Friday, April 23, 2010

Bay Roberts

Today was such a fun day!  I spent it with one of my very best friends from university.  Us, and our moms, spent the day in her hometown.  It's just a small commuunity about a half hour outside of the city, but somehow, during a year and a half of friendship, I've never made it out there.  But today we did, and it was gorgeous!  We wanted to see a moose (we didn't), an iceberg (there aren't any-no ice!) and a whale (it's too early in the season, but we think we saw one!  It was off the the distance, so we're not sure...but there's no one to tell us it wasn't a whale, so we're saying it was!).  All in all, it was a really good day, and we had a lot of fun.

Last night, we went downtown, and actually spent some time with the parents of the lead singer of Stereos!!  When they were in town earlier in the week for the Junos and for the concert, the lead singer, Pat, stayed at the same bed and breakfast that we're staying at!  He was gone by the time we checked in, but his parents are still here, so we went out with them last night.  His mother even took my mailing address and said she's going to get Pat to sign something and send it to me!  How exciting is that?!  It was a pretty good night, all in all.

Books read this year: 18 (still working on Crow Lake)
Days left until home: 2

love <3

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