Saturday, April 17, 2010

Jennifer Coolidge

I am posting early because I'm going out tonight and I don't know what time I'll be back.  And tonight, I'm not going to be antisocial!  I'm not, I'm not, I'm not!!!!!!

So not much happened today.  I was woken up from some much-needed sleep by some of the rudest people ever who didn't even try to whisper.  Really?  You're an adult, you can't get away with being rude, and then not even apologizing for clearly waking me up.  Sometimes I just don't understand people.  Oh well.  Only four more days of having a roommate in such close proximity!  Woot!

I really should have spent a large portion of today studying, as I have an exam on Monday and an exam on Tuesday.  However, I felt that I should take some time off.  So I watched a movie.  Which movie?  A Cinderella Story.  With Hilary Duff.  Don't judge me, it's a cute movie!  Plus Jennifer Coolidge is in it, and she is just hilarious.

Books read this year: 17
Exams left until summer: 2

love <3


  1. I hear you on that one! Although my roommate was never rude like that, everybody needs their own space! I'm guessing you decided to move out after?

    have fun tonight! :)

  2. Yea, I'm living off campus.
    My roommate this year had very little consideration or respect for anyone other than herself. It was a very frustrating year, to say the least lol.
