Sunday, April 20, 2014


I have been sitting here, staring at a blinking cursor for at least ten minutes, trying to figure out what to write about today, and I legitimately have no ideas.  I even briefly considered talking about the weather, that's how little inspiration I have right now.

Have you ever had those friends that you're not really sure how you became friends with?  I mean, when we were younger, we befriended people we went to school with and people we did extracurricular activities with.  As we got older and started working, we became friends with people we worked with.  For most of the people that I'm good friends with, I can pinpoint a time or reason that we became friends.  But then there are some people, when I think about our friendship, I literally have no idea how we became friends.  I don't mean this in a bad way, I wouldn't be friends with someone if I didn't want to be.  But with some people, I cannot remember the moment we went from being peers or acquaintances to being friends.

Has this ever happened to you?  Do you have friends where you have no idea how you became friends with them?  Let me know in the comments, because I really need to know that it's not just me!

Days until Toronto: 9
Days until cruise: 18


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