You know how sometimes, you do something multiple times and it seems like no big deal, and then you do it again and you realize... you absolutely love it?
I'm talking about flying, and nothing else. I've been flying since as long as I can remember, and it always just seemed so natural. I traveled a lot as a child, to Europe and all over the US. Because I started flying at such a young age, it never freaked me out or made me nervous, the way it does a lot of people. But at the same time, flying was never really anything special, because I did it so often. Even as a teenager, when I didn't travel as much, flying just seemed natural.
But then, within less than two weeks, I flew five times for work. Five times. In less than two weeks. And during these ten hours (total) of time at 40 000 feet in the air, I realized something very important about myself: I absolutely adore flying. Like, it's my favourite thing, pretty much ever. Which is probably a good thing, because I'm going to be taking at least ten more flights before the end of the summer.
The funny thing is, most people who love flying only love it when it's smooth: a smooth take-off, no turbulence, and a smooth landing. I, however, love it even when it isn't smooth: both of my flights yesterday had turbulence, albeit not terrible, and I was loving every second of it. I mean, turbulence is a little scary, but I was still loving it all.
So basically, the moral of the story is that I love flying and will be doing an excessive amount of it this summer, which is probably a good thing.
In other news, session two of camp starts tomorrow and I am loving my life. I have thirteen-year-old French girls and, while I'm slightly nervous that my French won't be quite good enough, I'm still really excited! Session one, I had ten-year-old boys and it was so great. I wanted a boys cabin all last summer and I'm so glad I finally got one. But I'm ready to go back to the girl cabins, for sure.
love <3
PS. How are your summer's going? Relaxing? Full of work? Cold and wet, like mine? Or hot and sunny? Let me know in the comments! :)
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