 times. Realistically, it's probably been more than that, but I don't really want to admit how truly obsessed I am. Because I think Mean Girls is the kind of movie that everyone needs to see at least once, tonight I watched it with my mom for the first time. She said she had never seen it before, but somehow I don't quite believe that. I mean, she's been related to me for the entire time that Mean Girls has been a thing; how have I never made her watch it before??
Either way, she claimed to have never seen it yet, so we watched it together tonight. It is such a funny movie, one of my favourites, and is so quotable. Let me know your favourite quote in the comments!
Days until cruise: 8
PS. Now that BEDA is over, I honestly don't know how often I'll be blogging. Last year, I didn't post anything from the end of BEDA 2013 to the beginning of BEDA 2014. I'd like to say that I'll post something between now and next April, but really... who knows? If you have any requests or suggestions for future posts, definitely let me know! I really will try my best to post at least once or twice a month, but as always, I'm not making any promises.
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