So the last four weeks have gone by way too quickly. I can't believe it's been four weeks since I was at school, packing up my dorm room, and moving out of Burke House. I can't believe I've been home for almost four weeks. And I really can't believe that I'm leaving again in three days.
Sunday morning, my dad and I are leaving to drive to Nova Scotia, where I will be working for the summer. We're estimating that the drive will take two days. We're hoping to get ot the other side of Quebec City on Sunday and then drive the rest of the way Monday. I'm planning on arriving at the camp Monday evening, although we don't need to be there until Tuesday morning at 11. So we have a bit of leeway, in case there's really bad traffic or something. But I really hope not. The less time I have to spend in the car with my father, the better. It's not that I don't like my dad, it's just...we have nothing in common. And we don't really get along. Growing up, I never really saw my dad much. He worked in downtown Toronto, so he always left before I even woke up in the morning, and when he got home at night, he would just watch the news or whatever was on TV. And on the weekends, he would always sleep in and nap all afternoon and watch TV. Growing up, I never spent any real time with him. And he and my mom split up when I was eleven, and he moved out. Part of me kind of wishes him and I had a better relationship, but part of me recognizes that I have an amazing relationship with my mom, and a lot of people don't have good relationships with either of their parents, so I'm pretty lucky.
Anyway, when my dad and I only spend a few hours together, and there's other people around, we're fine. But spending two whole days in a car, just the two of us, well...I feel like one of us is going to end up killing the other. This seems like the only solution to driving 1600 km together in two days. Sweet. My mom says I should just put on my iPod and sleep (or pretend to sleep) but I feel like that isn't going to work very well. I don't know. I am not at all looking forward to it, but it'll be over fast enough. As long as we're both alive at the end, then I don't think either of us has the right to complain!
Books read this year: 24
Days left until camp: 5
love <3
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