Those of you who know me will know that I am terrified of heights. Like, an immobilizing fear. I cry. God, I hate heights.
Some of you may also know that the camp I work at has a giant "swing" for the kids. They get hooked in, hang in the air, get pulled up on an angle to their desired height, pull a string and swing down. I've done the swing before (four times last summer, once this summer) but I've never gone higher than halfway and I've never really enjoyed it all that much.
So this morning, my boys' activities were the swing and the climbing wall. We were at the swing first, and all the boys had had a turn and we still had twenty minutes left before we were supposed to switch. One of the other counsellors, Shine, hadn't done the swing yet this summer and really wanted to do it. None of the other counsellors there wanted to go, so for some unknown reason I agreed to go with her.
Like I said, I've never gone higher than halfway on the swing before, but this time I was kind of freaking out and not really paying attention to how high we were going and, well... we ended up going all the way to the top! Ahhhhh!
Here's some photo evidence that it actually happened:
love <3
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