OK, I know. But! I have a gift for you, a gift to make up for my extended absence.*
The reason for my slightly-over-a-month-long absence can be explained with one word: school. Turns out, being a fourth-year biochemistry student is hard. Like, really, really hard. I feel like all I do is schoolwork, all day everyday. And I'm not even a big studier! I hate studying! I do it only when necessary. But alas, it turns out studying is kind of always necessary when you're in your fourth year of a science degree. Go figure.
Do you ever ask yourself, "What if..." when you make a decision? I know I do. Every single day, with nearly every single decision I make, I second guess myself and wonder what would have happened if I'd chosen differently. What if I had cereal for breakfast instead of toast? What if I had coffee instead of tea? I know these seem like silly things. I mean, my day would probably be no different based on what I have for breakfast. But then there are the bigger decisions. What if I chose to go to UBC for university, instead of coming to MUN? What if I had chosen to work somewhere else during the summer? My life would be one hundred percent different if I went to school on the other side of the country, different in a way I cannot even imagine.
What really got me thinking about this was, well, the story of Adam and Eve. I mean, it's the ultimate what if story. If Eve hadn't eaten the apple for the tree of knowledge of good and evil, and shared it with Adam, our world would be absolutely nothing like it is now. It would be all Garden of Eden, all good stuff, all happiness. None of the bad stuff in our world would exist if they hadn't eaten that apple; if being the key word of that sentence.
What are some things in your life you've ever wondered what if about? How do you think your life would be different if you had chosen the other way? Let me know in the comments!
love <3
PS. I'm thinking of trying something new. I think I'm going to start posting a video a week, on the same day every week. I think I'm going to make that day Tuesday, it's the best day for me. I'm giving you, my wonderful blog readers, the advanced notice of this new endeavour. Plus, now I have at least, like... two people to keep me in check with this challenge!
PPS. I need something to count down at the end of my blog for this year! Last year, I counted the number of flights I had taken, the year before the number of books I read. Now I need something new! Leave me some suggestions in the comments!
*Can't find the gift? Try clicking on the word gift.
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